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Cognitive Neuroscience and Reading Research Group - READit

The READit research group is interested in the study of the neurobiological, cognitive and behavioural foundations of reading. The methodological focus is experimental psychology and the collection of electrophysiological (EEG) and eye movement measurements as correlates of reading behaviour at different levels: decoding, syntactic processing and comprehension. Under these parameters, different lines of research are articulated, dedicated to the study of reading acquisition in children with typical and atypical development, lexical access in different languages or research applied to everyday life activities, such as the comprehension of digital texts in adolescents or the reading of traffic signs while driving a vehicle.

READit seeks to relate its findings to current models of reading, reading literacy instruction and intervention in developmental disorders or psychopathologies that affect reading.

Economics and Complexity Research Group - eCompleX

A new way of understanding and apprehending complexity is being sought. The major problem facing science today is to cope successfully with the increasing complexity of society. Of course, reduction is possible, but it will be the complexity that will make us see whether the reduction is pernicious or not. Complexity stands as a judge not only of the applications of the method of science, but also of its very essence. The world is like a complex being, which can be broken down into many parts, interconnected in a wide variety of ways, often difficult to pin down. Our sense of inadequacy pushes us towards fragmented knowledge; each important part generates one or more different disciplines or subjects of study. We live in a world, which in turn is a system, full of systems. To act efficiently and responsibly in this world, we need appropriate techniques and tools to help us understand and manage the systems and sub-systems that make it up. This is what systems thinking is all about. Society has problems and seeks solutions, for which it invents the Scientific Method, but this is incapable of dealing with complex problems and social issues; thinking based on systemic concepts and ideas is more adequate.

The complexity of the phenomena corresponding to the Restricted Sciences, such as Physics or Chemistry, did not call into question the validity of the scientific method, but the complexity of those corresponding to the Unrestricted Sciences (such as Biology or Geology within the field of Natural Sciences; or Anthropology or Sociology or Political Sciences from the field of Social Sciences) did. At its most abstract level, systems thinking encompasses a wide and heterogeneous range of methods, tools and principles, all aimed at examining or studying the interrelationship of forces that are part of the common process. This field includes cybernetics and chaos theory, guestaltic therapy, the work of Gregory Bateson, Russel Ackoff, Eric Trist, Ludwig Von Bertallanfy and the Santa Fe Institute, among others. These different approaches share a common guiding idea: the behaviour of all systems appears to follow certain common principles, the nature of which we are discovering and analysing. It is argued that the problem of knowledge is not to try to know the totality; it is better to change the idea of knowledge and what should be done is to try to understand systems. To understand the system, it is necessary to understand the nature of interdependence: the greater the interdependence, the greater the need for communication and cooperation. General Systems Theory would be able to integrate the abstract models and generalisations that cybernetics and related disciplines have developed, and would truly represent a rational and all-encompassing alternative that would overcome the current inadequacies of mechanicism.  The vision of the world as one big organisation would be raised.

The original Aristotelian ideas would be taken up again by considering every entity as a system, that is, as universes or sets of elements (matter) provided with structure (form); and, evidently, the elements of the universe of a system can themselves be systems (structured sets). The relationships between the various components of an organisational system, which produces desired and undesired results, must be understood. A system only exists when its components relate to each other in pursuit of a common end; without a common end, there would be no system, implying that there would be nothing more than a series of a disjointed, even individually competitive, elements or components. The systems thinker must see the patterns and structures of the organisation over time from the top or from the outside, with a (systemic or holistic) perspective without losing sight of the details of processes, resources and people.

Educational Transitions, Resistance, Gender Relationships, Exclusions and Health Research Group - TERRES

The research group TIERRAS (Educational Transitions, Resistance, Gender Relationships, Exclusions and Health) seeks to create and transfer knowledge, interdisciplinary, from a critical and inclusive epistemological position, which directs the gaze towards different cracks that in knowledge societies are revealed as relevant to understand and transform the social world. The lines of research in which we are seeking to jointly explore in greater depth are:

  • Study of pedagogical practice. Analysis of the processes of distribution and construction of legitimate knowledge in the pedagogical device. Pedagogical modes of delivery. Sociology of pedagogy.
  • Pedagogical identity in specific contexts: description and analysis of the social production of identity in the processes of educational and professional transition.
  • Bodies, genders and sexualities: representation and sexual practices. Social construction of health and illness.
  • Audiovisual co-education, gender, semiotics and cultural studies. Critical analysis of audiovisual culture and its co-educational dimension. Meaning and codification of gender in audiovisual discourses. Media interpellation: processes of identification and subjectivation.
  • Study of the processes of precariousness in social contexts discursively dominated by the knowledge economy.
  • Social politics analysis.

Regarding the training and research capacity of the group, the members participate in the third cycle training courses of:

  • Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies.
  • Master’s Degree in Social and Educational Action.
  • Master’s Degree in Psychopedagogy.
  • Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training.

We also participate in the Doctoral Programme in Education of the UV and in the Doctoral Programme of the Institute for the Study of Women.

Financial Markets and Consumer Law Research Group - PIM

The present research group was born in 2016 through the award of a national research project: The CNMV and the protection of retail investors: exploring new possibilities, granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO/FEDER). Thanks to it, a multidisciplinary working group has been consolidated, as required by the subject matter of our study, made up of experts with extensive academic and professional experience. Our research activity focuses on:

  1. The need to improve certain administrative procedures developed by the CNMV to turn them into a channel for the protection of small investors.
  2. Public action to protect small investors must be improved in the context of the democratisation of the securities market, which makes it necessary to seek alternatives such as arbitration or mediation.
  3. Explore possibilities for investor redress through both public (administrative liability) and private (class actions).
  4. Monitoring redress for consumers of financial products.
LGTBIQ+ Education and Diversity Research Group - EDi

For decades, universities have progressively incorporated teaching and research structures related to affective-sexual diversity and gender identity. This trend soon spread beyond the English-speaking world to other cultural environments such as Europe and Latin America. The group Education and LGTBIQ+ Diversity (EDi) aims to fill a gap in terms of structures of this type at the UV, specifically in the educational field, and, on the other hand, is created with the intention of being an interdisciplinary research area for several people who have in common the concern for the educational world and the urgency of working (from research and practice) for a fairer and freer school, in which the diversity present in societies is reflected and valued.

The members of the group belong to different areas of knowledge linked to education. From general didactics and specific didactics, they participate in the training task in the degrees of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education of the UV and other universities in the state, in the Postgraduate Course in Reading and Literary Education in the 21st Century (UV), the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training (UV), the Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics (UV), and the Master’s Degree in Psychology of Education and Human Development in Multicultural Contexts (UV-UASD), the latter taught in Peru and the Dominican Republic. The members of the group also supervise Degree Final Projects, Master’s Degree Final Projects and Doctoral Theses within the framework of the aforementioned studies.

Physical Activity, Education and Society Research Group - AFES

The research group “Physical Activity, Education and Society” has been working together since 1997, when a core group of professors with common interests founded the former Research Group UV 0657 (transferred to the Office of the Vice-Principal for Research).

The research activity resulting from this group was an important piece in the development of an emerging field of knowledge in the Spanish context. Educational research on curricular innovations in Physical Education, research on prisons and their link with physical exercise and sport, and the evaluation of scientific production and dissemination in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences stand out.

Over the years, new members and external collaborators have joined and contributed to consolidate this initial activity. In recent years, research has focused on vulnerable populations, including people with disabilities, teenagers and transgender people, among others. Likewise, the research methodology used encompasses both qualitative and quantitative methodology.

The work of the group is aimed at:

  1. To study social phenomena in the field of physical activity and physical education.
  2. To create knowledge in relation to vulnerable groups in the field of physical activity.
  3. To disseminate and transfer research results aimed at social transformation.

On the other hand, the group carries out an important task of research training, participating in the direction, coordination and operation of the “Master’s Degree in Research and Intervention in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences”, the “Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training”, the “Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics”, the “Doctoral Programme in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences” and the “Doctoral Programme in Specific Didactics”.

