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The Universitat de València takes part in AdaptNet, the first Spanish research network in genomics of adaptation

AdaptNet is the first Spanish scientific network aimed at doing some research on genomics of adaptation, that is, the study of the generation and maintenance of biodiversity. Twenty-four labs of eleven Spanish research centres are involved in this project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. World-wide experts are taking part in this initiative and it is coordinated by Julio Rozas, Full University Professor at the Faculty of Biology and the Biodiversity Research Institute of the University of Barcelona.

28 november 2016

The aim of this experts network is to face the challenges of studying genomics of adaptation, as well as to analyse its different study approaches. This research field exploring the generation and maintenance of biodiversity presents numerous question marks for evolutionary biologyNext-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques have been a considerable advantage in research, but it has also caused numerous troubles related to its application, analytic and bioinformatic processes, as well as the difficulty of managing, analalysing and interpreting a great number of data.

Thus, a network such as AdaptNet is necessary. By means of meetings and short research stays, it promotes the exchange of knowledge, the creation of synergies and the unification of work methodologies between the different research groups.

According to Julio Rozas, the initiative’s coordinator, the mission of AdaptNet is “to offer a unique opportunity to work jointly, sharing experiences to identify the needs and opportunities of the studies carried out with NGS techniques, and creating the critic mass necessary for reaching the cross-disciplinary approach required for extending genetics to evolutionary biology, and vice versa”.

The different laboratories taking part in this network -which is a leading initiative in the country to improve the results of researches funded by the Spanish national R&D plan- intend to promote the scientific collaboration in this field and to show the advances to the public.

AdaptNet creates the opportunity to collaborate, share experiences and opportunities and give a cross-disciplinary approach to extend genetics to evolutionary biology, and vice versa. 

AdaptNet works in different fields like genetics, computational biology, genomics, evolutionary biology, zoology, botany, molecular biology, statistics, bioinformatics and other related fields.  Among the participants in the project we find its coordinator, Julio Rozas and other experts like Fernando González (Universitat de València), Toni Gabaldón (Graduated in Biochemistry at the UVEG, currently working at the CRG, Centre for Genomic Regulation), Rafael Zardoya (National Museum of Natural Sciences-CSIC), David Posada (University of Vigo), Pablo Vargas (Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC), Josefa González (Institute for Evolutionary Biology, CSIC-UPF), Sebastián Ramos Onsins (Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics, CRAG) and Carles Vilà (The Doñana Biological Station-CSIC).