Universitat de ValènciaEthics Committee in Experimental Research Logo del portal


About the Commission

The Universitat de València knows his social duty and responsibility as a state research organism. As a result, it has created an Ethical Commission in order to efficiently provide answers to the current and future ethical questions that affect the tasks of the university.

On the basis of the foregoing, the Governing Council has approved the creation of the Ethical Commission of the Universitat de València and its regulations. It considers the Spanish and European legislations, the Ethical Declarations of Helsinki and Tokyo, the Bioethical Declaration of Gijón (24th June 2000) and the recommendations of the World Health Organisation.

The Commission will be able to structure Committees and designate lectures, work groups and co-operators that will contribute to conduct specific tasks linked to its competences. Additionally, it will be able to ask for advice to experts and external parties on specific aspects related to its competences. They all will have to follow the principle of confidentiality.

Approved by the Governing Council on the 3rd October 2006. ACGUV 194/2006.