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Talks with Ibero-American university cultural observatories



The UV Cultural Observatory has been invited to participate in the organisation of this event, which is an initiative founded by the Observatório de Políticas de Ciência, Comunicação e Cultura [PolObs] (Observatory of Political Science and Communication) of the University of Minho, Portugal. The event’s organising team also includes the Observatório de Políticas Públicas Culturais (Observatory of Cultural Public Policy) of the University of Brasilia, Brazil.

Starting in April 2024 until March 2025, an online chat will be held on the third Thursday of every month, so that the various cultural observatories, cultural information systems and/or similar types of research centres within the Ibero-American network can exchange ideas. 

These chats aim to:

  • encourage dialogue among Ibero-American cultural observatories;
  • disseminate Ibero-American projects contributing to making culture a focal point of public policies and promoting sustainable development;
  • strengthen the collaboration and support the online work of the Ibero-American territories;
  • identify areas where work can be completed to promote specific cultural goals in the Sustainable Development Agenda beyond 2030;
  • promote the perspective of culture as a global public asset.


Daniele Canedo

Observatório da Economia Criativa da Bahia  (Observatory of Creative Economy of Bahia) | Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo & Manuel Salge

Observatorio del Patrimonio Cultural y Arqueológico (Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Observatory) | University of the Andes, Columbia

Moderated by:

José Gabriel Andrade

Observatório de Políticas de Ciência, Comunicação e Cultura (Observatory of Polical Science, Communication and Culture)| University of Minho, Portugal


No registration is necessary. You can connect directly through the following link:




Date 20 may 2024 at 18:00 to 19:00. Monday.

Organized by

Cultural Observatory of the Universitat de València.


Contact marcia.jadue@fundacions.uv.es

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Price: 0€

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