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The Ethical Commission for Experimental Research of the Universitat de València is an advisory organism that assesses the ethical issues resulting from the development of research projects.

If the research protocols affect subjects or biological samples from other institutions, a positive assessment will be needed from their respective ethical commissions or similar bodies.

Any research that includes humans, human biological samples, animals, pathogenic biological agents or genetically modified organisms will be examined. The effect of the research in terms of life and the environment will be also considered.

Approved by the Governing Council on the 3rd October 2006, ACGUV 194/2006. Modified by the CG on the 3rd February 2015, ACGUV 6/2015. Modified by the CG on the 28th February 2017, ACGUV 23/2017. Modified by the CG on the 17th December 2019, ACGUV 262/2019.