The group has research staff in training, and regularly receives students from other universities, both national and foreign who carry out research stays. This way, the group endorses its ability to give continuity to its lines of research and to transfer scientific knowledge to the academic and professional community.

Process and Effective Guardianship Research Group - PROYTEF

The research activity carried out by this group focuses on two essential and complementary aspects of legal activity. On the one hand, in the study of process as an instrument for obtaining effective judicial protection, when in the development of a legal relationship a conflict has arisen or a rule of a criminal nature has been violated, which compromises the essential values and principles of our society, producing in both cases an alteration of social peace and an affectation of legal security, which are essential for the progress of any nation. On the other hand, in the analysis of the complementary instruments to the jurisdiction capable of offering - or not - effective protection of the right and legitimate interests of individuals, when these are compromised in the different areas: civil, criminal, labour or administrative.

As a corollary, the research that this group is developing and will develop involves tackling Article 24 of our Constitution form an interdisciplinary, critical and broad position, which involves a review of constitutional jurisprudence in this respect and its extension to the international sphere, especially that of the EU. Thus, the members of this research group have been paying special attention to European and international law, through participation in various research projects, publications and courses on the procedural activity of international courts, the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments - or not - as well as international legal cooperation.

Religion, Law and Politics Research Group - REDEPOL

The research group “ReDePol” (acronym for “Religion, Law and Politics”) was created as a channel for the dissemination and intercommunication of all research and transfer activities related to the study of the legal regime of the religious factor - understood as an integral element of culture and collective identity - and its political and social consequences.

Despite the traditional difficulties in defining what is religious, it is undeniable that what is religious refers to man’s relationship with transcendence, a relationship that initially involves an act of rational and free acceptance by man, which is the act of faith. Thus the act of faith is the first and fundamental characteristic of the religious fact in today’s societies. Alongside this, religion has other essential components: doctrinal (beliefs), cultural (rituals) and moral (ethical behaviour). If we add to this the fact that the externalisation of human acts is an anthropological necessity, religion acquires a social dimension because it originates precisely in a human act (the act of faith). In other words, man has always proceeded in association for the expression and exercise of his religious feelings. Consequently, the religious phenomenon, which has its origin in an internal act, acquires a social or community dimension, which as such a society needs a juridical order to structure it [Ubi societas, ibi ius]. The juridical relevance of the religious fact is inscribed in its social significance. Religion operates in civil society, relates to other non-religious citizens, is subject to civil authorities... Consequently, the religious phenomenon is of public relevance for state law both in terms of foreseeing the civil consequences of religious behaviour, its relations with other members of the political community outside one’s own religion, or the subjection of confessions or groups of believers to state rules. This legal system is the object of study of the science of State Ecclesiastical Law. However, the religious phenomenon is not exhausted in its legal treatment, but must also be covered by the study of other social and human disciplines (psychology, anthropology, politics, philosophy, education, etc.). 

For this reason, this group was created with the aim of incorporating specialists from these disciplines, in order to complete a vision of the religious phenomenon from a global perspective.

Research Group in Linguistics, Discourse and Cognition - LINDICO

The Linguistics, Discourse and Cognition Research Group, LINDICO, assumes cognitive approaches to combine at all times strictly theoretical linguistic reflection with the necessary promotion of various applied fields, from the conviction that the ultimate goal of the (necessary) grammatical and pragmatic theory is to serve as a basis for subsequent applications and actions of scientific transferability to society.

Although the research caarried out by the members of the group in the different competitive R&D projects covers many fields, the most consolidated studies refer mainly to two lines of work: the field of clinical linguistics and the analysis of political and media discourse. Throughout its trajectory, the group has been consolidating its own theoretical model, with a pragmatic-functionalist orientation, which is framed within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics. Thus, the theoretical areas addressed include all the disciplines of linguistics: phonology, morphosyntax, semantics, pragmatics, typology and universals, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. The applied fields include, among others:

  • Analysis of discourse in the public sphere, according to different variables and context (politcal discourse, media discourse, digital discourse), with special attention to the argumentation and persuasion that pragmatically characterise the registers of the media and political issuers (parties and leaders) in the different media and communication channels (written press, social media, television, advertising and propaganda, etc.). 
  • Clinical linguistics: description of language (grammar and pragmatics) in different pathological situations based on ecological data. This line of research has resulted in initiatives such as 
    • the elaboration of specific corpora of child language and deficient language based on ecological data;
    • the description of the language of pathological situations such as aphasia, Williams syndrome, ADHD, Alzheimer's type dementias, or right hemisphere lesions;
    • the development of various language assessment tests and profiles, and of communication guides for interlocutors of speakers with deficits.

All these lines of research are complemented by the appropriate R&D&I dissemination and management activities, such as conferences, seminars, etc.

Research Group in Mediterranean Archaeology - GRAM

GRAM is made up of all the teaching and research staff of the Archaeology area of the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History. Its field of research is the Mediterranean with a special focus on the Valencian Country from the 1st millennium BC to the 7th century AD. The members of the group carry out teaching, research (field, laboratory and bibliographic sources), teaching and dissemination tasks in each of its specific lines (Phoenician-Punic archaeology, Iberian archaeology, numismatics and classical archaeology), collaborating with each other and establishing contacts and agreements with other institutions, foundations, companies dedicated to preventive archaeology and with research staff from other areas of knowledge at the University and other research centres. 

The aim is to study the historical evolution of the protohistoric societies of the Mediterranean peninsular area until their integration into the Roman Empire, the dynamics of this, as well as their economic, ethnological and symbolic interrelationships. There is also a commitment to transfer the knowledge acquired to society through participation in conferences, exhibitions, open days and actions on archaeological heritage.

Research Group in Valencia, University and Art. Art, Culture and Society in Spain, from 1750 to the present day. - VALuART

Art History Studies of the Contemporary World: Image and Representation; Space and Memory; Visibility and Modernity. 

The first axis investigates aspects related to individual, collective and serial human representation, as well as the importance of artistic literature. 

In the second, artistic circumstances are dealt with from a spatio-temporal perspective, the democratisation of public space, the construction of the modern city, the birth and influence of spaces of artistic and cultural sociability, as well as the foreign gaze of foreign travellers. 

And finally, the last axis explores the role of art institutions, official guidelines, the relevance of the female presence in the fine arts, the discovery of artistic manifestations by the public, art as collective memory (collections and museums) and the art-science relationship.

Research Group on Actors and Power Relations in Globalisation - GLOBACTOR

The activity of this group focuses on analysing and disseminating research on the political, economic and social characteristics and implications of the global economic order on different countries. In particular, the group’s research activity focuses on the analysis of the different actors that shape the global order. In other words, the group focuses its attention on the objectives, interests and strategies of multinational companies, international economic institutions, states and other actors that weave the web of power relations under globalisation.

In addition, it analyses the consequences of these behaviours on the everyday reality at national level. The dissemination of the group's activities is not limited to the publication of scientific papers in journals or books, but also includes other media such as the press, reports, social networks, etc.

Research Group on Ageing: Cognition and Emotion - EnveCoEm

Improvements in health care during the 20th century, as well as in living conditions and quality of life, have led to a dramatic increase in life expectancy, among other things. This, together with the drastic drop in the birth rate, is leading to an ageing population. As a result, the elderly population segments are the fastest growing, and something that is becoming an indisputable reality is that we are heading towards an ageing population. This is why it seems necessary to discuss what kind of problems and challenges are faced by the elderly and what are their solutions.

In this way, we present a research group, focused on the analysis of cognitive and emotional aspects as well as on the intervention and development of the elderly, being able to distinguish two main lines of work, one focused on the aspects of so-called normal ageing and another line oriented towards aspects related to the cognitive pathologies associated with ageing, mainly mild cognitive impairment, dementia of the Alzheimer's type and other dementias and Parkinson's disease.

