Degree number of credits: 60
Compulsory credits: 30
Final project: 30
Degree code: 2224
Years: 1
Teaching type: Presencial
Knowledge branch: SCIENCE
Master degree website:
Places available for new students: 32
Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36
Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]: 35.34€
Management Centre: Faculty of Biological Sciences
Languages used in class: Spanish
Participating Universities: University of Valencia
Academic Coordinating Committee: Fernando Aniento Company (Director)
Mª Luisa Gil Herrero
Pilar d'Ocon Navaza
José Manuel Morante Redolat
José Enrique Pérez Ortín
Mª Jesús Sanz Ferrando
José Jorge Sempere Monerris
Mónica Giménez Monleón (PAS)
Academic, scientific or professional interest: The knowledge in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology has an undeniable transfer aspect, since it is being applied to the development of new therapies, products and services. The developed methods in these areas underline the most groundbreaking latest advances in medicine and agriculture and, therefore, contribute to improve our environment, our economic welfare and our health. Some achievements of significant importance of the last decades, such as the obtaining of transgenic crops, the animal and plant improvement, the bioremediation, the industrial production of medicine and molecules of pharmaceutical interest, the recognition of the stem cells potential in the cellular therapy, the use of the advances in virology for the gene therapy, the molecular diagnosis of genetic disorders for their early detection or the design of different therapeutic targets, the development of animal or cell models of human pathologies, the personalised pharmacology or the advances in assisted reproduction are based on the knowledge generated in the framework of the Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology.
The objective of the programme is offering a high quality training that allows for the future graduated to integrate themselves in research, innovation and development activities in basic or health research centres or in firms from the pharmaceutical, biotechnological or biomedical sector.