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This course and the teaching materials that accompany it are part of the Jean Monnet Chair in Services of General Economic Interest in the framework of social and territorial cohesion, awarded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, in its 2021 call for applications.

As part of the commitments undertaken when receiving the aforementioned chair is to create and disseminate the necessary resources so that the contents related to services of general interest and their role in the social and economic integration of citizens and member states are known by the general public and in particular by those public or private agents responsible for providing them with content and effectiveness. With this purpose in mind, these materials have been prepared to allow autonomous self-learning through 8 thematic blocks which, in a very synthetic and schematic way, outline the general lines of the subject. These theoretical contents are complemented with self-assessment materials for each of the thematic blocks designed to consolidate the previous knowledge introduced in each of the teaching sections.

The dissemination of these contents is carried out online, through the repositories of the University of Valencia and this website.

  • Los ciudadanos como usuarios de servicios esenciales.

    Representative picture of the publication

    García García, María Jesús.

    València: Càtedra Jean Monnet SIEGE , 2024.Recurs electrònic

    [PDF, Espanyol] El present document aborda temes relacionats amb els drets dels consumidors i usuaris de servicis essencials, com l'electricitat, l'aigua, l'energia, el transport, i altres servicis bàsics. El document destaca la importància d'estos drets en el context de l'economia i la societat, emfatitzant que els consumidors i usuaris han de ser protegits i respectats en la seua capacitat de rebre servicis essencials. A més, s'aborden els mecanismes de reclamació i resolució de conflictes, incloent-hi el procediment de reclamació davant els operadors postals i telecomunicacions, així com el paper de les Juntes Arbitrals de Consum i la legislació vigent en la matèria.

  • Derecho de los consumidores y usuarios.

    Representative picture of the publication

    García García, María Jesús.

    València: Càtedra Jean Monnet SIEGE , 2024.Recurs electrònic

    [PDF, Espanyol] El present document és una publicació acadèmica que aborda els drets i proteccions legals que els consumidors i usuaris tenen a Espanya. L'autora, María Jesús García García, és professora titular de Dret Administratiu en la Universitat de València i directora de la Càtedra Jean Monnet "Servicis Econòmics d'Interés General en el Marc de la Cohesió Social i Territorial" (101047166 - SGEI-EU). El document se centra en la normativa espanyola i autonòmica que regula la defensa dels consumidors i usuaris, incloent-hi la Constitució espanyola, el Reial decret legislatiu 1/2007, i la normativa autonòmica. A més, s'analitza la competència compartida entre l'Estat i les comunitats...

    [PDF, Espanyol] El present document és una publicació acadèmica que aborda els drets i proteccions legals que els consumidors i usuaris tenen a Espanya. L'autora, María Jesús García García, és professora titular de Dret Administratiu en la Universitat de València i directora de la Càtedra Jean Monnet "Servicis Econòmics d'Interés General en el Marc de la Cohesió Social i Territorial" (101047166 - SGEI-EU). El document se centra en la normativa espanyola i autonòmica que regula la defensa dels consumidors i usuaris, incloent-hi la Constitució espanyola, el Reial decret legislatiu 1/2007, i la normativa autonòmica. A més, s'analitza la competència compartida entre l'Estat i les comunitats autònomes en matèria de consum, així com les competències dels Ajuntaments en este àmbit.

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  • Economic services of general interest and citizenship: guarantees for citizens as users of essential services

    Representative picture of the publication

    García García, María Jesús.

    Toledo: Revista del Gabinete Jurídico, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La-Mancha , 2023.Article

    [PDF, Spanish] The term Economic Services of General Interest includes sectors such as telecommunications, banking, postal services, water supplies, gas, electricity, transport and any other economic activity that is declared of general interest by the states. These activities respond to basic and essential needs of the community, so the supply and access to these services must be guaranteed to citizens. According to our domestic law, access to these benefits was guaranteed through the public service formula, so that the responsibility for their provision was entrusted to the Administration. However, European Union legislation imposes the liberalization of some of these activities, so that...

    [PDF, Spanish] The term Economic Services of General Interest includes sectors such as telecommunications, banking, postal services, water supplies, gas, electricity, transport and any other economic activity that is declared of general interest by the states. These activities respond to basic and essential needs of the community, so the supply and access to these services must be guaranteed to citizens. According to our domestic law, access to these benefits was guaranteed through the public service formula, so that the responsibility for their provision was entrusted to the Administration. However, European Union legislation imposes the liberalization of some of these activities, so that they are open to the free market and competition. In this framework, the provision of services operates according to the criterion of economic and commercial profitability and puts an end to state monopolies, giving rise to the figure of consumers and users of services, endowed with specific rights and instruments of protection. However, these are activities that continue to be of general interest, so their provision must be guaranteed to citizens in terms of quality, regularity, universality and affordable price. In this context, the European Union has sought to reconcile the economic liberalization of these activities, with theunderlying public interest and the interests and rights of the users of these essential services. To this end, Community standards have developed techniques and instruments aimed at meeting these requirements and guaranteeing citizens access to basic services and users the protection of their rights and legitimate interests, issues that are the subject of analysis in this article.

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    ISSN: 2386-8104
    Legal Deposit: TO 862-2014
  • Course "Jean Monnet Chair. Services of General Economic Interest in the framework of social and territorial cohesion" (SIEGE). Teaching materials.

    Representative picture of the publication

    García García, María Jesús.

    Valencia: Jean Monnet SIEGE Chair , 2022.Recurs electrònic

    [PDF, Spanish] This course and the teaching materials that accompany it are part of the Jean Monnet Chair, Services of General Economic Interest in the framework of social and territorial cohesion, awarded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, in its 2021 call for applications. As part of the commitments undertaken when receiving the aforementioned chair is to create and disseminate the necessary resources so that the contents related to services of general interest and their role in the social and economic integration of citizens and member states are known by the general public and in particular by those public or private agents responsible for providing...

    [PDF, Spanish] This course and the teaching materials that accompany it are part of the Jean Monnet Chair, Services of General Economic Interest in the framework of social and territorial cohesion, awarded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, in its 2021 call for applications. As part of the commitments undertaken when receiving the aforementioned chair is to create and disseminate the necessary resources so that the contents related to services of general interest and their role in the social and economic integration of citizens and member states are known by the general public and in particular by those public or private agents responsible for providing them with content and effectiveness. With this purpose in mind, these materials have been prepared to allow autonomous self-learning through 8 thematic blocks which, in a very synthetic and schematic way, outline the general lines of the subject. These theoretical contents are complemented with self-assessment materials for each of the thematic blocks designed to consolidate the previous knowledge introduced in each of the teaching sections.

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