The first of the lines aims to analyse the basic processes of psychological ageing by studying aspects related to cognitive development such as cognitive reserve and brain plasticity, and in the social area, the type of relationships established in ageing and the changes and evolution of these relationships. Finally, in relation to emotions, the aim is to analyse the importance of emotion regulation as a basis for behavioural development and correct adaptation.

The second line, under an experimental methodology, is applying assessment systems for the detection of possible cognitive changes, as well as possible deterioration, by means of cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. In addition, this line offers novel cognitive interventions based on cognitive stimulation, reminiscence therapy and the application of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). As a result of the verification of the efficacy of these interventions, various contracts have been signed with companies for the application of the same in patients with varying degrees of deterioration.

The research group participates in various master's degrees in the Faculty of Psychology and in the area of Health Sciences. The team's greatest participation is in the master's degree in Psychogerontology, where subjects related to cognitive ageing are taught, both in the normal population and in the elderly with dementia, as well as subjects related to social intervention. In addition, there is an important participation in the direction of Master's final projects. It also participates in the University Masters in General Health Psychology and in Psychological Intervention in Social Areas.

In relation to doctoral studies, the research team is fully integrated in the PhD in Psychogerontology: Life Cycle Perspective, where the line of Development and Optimal Ageing and Cognition is directed, from which there is an important production of doctoral theses.

Research Group on Analytic Philosophy - VLC_LAB

This is a research group working within the analytic tradition broadly conceived that is the product of the association of two Research Groups: Phronesis and Méthodos. Like other groups in Continental Europe, we focus on central issues in the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind, the philosophy and methodology of science, logic, metaphysics and epistemology, but are also interested in ethics and aesthetics. One of our aims is to cultivate the kind of clear and rigorous research that is specific of analytic philosophy in fields traditionally reserved, in our institutional context, to continental approaches. We promote the interaction with other philosophers and groups within the analytic tradition.


Research Group on Applied Ethics and Democracy - ETIDEMO

The research group "Applied Ethics and Democracy" has been working together since 1991 in three areas: Foundations of Ethics, Political Philosophy and Applied Ethics. It arose from a core group of professors from the Academic Area of Moral and Political Philosophy, originally Adela Cortina, Jesús Conill, Domingo García-Marzá and Agustín Domingo, and has grown to the present day. 

At present, the group is made up of 1 member, who belong to 4 different public universities: the Universitat de Valencia, the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and the Universidad de Murcia. 

At the institutional level, also the Étnor Foundation ("for the ethics of business and organisations") is one of the entities that supports the research and is interested in the transfer of knowledge and innovation of the group. 

Since 2003 the group has been recognised as a "Group of Excellence" by the Conselleria d'Educació i Ciència of the Valencian government. Initially, through the granting of aid to R+D+I Groups, reference Groups03/179. And, currently, through the PROMETEO Programme of Research Groups of Excellence. 

The group develops its research activity through joint research projects. So far, it has developed 9 national competitive research projects, 1 European project, and three projects funded by private institutions. With the aim of training new researchers, the core of the group runs a Doctoral Programme on "Ethics and Democracy", which began in 1986 and was recognised as a Doctorate with Mention of Quality and with Mention of Excellence, a recognition which it continues to receive today. Graduates of this doctorate achieve the highest scores in the evaluation of their research activity. It also offers a Master's degree in "Ethics and Democracy", with a research and academic profile, which enables those who enrol in it to train for research tasks in this area. The group disseminates the results of its research in the following ways: 

  1. Publications, both books, published by prestigious publishers, and articles, published in quality journals. 
  2. Organisation of congresses, some of which are held every two years, and also courses at other universities. 

It has established agreements and collaborations with a large number of institutions. It has established agreements and collaborations with a large number of institutions, such as the following: 

  • ÉTNOR Foundation for Business and Organisational Ethics.
  • Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.
  • Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics (Oxford).
  • Neuroethics Programme CIF of Argentina.
  • Research Group "Evolution and Human Cognition" of the University of the Balearic Islands.
  • Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) (Germany).
  • Hans Jonas Zentrum / Freie Universität Berlin, Capability & Sustainability Centre (University of Cambridge).
  • School of Public Policy. Institute for Philosophy & Public Policy. University of Maryland (USA).
  • Official College of Psychologists of Catalonia.
  • Department of Philosophy and the Grup d'Estudis Humanístics de Ciència i Tecnologia of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Institute of Philosophy (University of Bayreuth).
  • Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz.
  • And the universities of La República (Uruguay), do Porto, de Chile, Nacional Autónoma de México, di Bologna, Sidney, Salamanca, Complutense de Madrid, Munich, de Westminter, Universität Manheim, de California (Irvine), Aahrus (Denmark), etc.

It also receives researchers from other universities, mainly from abroad, who wish to carry out a postdoctoral research stay with members of the group.

Research Group on Assessment and Measurement: Education for Social Cohesion - GemEduco

The research group originated in 1985 with the creation of the area of Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education (Royal Decree 1888, BOE 257 of 16 October 1984). The evolution of the universities and the development of MIDE gave rise, over the years, to specific groups, among which the Evaluation and Measurement in Education Group was born. This evolved into a research group (Evaluation and Measurement Group, Education for Social Cohesion -GemEduCo-, as well as another closely related innovation group: InnovaMIDE, recognised as an educational innovation and teaching quality group by the Universitat de València. Both groups serve the overall purpose of research and training of researchers in the field of Educational Measurement and Evaluation. 

GemEduCo aims to analyse the capacity of Education for social transformation. To this end, it builds on the research tradition developed since 2005 through projects funded through competitive calls in the field of educational measurement and evaluation, aimed at the study of methodologies for the design of instruments and models for the evaluation of educational systems and institutions. In this period the projects AVACO (Analysis of Context Variables; SEJ2005-05995) and MAVACO (Models of Analysis of Context Variables; EDU2099-1385), both funded as R&D projects by the Spanish State (through the MICINN), were undertaken. Since 2013, already from the GemEduCo structure, he leads the SECS/EVALNEC project (EDU2012-34734; MINECO) "Education System and Social Cohesion: design of a needs assessment model", focused on the extended definition of the concept of Social Cohesion proposed by the Council of Europe (2000, 2005). Since 2016, the Group has been developing a new competitive project (EDU2016-78065-R; MINECO) focused on the Validation of an evaluation system for university degrees based on a Social Cohesion Model. These projects have functioned as an articulating element of teaching and research, allowing the defence of several Doctoral Theses, Master's and Bachelor's Degree Final Projects, as well as the publication of numerous articles, as shown on the group's website. In addition, the EVALEF Project (2012-2016, code EDU2011-29467; MINECO) Validation of an evaluation instrument of Family Educational Styles, anchored in the topic of evaluation of educational systems, has opened a specific line of research in the field of educational measurement that is also linked to the establishment of guidelines for the design of intervention programmes with families. 

Complementarily, he develops other projects on the design of measurement instruments and evaluation systems (in the field of lexical competence [EVA-LEX; UV-INV_AE11-42034]-, or the evaluation of the network of conservatories and the design of instruments to assess musical and dance competence -Consellería d'Educació i Esport; Generalitat Valenciana-) in which he applies his developments in these methodologies. 

On the other hand, it has an intense collaboration with international institutions and researchers either through its own projects or in collaboration with international projects. Special mention should be made of the group's participation in the Ibero-American Network of Researchers in Teaching Evaluation (RIIED) and collaborations with universities in Latin America, the United States of America and Europe.

