The Performing Arts Club has among its objectives to promote theatre and dance and to bring it closer to the university world, thus broadening its knowledge in this activity.
The permanent Theatre Workshop lasts for the whole academic year. Sessions are always held on Monday afternoons from 16h to 20h. The workshop ends with a theatre show at the Matilde Salvador Room at the end of May.
At the end of workshop, students will be able to evaluate their experience of the workshop. One of the goals of this theatre workshop is that the student can acquire the basic tools, both vocal, corporal and creative, to be able to participate as a performer and creator in a theatrical process. The student will also have developed their ability to perceive and concentrate and will have learned about teamwork and collaboration.
Level 1 (17/10/22 to 29/5/23) Mondays from 16h to 20h. Prof. Eva Zapico (Profile)
Old Teacher Training School Building (Alcalde Reig St, 8)
Level 2 (17/10/22 to 29/5/23) Mondays from 16h to 20h. Prof. Jorge Picó (Profile)
Matilde Salvador Room (La Nau Cultural Centre)
*Aimed at students who have already taken the first level theatre workshop in the UV performing arts classroom, or interested people with some demonstrable previous experience in the curriculum. The selection of people who wish to enter the second year without having studied the first year, will be through an interview with the teacher and they must send their curriculum vitae to pep.sanchis@fundacions.uv.es
Date From 7 september 2022 to 17 october 2022. 24h. Every day.
Level 1: Old Teacher Training School Building (Alcalde Reig Street, 8) Level 2: Matilde Salvador Room La Nau Cultural Centre
Contact cursosextensio@uv.es