Seminar: The other authors 15/02/23 “The other authors. Translators of scientific and technical works of the Gustavo Gili publishing house (1939-1966).” Seminar given by Fernando García Naharro (Complutense University of Madrid).[Read more]
Seminar: “Ideas and tricks for medical language dissemination” 23/11/22 “Ideas and tricks for medical language dissemination, its history and its stories.” Seminar given by Fernando Navarro (medical translator).[Read more]
Seminar: Amongst surd numbers and Adam’s apples 02/06/21 “Amongst surd numbers and Adam’s apples: the trace of translation in the scientific discourse.” Seminar taught by Bertha Gutiérrez Rodilla (Universidad de Salamanca).[Read more]
Seminar: Translation as a subversion 26/05/21 “Translation as a subversion: the case of Latin America”. Seminar given by: Georges L. Bastin (Université de Montréal)[Read more]
Seminar: The French translation of Gumilla’s “Orinoco ilustrado” 12/05/21 “The French translation of Gumilla’s ‘Orinoco ilustrado’ and its reception in the 18th century.” Seminar given by Diego Stefanelli (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz/Germersheim).[Read more]