This "know-how" and "know-how" is part of the research training task of the GemEduCo group, which is involved with specific teaching on measurement and evaluation in education in several official masters of the Universitat de València (Master in Policy, Management and Direction in Educational Organisations, Master in Psychopedagogy, Master in Social and Educational Action, Master in Social and Educational Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action), Master in Social and Educational Action, Master in Special Education, International Master in Migration, Master in Educational Psychology and Human Development in Multicultural Contexts) and in the Doctorate in Education - all of them at the Universitat de València, and has given rise to the defence of numerous Doctoral Theses and Final Degree and Master's Theses. It also receives numerous guest researchers and PhD students from different countries for stays at the UV. At the moment, its specific line of work focuses on the design and development of instruments and plans for the evaluation of Educational Systems and Institutions, Teachers, Students, programmes and materials. Likewise, in collaboration with the InnovaMIDE group, it designs and evaluates on-line materials for training in various areas of psycho-pedagogical measurement and evaluation. 

Two concepts that are at the basis of all the GemEduCo group's lines of work: 

  1. Education is carried out by the whole of society, from the intentional action developed in educational institutions, to all the non-formal elements that act with educational consequences and the informal ones, as well as the action of social models of reference; and 
  2. The development of a true culture of evaluation must be based on the rigour of the research carried out on the strategies and instruments for psycho-socio-pedagogical measurement, evaluation and diagnosis. Creating a culture of evaluation is not satisfied with "improvised, administratively or politically charged evaluation", but in the careful work that identifies the added value of a methodologically well-conducted evaluation.
Research Group on Audiovisual Formats and Content - CONTD

The audiovisual sector is immersed in a time of profound changes and transformations that are affecting technology, regulation, content and consumption. Within this process, television is undoubtedly the medium that is being most altered, to the point that at this point there are reasonable doubts as to whether it will be able to maintain its traditional position of privilege. This does not mean that the main players in the television system are resigned to the new situation. On the contrary, they are reacting and trying to adapt to a new situation in which economic and social conditions will never be the same as before.

Fundamentally, these changes are causing an exponential growth in the television offer. If we take the Spanish State as a reference, these changes have become more evident since the definitive implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in 2010. At that date, the offer went from an offer centred on 7 or 8 free-to-air channels (depending on the territory) to being able to choose from almost 60, once all the channels had been activated. To the resulting figure, however, we must add the existing cable, satellite, ADSL, as well as the so-called "new screens", in reference to television via mobile phones or the network itself via IP. In short, an enormously competitive panorama, with multiple supports, which is changing audiovisual consumption. In this sense, the fragmentation of audiences is an obvious fact. Measured figures since 2008 have shown the progressive loss of audience share of the generalist channels, which are now struggling to achieve a 15% audience share, while years ago they were far exceeding these results. A trend that seems to have no brake if we pay attention to the constant migration of the younger population towards alternative screens (Internet, videogames, mobiles).

Despite the palpable increase in the offer, which is much more specialised and diversified, general national channels and regional and local television still account for the majority of television consumption. These data may be an indicator of how society perceives change and how these changes are slower than some would like. It is difficult to believe, therefore, that people will abandon the television set as the main distributor of audiovisual information and entertainment content in the medium or short term. What is more, since 2007, which was the record year for television consumption in Spain, with an average of 223 minutes per person, or, in other words, each person spending 3.7 hours a day in front of the television, television consumption, although on a downward trend, has stabilised. This data suggests that an increase in supply does not necessarily mean a decrease in television consumption, but rather that this circumstance is having the opposite effect.

This raises many questions about the future role of television, especially if it is considered a public service like any other. This would mean maintaining audiovisual content that is free and accessible to all, of proven quality, financially transparent and ideologically pluralistic, with particular attention to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the inhabitants living in its area of coverage. These areas of interest are the focus of the reflections of the CONTD (Contenidos para la Televisión Digital) Research Group at the Universitat de València, of which we form part, and which form the central part of the CONTD Conferences ( that have been held here for the last VI editions. The aim of these meetings is, together with other researchers and professionals, to debate the future of the audiovisual sector and to share these concerns with the university community and society as a whole.

Research Group on Auditing and Assurance of Corporate Reporting - AUDIT

Audit and assurance provide confidence in corporate reporting. Our research activity is to analyse corporate characteristics that explain the motives that lead companies to go beyond the mandatorily required information. 

Recent financial scandals, such as Bankia, Pescadora, Gowex, Parmalat, etc. have called into question the role of auditors in financial reporting by questioning their independence. Our research is developing the needs for greater information transparency focusing on audit reports and transparency reports and their effect on the configuration of the highly concentrated audit services market. We have been developing this line of research for more than two decades.

Non-financial reporting is voluntary on the part of companies but is proving to be highly relevant as it shows the company's commitment to environmental and social issues. Our work, recently published in a high impact journal, reveals the targeted actions companies are taking.

Research Group on Business collaboration and business networks: contractual, corporative, IPR, bankruptcy and competition law perspectives - NETCOMPVAL

Our group has a long research history of 11 years, from our first national project BJU2003-07935 Contractual development of franchising networks, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, to the current CELDEFCOM Licit business coordination in competition law of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and PROMETEU/ 2015/019/FASEII Business networks and competition law of the Consellería de Educació Generalitat Valenciana. During this period we have obtained and developed a total of five national projects, two Prometeo projects, two contracts with the European Commission for the training of national judges in European competition law and we have also participated in two European research projects or contracts Inter-firm networks in the wine industry in Europe, VI Framework Programme, European Commission, led by Fabrizio Caffaggi (European University Institute), and 'Study on the legal framework covering business-to-business unfair trading practices in the retail supply chain' Tender MARKT/2012/049/E, DG-V OF THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION.

The main focus of our group is, on the one hand, the legal analysis of business collaboration from a multi-faceted perspective, covering contract law - distribution, agency or franchise contracts -, company law - economic interest groupings, joint ventures, clusters or so-called coordination groups -, intellectual property rights - technology transfer or software licensing -, insolvency law - insolvency of a franchisee or car manufacturer and effects on its network of subcontractors or dealers - and competition law - legal framework for business cooperation, cumulative network effects in block exemption regulations, taking into account business networks in merger cases -.

During these years we have published a total of eight collective books, in addition to the six monographs by members of the group, and more than two hundred articles in national and international journals, not to mention the countless commentaries on European and national judgments, as well as the participation of our members in university activities of the EUIPO and the EIPTN. We have also organised a total of 23 national congresses or symposiums, as well as organising countless cycles of conferences and courses with the participation of speakers from other Spanish and foreign universities.

The members of our group have also been regularly invited by other European and American Universities and research groups, as well as having been speakers at more than one hundred conferences and symposia held in other Universities, Institutions or research centres and professional or business forums in our country or abroad.

Our members have spent several stays in prestigious foreign scientific institutions such as the European University Institute of Florence, the Max Planck Institute of Munich and Hamburg, the London School of Economics, Harvard University, Oxford University, the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, the Humbolt University of Berlin, Trinity College of Dublin, or the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Two of our members have received scholarships from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. During this period, we have also read six doctoral theses supervised by members of our group.

Research Group on Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies in Gender-Based Violence - CEMUVIG

The transformation of society in its habits and codes of conduct can only be achieved through the prevention or re-education of these habits and the punishment of conducts contrary to the law. The first aim can be achieved through reflection from the perspective of the Administration’s social policies and through the media and work in the classroom, whereas the second aim can be achieved through criminal prosecution. The way in which these goals are achieved will lead to the transformation of these habits and to a new culture based on gender and the equality of men and women within affective relationships. This is the reason why we have joined together researchers from three very different disciplines, all of them selected by the legislator himself for social transformation in the values of equality and gender.

Research Group on Community Social Services - SESOCO

The research group on the social cohesion and local dynamics is part of the social cohesion field of the Inter-university Institute for Local Development in the Universitat de València. The research on the community-based social work is still a recent new field at the Spanish university.

The SOCIAL-COM group aims to contribute to the knowledge and a research visibility of local dynamics that occur in Communities due to inequality, discrimination and social conflict, all of which hinder social cohesion. Generally, in all areas of local communities, but more deeply in social welfare services, human development is seen as a tool that reduces social inequalities and promotes social justice. The SOCIAL-COM Group of the Universitat de València is designed to increase knowledge of the social problems of the immediate environment, directing its action towards the local level to contribute to the development of social structures and the well-being of citizens, whose participation is a strategic element.

