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The project "Colours and emotions towards quality education" comes to an end

  • May 23rd, 2022
Image of the project in IES Massamagrell

This project is part of the Erasmus+ "Hope & Act: Towards a Pedagogy of Hope, Resilience and Action” coordinated in Spain by the ODS Chair of the UV.

Last Wednesday May 18th IES Massamagrell finished the social project "Colours and Emotions towards Quality Education", developed within the European Erasmus+ project "Hope & Act: Towards a Pedagogy of Hope, Resilience and Action” coordinated in Spain by the Chair for Cooperation and Sustainable Development of the Universitat de València. 

The project has been carried out with the main objective of "improving the quality of education in terms of emotions by transmitting the values underlying Sustainable Development Goal 4". 

Congratulations on the great work you have done and the social impact it has had!
