Social Movements and Feminism in València in the 1970s
Cycle: Around the exhibition "Valencia, 1972. Towards the Monster City"
Round table
Los movimientos sociales y feminismo en la Valencia del años 70
(“Social Movements and Feminism in València in the 1970s”)
Carmen Aranegui. Universitat de València
Isabel Morant. Universitat de València
Mª José Broseta. AAVV, Federation of Neighbourhood Associations of València
Carles Dolç, arfchitec
Moderator: Josep Vicent Boira. Curator of the exhibition
Presented by: Ester Alba. Vice-Principal for Culture and Society, Universitat de València
Free admission. Limited capacity
Date 8 february 2023 at 19:00 to 20:30. Wednesday.
Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau
Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat UV.