Ultimately, objectives of the SOCIAL-COM research group are aimed to participate in creation and development of new concepts, tools and evaluations in the area of municipal services, so that excellent and sustainable territories can be promoted effectively from perspectives of social spending and social welfare.

Research Group on Comparative Company Law - DERSOCOM

The Dersocom group of the Universitat de València began to take shape around the year 2000. Its lead researcher had served at the Universities of Murcia and Jaume I of Castellón, and therefore some of its researchers joined the project. Its lines of research are related to company law, with special emphasis on the legal regime of capital companies (public and private limited companies) and cooperative societies; banking law, especially in its contractual aspects; insurance law; and, ultimately, competition law and industrial property law. This is demonstrated by the theses defended by Carmen Boldó (1995, UJI), María del Mar Andreu (1996, U. Murcia), Lourdes Ferrando (1998, U. Valencia), Luis Hernando (2003, U. Valencia), Vanessa Martí (2006, U. Valencia), Javier Guillem (2007, U. Valencia), Benjamín Saldaña (2008, U. Valencia), Linda Navarro (U. Valencia, 2009). All these theses were directed by José Miguel Embid.

In order to form a research group in the strict sense of the term, concrete collaborative projects begin to be developed. In this line, it is worth mentioning the existence of Commenda (, a network of scientific collaboration between professors of Commercial Law from different Spanish universities focused on the study of the legal regime of commercial companies, with special attention to the analysis of Spanish jurisprudence. Commenda's experience now allows us to take a step forward and set up Dersocom.

Without prejudice to some older projects, José Miguel Embid has been the lead researcher of five consecutive national level projects, from 2000 to the present day. The course of these projects has served as a cover for the gradual configuration of the group, thanks to the framing of the aforementioned theses and the links created between its members, even though some of them have gone on to serve in other universities. The subject matter of the aforementioned research projects has tended to focus on company law, from the perspective of the Spanish legal system, but at the same time with an important international bias, paying attention to the regulatory process of the European Union, above all, as well as other countries of importance in the framework of world economic activity. At the same time, this has made it possible to establish solid links with university professors from other countries, particularly Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Chile. Among all the activities that this international "network" has given rise to, it is worth highlighting the holding of successive Argentine-Spanish conferences on Commercial Law since 2001, as well as several Italian-Spanish meetings on this discipline, the first one in 2006, and several publications.

Research Group on Comparative Policy and Development - Polcomdes

The group focuses on the analysis of policies implemented in various countries and their impact on socio-economic and political change. The analyses are oriented towards the study of policy formation, whether current or historical, as well as specific state interventions, whether institutional, structural, conjunctural or legitimising-social. Particular relevance is attributed to the practical and comparative application of various historical experiences. In this context, research interests include analyses in historical perspective of the constitution and formation of public policies, but also more recent aspects of policy applications in different contexts, as well as their implications and impacts on the economic development of countries. Of course, an essential element of this research is its comparative dimension from which lessons are intended to be drawn for the formulation of innovative policies applicable to specific contexts.

Research Group on Conceptual History and Criticism of Modernity - HistConcep

Our research group builds on the competitive research projects on which we have worked so far. Our current research project, TOWARDS A COMPREHENSIVE CONCEPTUAL HISTORY: CULTURAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL TURNS (FFI2011-24473), continues the previous THEORIES AND PRACTICES OF CONCEPTUAL HISTORY: A CHALLENGE FOR PHILOSOPHY (HUM2007-61018-FISO), and aims to delve into the dimensions and limits of the different variants of Conceptual History –not only as a methodology but also as a theory of modernisation–, fundamentally in three major issues:

  1. The indeterminacy of language in reference to the world: Here the two traditionally confronted dimensions of the linguistic turn will be combined: the analytical –especially in the setting of the history of ideas by the Cambridge School, Q. Skinner and J. G. A. Pocock– and the hermeneutic. The iconic turn, which arises against the totemisation of language, will also have to be exploited. It is not only a matter of understanding images, but of understanding the world through images. The image is not only considered as an object of study, but also as a multi-faceted means of knowledge (e.g. as visual epistemology or political iconology). Image and concept are no longer opposites. In the contemporary philosophy of image, at least three orientations must be taken into account: The anthropological (homo pictorial or symbolic), the semiotic and the perceptual or phenomenological. The trail of Aby Warburg’s influential style of thought in human sciences deserves a rigorous scrutiny, which must cover from its mutual enrichment with the philosophy of culture of E. Cassirer and the iconology of E. Panofsky to its impact on the emerging science of image and the philosophy of media. Nowadays we speak in a very lax and frivolous way of the turns in the sciences of culture, which are gaining ground to philosophy. Among these turns, today we can identify: the interpretative, performative, reflexive, literary, postcolonial, translational, spatial, iconic, medial, memoriographic, metaphorological, etc. Beyond ephemeral trends, we will have to assess what each of these perspectives adds to Conceptual History, or whether they are merely decorative.
  2. The cognitive value of historicity: Here we will study the potential of Conceptual History to found a history of the present and the future, the relationships between prophecy and prediction, the affections and disaffections between history and memory, the chronological definition of modernity and its delimitation in relation to the Middle Ages, an era marked by the dying moments and eschatology, and in relation to the cyclical time of Antiquity. Germanic Conceptual History (either in the version of J. Ritter’s School: O. Marquard, H.Lübbe, either in that of R. Koselleck’s historical semantics, or in Gadamer’s hermeneutics) also serves as a theory of modernisation: Most of those who practise it counterpose an eschatological negation of the world (bad modernity) and a positive, compensatory statement of the present reality (good modernity), and take this Manicheism back up to the philosophy of history of the 18th century. The tendency to idealise Enlightenment is a threat to the current institutions, to the civility conquered by the Western liberal-democratic societies. This diagnosis of Conceptual History places Enlightenment in the field of humanist terrorism as the embodiment of the moral conscience that always condemns what already exists, and at the same time exonerates itself of any responsibility for the wrong course of things. Conceptual History reveres the period that goes from the French to the Industrial Revolution, which forges a new temporary grammar based on the ideology of accelerated progress.
Research Group on Corporate Information: Transparency and Disclosure - INCOTRAD

The mandatory adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in 2005 made it a priority in the European regulatory and institutional framework to address the analysis of the economic effects of IFRS. This involves examining the economic consequences of the accounting changes that occur when the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issues new standards, as well as analysing the standard-setting process itself. A key aspect is to analyse how stakeholders, as well as standard-setters, interact and to analyse the extent to which there is compatibility between the objective of increasing the quality of information (transparency, relevance, reliability and comparability) to facilitate users' decision-making and the achievement of other objectives, such as financial stability. All this in a context with diverse institutional characteristics, which nevertheless directly affect accounting practices.

On the other hand, as a result of the changes in the attitude of organisations and stakeholders in relation to corporate social responsability, it is a priority to analyse how the new proposals on Non-Financial Reporting-NFR (which include social, environmental, intangible assets, staff, corporate governance, human rights, corruption and bribery aspects) derived mainly from Directive 2014/95/EU are going to be formalised and transformed into standards equivalent to those currently existing on financial information (IFRS) in the EU. These aspects are acquiring a significant importance, as revealed in the consultation paper “Sustainability Reporting” issued by the IFRS Foundation (2020), the IASB’s parent foundation. In relation to this type of reporting, we could compare the current situation with the one before 2005 when there were no single accounting/financial standards. The development of NFRs will depend on the steps taken in the coming years.

Research Group on Corpus Linguistics: developments and applications - CORPLING

Corpus linguistics (CL), with its decidedly empirical approach to language research, has greatly enriched previous paradigms to the point of becoming an obligatory methodological reference in the current landscape of linguistic studies. 

