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Man dressed as a prisoner
Exilio hacia la muerte

Theatre. Culture in campus

Exilio hacia la muerte (Exile into death)

Company: Agrupación Escénica Enrique Rambal

After the play there will be a colloquium on repression and exile with Vicenta Verdugo from the History and Democratic Memory Club of the UV.

The end of the Civil War meant exile for many people in Spain. This is the case of the protagonist of this play and his family. Without knowing it, they were leaving behind the horror of the past in search of a future of freedom, but they were plunged into the Second World War and the Nazi extermination camps. A cruel and true story that could have been the story of thousands of Spaniards.

Free entry, limited capacity


Date 26 april 2022 at 19:00 to 20:30. Tuesday.


Sala Palmireno. Facultat de Geografia i Història

Organized by

Cultura als Campus Vicerectorat de Cultura i Esport UV.


Contact cultura@uv.es

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