Call for Extraordinary Doctorate Awards for the 2024-2025 academic year Call for Extraordinary Doctorate Awards for the 2024-2025 academic year 20/12/24 Published the Resolution of the Rector for which the Extraordinary Doctorate Awards for the 2024-2025 academic year are convened.[Read more]
Registration period for transversal training activities 2024-25 Registration period for transversal training activities 2024-25 09/12/24 The Doctoral School opens the registration period for the transversal training activities of the academic year 2024-2025 [Read more]
Provisional results for admission to doctoral studies 2024-2025. Extraordinary phase. Provisional results for admission to doctoral studies 2024-2025. Extraordinary phase. 25/11/24 Publication of the provisional list of people admitted to doctoral programs for the 2024-2025 academic year in the extraordinary phase.[Read more]
PREMIS MAVI DOLÇ I GASTALDO A L’ÚS DEL VALENCIÀ EN TESIS DOCTORALS PREMIS MAVI DOLÇ I GASTALDO A L’ÚS DEL VALENCIÀ EN TESIS DOCTORALS 20/06/24 Els Premis Mavi Dolç i Gastaldo a l’ús del valencià i la qualitat lingüística en tesis doctorals tenen la finalitat d'incentivar-ne l’ús i millorar-ne la qualitat de la llengua.[Read more]
Information sessions on doctoral studies at the Universitat de València Information sessions on doctoral studies at the Universitat de València 31/05/24 The Doctoral School organises three information sessions for students about doctoral studies at the University of Valencia. [Read more]
The pre-registration period for the 2024-2025 doctoral programmes is now open The pre-registration period for the 2024-2025 doctoral programmes is now open 25/04/24 The Universitat de València has one of the widest ranges of doctoral programmes of all Spanish universities, with 60 programmes covering all fields of knowledge. Choose your doctorate and...[Read more]
El 10 d’abril es celebrarà la Jornada “DoctoratLAB: Investiga, transfereix i emprén” organitzada per UVemprén i l’Escola de Doctorat de la Universitat de València. El 10 d’abril es celebrarà la Jornada “DoctoratLAB: Investiga, transfereix i emprén” organitzada per UVemprén i l’Escola de Doctorat de la Universitat de València. 13/03/24 [Read more]
Course “Introduction to experimentation: design and data analysis” Course “Introduction to experimentation: design and data analysis” 25/05/23 In May, a course on experimentation was organised by the Doctorate in International Economy and Tourism of the Institute of International Economics of the Universitat de València.[Read more]
Seminar “Brand Equity, Consumer-brand relationship and eWOM: previous studies and future opportunities” Seminar “Brand Equity, Consumer-brand relationship and eWOM: previous studies and future opportunities” 27/04/23 The Doctoral Programme in International Economics and Tourism of the IEI (Institute for International Economics) of the Universitat de València organised a seminar on brand equity, consumer-brand...[Read more]
International Conference “Social Media and Tourism” organised by the Doctoral Programme in International Economics and Tourism of the IEI International Conference “Social Media and Tourism” organised by the Doctoral Programme in International Economics and Tourism of the IEI 03/04/23 On 30 March, the International Conference “Social Media and Tourism” organised by the Doctoral Programme in International Economics and Tourism took place at the Institute of International Economics...[Read more]
The deadline for registration in transversal doctoral activities opens on 5 December 02/12/22 Once the technical incidents have been resolved, the registration period for the transversal training activities of the 2022-2023 academic year will remain open from 10:00 a.m. on 5 December until...
Convocatòria de beques de mobilitat internacional de doctorat 2023 Convocatòria de beques de mobilitat internacional de doctorat 2023 15/11/22 S'ha obert el termini per a sol·licitar les ajudes de mobilitat internacional de doctorat, per a 2023. Les ajudes financian tres mesos en una institució estrangera a fi d'afavorir l'obtenció de...[Read more]