We are interested in highlighting two strands, one dealing with developments in corpus linguistics and the other focusing on its applications. Like other empirical research within linguistics, LC research straddles the humanities and the social sciences, on the basis of computational linguistics. From the humanities it takes its primary interest in the study of language in its multiple aspects, from the social sciences it has taken a large part of its methodology based on quantification (mathematics, statistics, etc.), and from computer science, the development of increasingly sophisticated analytical tools. In this respect, the methodologies used in LC, far from being static, continue to evolve and incorporate important developments, whether through the creation of increasingly sophisticated software packages in ad hoc corpus research, the creation of specific portals, or the creation of tools focused on a variety of research tasks.

Research on LC developments is related to qualitative analysis methods, to textual annotation and to the use of quantitative analysis. In addition, some recent computer science developments, such as so-called sentiment analysis or opinion mining, have turned their interest to the analysis of large amounts of data on the web (big data).

In terms of applications, corpus linguistics has no limits, its great strength being the investigation of large databases that the analyst cannot manipulate effectively through manual analysis. LC is now being applied to any area of linguistic research, be it digital genres of any kind or non-digital genres. In the case of non-digital genres, the solution necessarily involves digitisation, since LC necessarily operates on digitised texts. However, although LC is the fundamental methodology for many researchers, it does not dispense with qualitative or manual analysis, and in its scientific production it is articulated in synergies with other approaches. It is very difficult today to conceive of a dictionary or a grammar without corpus research. But beyond lexicography and phraseology, which have grown hand in hand with the corpus, we find applications in all types of linguistic analysis, whether pragmatic or discursive, including, more recently, stylistic analysis. Not forgetting applications to the acquisition and teaching of second languages, or research into specialised languages. Nor should we forget the invaluable contribution of LC to translatology, given that the corpus is a fundamental tool for translators. There are real networks of researchers working on specific aspects. 

However, returning to the starting point, we are interested in focusing our research on those aspects that evaluate the strength of proposals based on techniques developed within corpus linguistics in research on different fronts.

Research Group on Critical Theory - TCr

Research on Critical Theory in social sciences and humanities. Research and translations are carried out on authors related to the Research Institute of the University of Frankfurt, home of the so-called Critical Theory in philosophy and sociology, such as: T. W. Adorno, W. Benjamin, J. Habermas, A. Honneth, S. Kracauer, etc., as well as its sources in the philosophy of Hegel and Marx. This research is applied to philosophical (aesthetics, philosophy of law, history of philosophy, theory of the arts) and sociological (sociological discourse analysis, discrimination, sociological theory) fields. 

The research group collaborates with the social science doctoral lines on social pathologies, pathologies of reason and social and sociological theory.

Research Group on Criticism and Sabotage - CCSS

This inter-university, international and interdisciplinary research group revolves around a theory and methodology known as "critique as sabotage" (cs). The starting point for this critical modality is to be found both in the work that M. Asensi has been publishing since 2007 (culminating in the 2011 book, Crítica y sabotaje, Barcelona, Anthropos/Siglo XXI), and in the group that came together in the monographic issue of the journal Anthropos. Cuadernos de cultura crítica y conocimiento, no. 237 of 2013, dedicated to this theory. 

In fact, it can be said that it was the latter event that consolidated the research group that we present. Before describing the group, it should be remembered that this group has its origins in a previous one, already registered at the University, called "Grupo de investigación Literatura Comparada", with the number UV751. A key activity at that time was the holding at the Universitat of the 1st International Congress of Comparative Literature, directed by M. Asensi and B. Ferrús, with the participation of E. Peláez, M. Richart, N. Calafell and M. Zabalgoitia on the scientific committee. Practically most of the research group we are proposing today took part in that congress, one of the panels of which dealt with "cs". One of the most notable events that took place during that congress, which was to determine the future composition of this group, was the participation of professors from Latin American and North American universities. The conference ended with the publication of the proceedings, which can be found on the website of the Asociación Valenciana de Literatura Comparada (Valencian Association of Comparative Literature). 

It can be said that the panel focusing on "cs" attracted the attention of many of the attendees, who proposed their participation in the project. Among them were people from the fields of literary theory and comparative literature, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, as well as history of literature. This initiated a series of scientific activities, seminars and conferences, which can be summarised as follows:

  • In June 2011 M.Asensi, B.Ferrús and M.Zabalgoitia carried out a research stay in Peru, at the Univ. Cat. de Lima and the Univ. de S. Marcos. At the former, M. Asensi gave the lecture: "Criticism as sabotage". In the second, the three professors participated as speakers at the "Congreso Internacional José María Arguedas: Los universos literarios", making applications of the theoretical foundations of "cs". 
  • In November 2011, coinciding with the publication of the book Crítica y sabotaje, these three professors travelled to Mexico to present the text at the FIL (Guadalajara International Book Fair), considered the most important in Latin America and one of the largest in the world. At the University of Guadalajara, Dr Asensi gave the lecture "Criticism and sabotage", as part of the seminar "Surroundings and Interiors of Literary Criticism". Also, at the Benemérita Univ. Autónoma de Puebla, at the invitation of Dr Felipe Ríos, Professor M. Asensi gave a postgraduate course on the dialogue between "cs" and deconstruction.

M. Asensi's book was also presented at this university, with new examples. A similar activity, involving a conference, presentation of the book and examples, took place at the University of Guanajuato. 

This same format of lectures and presentations was repeated in the framework of the Doctorate in Humanities programme at the Colegio de México. At the ITESO in Guadalajara, M. Asensi gave a two-day seminar for professors and postgraduates, where B. Ferrús and M. Zabalgoitia presented other examples. Dr. M. Asensi also participated as a guest at the openly organised ITESO Scientific Café, where his talk "Why deconstruct, why sabotage?" received a large audience and great recognition.

Research Group on Cultural Pedagogies - CREARI

CREARI Research group on cultural pedagogies is dedicated to the study of cultural synergies and educational actions, incorporating advances in digital technologies and visual culture. We are interested in analysing and improving the conditions of the different audiences both in artistic manifestations and in the rest of heritage realities. We are involved in arts education in both formal and non-formal education settings, with a special focus on museums and heritage environments. We consider it essential to get involved in the training of educators, taking into account the new digital settings, prioritising the criteria of cooperation and making room for new educational models. We incorporate members of different backgrounds into the group, considering that interdisciplinarity is a fundamental aspect of our research idea. We have specialised in teacher training at all educational levels, favouring the integration of the teaching staff as a cultural element of prime importance. Our group is composed of a number of people linked to educational and research institutions, people interested in the promotion, development and innovation of educational projects in the field of museums, visual arts, music and contemporary culture. We want to generate international projects, particularly cooperation projects, both in Latin America and in Europe.

Research Group on Culture, Diversity and Development - CUDIDE

The Research Group on Culture, Diversity and Development-CUDIDE was founded in 2011 in the Department of Research Methods and Educational Diagnosis (MIDE) of the Universitat de València. General Study (UVeG) with the aim of contributing, through research, to the theoretical and practical development of aspects related to cultural diversity and personal development.

In particular, we work on intercultural competences, intercultural education, cultural and gender diversity, mobility and migratory processes, among others. The conducted research is approached from an interdisciplinary perspective since the group, led by Carmen Carmona Rodríguez, is made up of professionals from different specialisations: Education, Psychology and Social Sciences. Moreover, by collaborating with different universities in different countries (Spain, United States, Germany, Holland, United Kingdom and Canada), we have the possibility of accessing a wide range of realities, social groups and policies that enrich the work carried out.

People who are part of this research team are interested in promoting research of quality and excellence, from a social and educational approach that provides results of social interest and usefulness. 

Research Group on Curriculum, Resources and Educational Institutions - CRIE

Research group on Curriculum, Resources and Educational Institutions (CRIE) already has a long history. It was established in 1991 within the Department of Education and School Management of the Universitat de València, with a group of lecturers from several universities. Over the years its objective remained unchanged: explore the policies and practices articulated in education systems, schools and classrooms. 

