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The HYBRIDA Group publishes in important scientific journals in its areas of research, in philological, cultural and interdisciplinary studies such as Anales de filología francesa, Arbor, Arte y políticas de identidad, Çédille, Diablotexto, Estudios de lengua y literatura francesas, Europe, Quaderns de filologia and Tebeosfera. Of particular note are the monograph “Itinerancias: dispersión, migración, diáspora” of Mètode (2014) and the issue “Deseo y sexualidades no normativas en el Magreb y la diaspora” of Expressions maghrébines (2017). Apart from the numerous collaborations in international book chapters, the edition and coordination of several volumes on intercultural and sexuality studies, the Group has organised important international colloquia such as Ni moros, ni cristianos (UIMP 2008) or Divercités. Visiones urbanas de lo cotidiano. Culturas en itinerancia (UV 2012). There are currently a dozen doctoral students linked to the Group.