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In accordance with Royal Decree 99/2011, that regulates official teaching of Doctorates, the PhD Diploma will include on its obverse the record “Thesis under a joint supervision with the University U” (University U referring to the other University in which the thesis is carried out) provided that the following circumstances are met:

  • The Doctoral Thesis is supervised by two or more PhDs from two universities, one Spanish and another foreign, which will formalise an agreement for joint supervision.
  • During the training period required for obtaining the Doctorate, the Doctoral Student has completed a minimum six-month stay in the institution in the institution with which the joint supervision agreement is established, conducting research, either in a single period or in several. Stays and activities will be reflected in the joint supervision agreement.

In order to initiate the procedures for the signature of a joint agreement for a doctoral student with another university, the following administrative requirements must be fulfilled:

  • That the Doctoral Student is admitted to a doctoral programme at the Universitat de València and as at the other university who the agreement will be signed with.
  • The form for joint supervision agreement must be submitted to the Doctoral School duly signed by the applicant and those responsible for the Thesis at the Universitat de València (tutor, director and academic coordinator of the Doctoral Programme).

The Universitat de València, in cooperation with the Doctoral Student, will negotiate with the other university the drafting of the agreement, in which it will have to be specified, among others:

  • The co-supervisors of the thesis.
  • The specific periods that the Doctoral Student will spend at each of the two universities. Considering that the minimum stay at the Universitat de València must be 9 months and the minimum stay at the other university must be 6 months.
  • The university where the thesis public defence will take place: regardless of the place where the defence act is carried out, the deposit must be made at both universities.
  • The languages that will be used in the writing of the thesis and on its defence.
  • The university at which the tuition fees will be paid for each of the academic courses: although the Doctoral Student will be enrolled for the entire period at both universities, the fees will only be paid at one university; specifically, each course will be paid at the university at which the Doctoral Student makes a longer stay.
  • The commitment of the two universities, on the basis of a single thesis defence, to deliver the corresponding PhD Diploma, with prior payment of the issuing fees corresponding to each of them.