As members of the group, with specific academic interests, we share the motivation to advance in the knowledge of how new ways of becoming active subjects of citizenship, capable of actively moving through a plural world, apparently without borders, are being developed in the classroom. Along the way, we have been dealing with such complex objects of analysis as: reforms, teaching innovation, curriculum planning, evaluation, teaching aids, comprehensiveness, school leadership, organisation, participation, citizenship, diversity, technologies, etc. However, back then and now, the production of knowledge by participating in research projects does not meet the expectations of those of us who are part of CRIE. We want to socialise our achievements by training students interested in our lines of work; in fact, some of them are already active members of the group as interns, doctoral students or even PhDs. The presence of the research group in society is reflected in the publication of our work, our participation in forums and all kinds of events, as well as in institutions that invite us. We assume these aims with our enthusiasm, the energy of new members and renewing the website as a gathering place for those who share our interests and motivations.

Research Group on Dangerousness criminal law - DERPEligro

The scientific debate on the legitimacy and limits of the criminal law of dangerousness has not ceased to grow in our country in recent years. And in this respect, the notable prominence that this model of approaching the fight against crime is acquiring in the framework of comparative law is undoubtedly a determining factor. Spanish criminal law is by no means alien to this trend, and a good example of this are some of the new features included in the LO 1/2015, reforming the Código Penal: 

  1. The scope of application of probation is extended.
  2. Relevant aspects such as the review regime of the new revisable permanent prison sentence are made dependent on parameters of dangerousness.
  3. The possibility of registering genetic profiles of persons convicted of serious crimes in the police DNA database is introduced as an accessory penalty, as long as it can be concluded that there is a serious risk of reoffending.
  4. The regime of suspension of the execution of the custodial sentence is revised, expressly conditioning the imposition of numerous rules of conduct to criteria of the dangerousness of the offender.
  5. Finally, some types of offences have been reformulated and others newly created have been incorporated - including offences that elevate mere preparatory acts to the category of a criminal offence - in which it is possible to detect a clear influence of the characteristics of the criminal law of dangerousness and so-called Preventive Justice. Along the same lines, Real Decreto (Royal Decree) 1110/2015 creates the Central Register of Sex Offenders.

The aim of the research group on the Criminal Law of Dangerousness is to study this growing political-legislative trend centred on the idea of public safety and the objective of combating the criminal dangerousness of offenders to the utmost with a predominance of innocuous mechanisms. To this end, we analyse, from a general perspective, the basis of this model and highlight its limits from the point of view of the guarantee principles that should govern the fight against crime in a State governed by the rule of law; and in turn, and on the basis of the above, we examine the various aspects and institutions of positive law already referred to that constitute manifestations of this criminal law paradigm.

The research initially focuses on the projection of this legislative trend in the framework of crimes against sexual freedom and gender violence, although it is subsequently extended to other areas of crime, such as crimes of terrorism or public disorder, which are also clearly affected by the criminal law model of dangerousness.
All of this is approached from a dogmatic and political-criminal perspective and without losing sight of the reference to comparative law, and specifically the Anglo-American, German and Italian criminal legal systems.

Research Group on Design and Analysis in Applied Psychology - REME

The Research Unit on Design and Analysis in Applied Psychology / REsearch MEthods and design in applied psychology (REME) is a research unit directed by Professor Dolores Frías Navarro. This research unit was founded in 1994 as a research unit within the Department of Methodology of Behavioural Sciences at the Universitat de València, and has been present since 1997 on the website The work carried out within the REME research unit is oriented towards the development, improvement and evaluation of quantitative methods and, in particular, research design issues and statistical analyses related to the field of applied psychology research are analysed together with the reflection and study of the essential elements for the psychology professional to approach their work from the perspective of Evidence-Based Practice.

Specific research areas refer to the study of statistical education and re-education, statistical cognition, causal inference, research design sensitivity and statistical conclusion validity, systematic reviews and meta-analysis (meta-analysis and network meta-analysis), meta-research and the development of new measurement tools to help the understanding of new social realities linked mainly to stereotypes and discrimination towards minority groups and human mobility issues (such as migration, human mobility, sexual diversity, same-sex parent families, internalised homophobia, micro-aggressions towards minority groups).

The Research Unit has been the cohesive element of the research team members who have participated in various research projects funded by the Ministry of Education and the Universitat de València.

Research Group on Didactic Knowledge of School Content: Foundations of Analysis and Didactic Action by Teachers - CDC

The group's research activity focuses on the training of teachers in different school content areas: experimental sciences, mathematics, language and foreign language, literature, physical education, music education, etc. This involves, at different points in time, systematic evaluation of the disciplinary knowledge of future teachers, the development of their learning and teaching strategies, their epistemic knowledge, their teaching thinking and, of course, their specific didactic knowledge. All of this should lead to an assessment and improvement of the current teacher education model in order to update it and make it more effective.

Research associated with the understanding and development of skills and habits in primary and secondary students should complement the above, as this knowledge constitutes the necessary basis for adapting teacher education to the needs of students, and for turning teacher education into valid, reliable and transferable academic knowledge, overcoming tradition-based models.

Research Group on Digital Content and Communication Flows - MEDIAFLOWS

Research group focused on the analysis of the changes and mutations caused by the digitalisation process in the contents and structures of the media and the public. The group arose from the activity of most of its researchers, since 2007, within the framework of the ‘Analysis Group of the Valencian Digital Media’ (since 2007), which has led to the achievement of three R&D projects (financed by the Generalitat Valenciana and the Universitat de València) and an annual congress (Digital Communication Congress in the Valencian Community), which began to be held in 2009. All this resulted in five monographs and an abundant number of partial publications in congresses, journals and book chapters.

In addition, the group has obtained a R&D project of the National R&D&I Plan, granted in the 2013 call, and which covers the period from 2014 to 2016. The title of the project is ‘Communication flows in political mobilisation processes: media, blogs and opinion leaders’ (reference CSO2013-43960-R). The research related to this project constitutes the critical point of the group's research. This group’s research mainly focuses on influence: who influences whom, in what way, and with what effects. We focus on the flows through which information circulates because they will allow us to see this process of translating messages and combining agendas, which all try to influence the public space. We seek to see which ones are more influential and in which direction, or directions, the flow of information transmission takes place.

Research Group on Digital Disconnection at Work - DESC.LABOR

Multidisciplinary analysis of the impact of digital disconnection within the framework of labour relations. The technological transformations that the current labour market is undergoing are causing significant changes in the sphere of workers and in business management. Without a doubt, this is a challenge for the agents involved in the workplace (workers, employers, Governments, trade unions and business associations) to strengthen the protective spirit of labour regulations and guarantee basic labour rights such as rest, health and safety at work, privacy, work-life balance, secrecy of communications and data protection. In this sense, the research group analyses the worker’s right to digital disconnection, as well as its possible impact on people management and business competitiveness. All this always pointing out that it is a labour right whose effectiveness ultimately comes both from a mechanism to enhance the freedom and self-determination of the worker’s plan, as well as a guarantee of effective, free and equal business competition within the framework of a social market economy. In this context, the research group clarifies a basic and fundamental labour right today, but with many edges that need to be polished. To this end, in line with its multidisciplinary nature, it deals with the legal assets protected in labour law: to a greater or lesser extent and directly or indirectly, health (art. 15 EC); freedom (art. 1.1 EC) - including freedom of enterprise and productivity (art. 38 EC) -; dignity and free development of personality (art. 10 EC); equality (arts. 1.1; and 9.2 EC); confidentiality and privacy (art. 18.1, 3 and 4 EC); honour (art. 18.1 and 4 EC); and family (39.1 EC). Succinctly, the group intends to deal with the exercise of the right, its legal-practical implications in labour relations (with special emphasis on telework), its current state in the world (with international studies of the law in other countries), its relationship with the prevention of occupational risks (computer fatigue and hyperconnectivity), as well as with gender perspective, diversity, confidentiality and privacy, work-life balance, video-surveillance and corporate control (the need for all kinds of digital software means that the control of workers is growing considerably) and the technological side of it, among other aspects: the BYOD ("bring your own device") study, internal protocols on the use of digital devices and work time management software available to private and public companies.

