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Photo by Carmen Fly, Layla Martinez
Utopias: art and development


‘Utopias: art and development’

Dialogue between:

Carmen Flys Junquera. Tenured professor of Literature and Ecocriticism (retired), University of Alcalá.

Layla Martínez. Editor and writer.

Presented by:

Ester Alba. Vice-principal for Culture and Sport UV.

Moderated by:

Raúl Abeledo. Academic director of the Cultural Observatory UV.

We live in a present of multiple crises (climatic, health, economic, cultural...) that feed an increasingly dystopian future. Not surprisingly, in recent years we have witnessed a prolific production of books, comics, films and series with post-apocalyptic themes, which often contribute to increasing collective anxiety and fear, leading us to paralysis and conformism: if what is to come is even worse, why fight against the injustices of today? However, in the face of this panorama, there is no shortage of critical voices that claim the need to imagine utopian futures, possible realities that are liveable and hopeful, towards which we can move forward. And on this path, the arts, culture and the humanities have an immense power: to offer us other worldviews, other ways of being and relating to each other and to those non-humans who inhabit the planet with us, contributing to the questioning of dominant values and attitudes, and to the creation of a fairer and more sustainable world.

Face-to-face session – Aula Magna, Centre Cultural La Nau.

Registration is required and free: https://www.uv.es/webinarslanau

Online broadcast – YouTube Channel of the Centre Cultural La Nau: http://www.youtube.com/c/centreculturallanauuv


Date 29 march 2022 at 18:00 to 20:00. Tuesday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Org: Observatori Cultural UV. Fundació General UV

Col: Ajuntament de València. Caixa Popular.


Contact observatori.cultural@uv.es