Guide for the evaluation of procedures/animal research projects:
Documentation for projects or research requiring a report from this Committee must be submitted by the 15th of each month to
1. Application form for the ethical evaluation of a research/teaching project with animals.
This application form contains the research project to be carried out on animals. It includes the so-called Annex C (in the form it corresponds to Section C. Procedures). If necessary, as many Annexes C as there are procedures (listed in Section 5 of the form) should be submitted. It is important that all sections of the form are completed. Please ensure that you use the most recent version of the form, available via the link below.
2. Non-technical summary.
Summary of the project for public display on the website of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, therefore, any type of information that allows for the identification of specific persons or centres, including the requesting individual, should be avoided. Please note that this is a non-technical summary and limit the length of the texts to the space available, without enlarging or reducing it.
3. Request for authorisation proposals from the person responsible for the animal testing procedure to the user centre.
Fill in and sign. It will be the application signed by the Vice-Principal of Research and sent from the UV to the Valencian Government for its entry registration. Each animal facility (UCIM, Paternal Aquarium Plant, Psychology, SCSIE) will have its own data.
Type of project
A project is a programme of work with a defined scientific objective and in which one or more procedures are carried out.
Type of projects:
1. Type I projects are projects in which all three circumstances occur simultaneously:
- They involve exclusively procedures classified as 'non-recovery', 'mild' or 'moderate'.
- They do not use primates.
- They are carried out to meet legal or regulatory requirements, or for production or diagnostic purposes by established methods.
2. Type II projects are projects in which the following circumstances occur simultaneously:
- They involve exclusively procedures classified as 'non-recovery', 'mild' or 'moderate'.
- They do not use primates.
3. Ethical evaluation form for a research/teaching project with animals.
Previous and express authorisation must be requested for Type II projects and Type III projects, and for Type I projects with procedure/s included in any of the cases of Article 34 of Decree 214/1997, of 30 July.
Type I projects with procedure/s not included in any of the cases of Article 34 of Decree 214/1997, of 30 July will be communicated.
With regard to the classification of the severity of animal testing procedures (art. 27 of Spanish Royal Decree 53/2013, of 1 February), the technical report on testing procedures must include the classification of the severity of the procedure (non-recovery, mild, moderate or severe). Annex IX of the Spanish Royal Decree 53/2013, of 1 February, establishes the classification criteria.