Disponible l'edició electrònica íntegra del llibre "Democracia europea y mercado único: 30 años del Tratado de Mastricht" 08/10/24 [Read more]
The Jean Monnet Module participates in the publication of a book on the evolution of the EU since the Maastricht Treaty 17/04/24 The volume, entitled European Democracy and the Single Market: 30 years of the Maastricht Treaty, has been edited by the Module Director, María Jesús García García.[Read more]
New collaboration with the DIGIPOL research group 17/12/23 Professor María Jesús García García has joined the DIGIPOL research group as a collaborator to help develop the line of research dedicated to the Jean Monnet Module for Citizens’ Integration into...[Read more]
The Jean Monnet Module initiates a collaboration with the FORTHEM Alliance 16/12/23 Professor María Jesús García has joined the Digital Transformation Laboratory of the FORTHEM Alliance coordinated by the University of València to help develop the line of research dedicated to...[Read more]