Research Group on Digital Marketing and Communications - DIGIMK.COM

DIGIMK.COM as a research group of the UVEG, develops activities in line with methodological innovation and thematic study in digital marketing with special emphasis on communication, trying to make a contribution to the theoretical body of marketing. 

The work of the group discover new research gaps motivated by the growing process of digitization of marketing and communication, the empowerment of consumers in marketing communications, under the so-called User Generated Content, UGC, and information processing in the new environment, which configures its main lines of research. The priority sectors of analysis are related to tourism and mass consumption.

The experience of DIGIMK. COM as a research group of the UVEG, develops its consolidation as a team, is supported by the participation of its members in various R & D projects funded in public calls and R & D contracts of particular relevance with companies and / or administrations, The quality of research and the importance of the results of the group, is evidenced by its many contributions to conferences (over 200) and research that has been published in international journals, many of them included in the JCR, in ISI databases, in the SJR or in databases such as ABI INFORM, EMERALD Reviews.

The coordinator of the group is Dr. Bigne, University Professor with 4 six-year periods awarded by the CNEAI and has led several projects on digital communications in social media, one of them from the National R&D Plan (2015-2017), has supervised 20 doctoral theses and 90 indexed publications and 120 publications in national and international conferences. He is editor of two journals, European Journal of Management and Business Economics and Revista de Análisis Turístico. He is a member of a dozen journal editorial boards.

Research Group on Diversity and Evaluation in Lifelong Learning - DIVFOREVA

The group that we present arises from the sum of professors-researchers of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the Universitat de València who belong to the Departments of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education (MIDE) and Comparative Education and History of Education (ECHE). This union is consolidated with the individual verification, after several years of relevant experiences in research projects, that working in collaborative projects would provide us with a more holistic and complementary vision of the educational research contexts in which we work, enriching our proposals and results.

Furthermore, due to the affinity of our lines of study, as well as the common objectives that we have as professionals in the field of education, we believe that the unification in a working group will achieve these objectives with greater success, as the infrastructures and structures will be expanded from different contact networks, proposals for actions, perspectives for in-depth work and expansion of the educational field, etc.

The researchers who make up the research team are full-time teaching and research staff with permanent employment or statutory links to the Universitat de València, as well as a part-time doctoral research staff member who has been a contracted professional at the Universitat de València since the 2004 academic year. This research activity focuses, on the one hand, on the need that we detect in different contexts of educational action (diagnosis, intervention, evaluation, history, etc.) to develop differential research processes.

And, on the other hand, in the differential response or result that we find if we take into account the existence of differences in and between people and between groups of people and the contexts in which they find themselves. These differences include physical, psychic, psychological and emotional differences, as well as social, cultural, gender and age differences.

Diversity, from an inclusive education perspective, provides our research with a systemic and interactive set of educational variables that must be investigated in an inclusive manner and from the multidimensional perspective that the individual and social development of people in any educational process requires. Thus, we start from a wide and varied range of possibilities for our research, which we focus both on issues of inequality and on issues of evaluative research as a procedure for implementing, managing and providing information to improve education and training processes.

Impact Indexes:

  • X-index 7 in Google Scholar. i10-index total of 4. (Amparo Pérez Carbonell);
  • X-index 6 in Google Scholar. i10-index total of 5. (Inmaculada Chiva Sanchis)
  • X-index 9 in Google Scholar. i10-index total of 9. (María Jesús Martínez Usarralde)
  • X-index 5 in Google Scholar. i10-index total of 5. (Genoveva Ramos Santana)
Research Group on Economic Law and Regulation - REGULATION

The group is made up of teachers and researchers who have been jointly developing various projects aimed at studying the regulation of different sectors of economic activity, understood in a broad sense. The origin of these projects, generally from public law, focuses the work on the regulation produced by the existence of public interests, from the defence of competition in the market itself to the protection of other values (environmental, cultural, educational, social, pluralism, equality, persecution...), which justifies an intense legal intervention that goes far beyond what is usual in markets and sectors where these elements do not appear with such intensity.

To date, the most relevant activities of the research group are those developed around the work carried out in the context of various projects financed in competitive public calls for proposals or in preparation. These have dealt with issues related to the regulation of audiovisual markets, the regulation of certain cultural markets or the new regulatory challenges that appear with the emergence of business models based on the sharing economy.

Research Group on Economic and social behavior - CES

The aim of the research group is to analyse the economic and social behaviour of economic and social agents, from an interdisciplinary perspective based on methodologies of economic analysis, game theory, quantitative, experimental and computational methods.

Research Group on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Effectiveness and Enforceability - G-DESC

The research develops within the framework of the evolution of human rights, particularly in the processes of implementation of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR or social rights).

The research lines converge in two dimensions, the effectiveness and enforceability of these rights. In terms of effectiveness, the objectives of the research focus on determining the rights’ contents, the obligations they generate, the entitlement of rights, and the criteria for their interpretation and application. The enforceability dimension includes obligations related to compliance by duty-bearers and rights-holders, multilevel institutional mechanisms for the enforcement of normative, judicial and quasi-judicial rights, as well as access to justice. The approach to the principle of equality and non-discrimination and the gender perspective must be considered transversally to the dimensions of the effectiveness and enforceability of ESCR.

Research Group on Education in Reading, Literature, Linguistics, Culture and Society - ELCIS

The Elcis research group has carried out research into reading, literary, media and linguistic training in multicultural and multilingual contexts at different educational levels in both L1 and L2 and foreign languages. It began when we were awarded the research project "Globalisation, exclusion and multiculturalism in Children's and Young Adult Literature" (UV-AE-20060713) in 2006.

Since then and until now we have been working on different research, cooperation and innovation projects. A determining factor for the consolidation and expansion not only of research lines, but also of members and collaborators was the award of the R+D+I project "Literary Education and Interculturality" of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (EDU 2008-01782/EDUC), National Programme for Fundamental Research in the framework of the 6th National Plan for Scientific Research.

We have taken part in other projects such as "Diversity and (in)equality in contemporary Spanish literature for children and young people" (UV-IMV-PRECOMP-13-115502), "Literary images of diversity: citizenship and identity through reading and literary education" (GV 2015-050). Or the centre innovation projects "Innovation, Research and Quality in Higher Education: Projects and Proposals in teaching research in the Complementary Activities Weeks" in different editions or "Work on the impact of the use of interactive whiteboards in the higher education of teachers of Infant, Primary and Secondary Education". As well as "Comparative study of DLL subjects in the new degrees of Early Childhood Education" project awarded by the University of Seville. Projects for Teaching Research (038-A6-2010) with researchers from the universities of Seville, Jaén, Granada, Valencia, Barcelona, A Coruña; the project DETERMINING FACTORS IN THE READING HABITS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION STUDENTS (PR2017-040) granted by the University of Cadiz. Or the cooperation project "Preparation of teacher training agents and institutional teams to enable innovation and improvement in research and teacher training in intercultural bilingual education in the Andean and Caribbean areas" of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (D/030992/10); "Linguistic competences and cultural identity of students of immigrant origin - integration variables in immigration contexts" (APE/2015/004).

We have also been part of the project "MEDIATIC COMPETENCIES OF THE CITIZENSHIP IN EMERGING DIGITAL MEDIA (SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS): INNOVATIVE PRACTICES AND EDUCOMUNICATIVE STRATEGIES IN MULTIPLE CONTEXTS of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. National Programme for R&D Projects (EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R) with 40 researchers from 11 Spanish universities and 8 Latin American and European countries or the project "YOUTUBERS AND INSTAGRAMMERS: MEDIATIC COMPETITION IN EMERGING PROSUMERS" of the STATE RESEARCH AGENCY - 2018 Calls for Knowledge Generation R&D Projects and R&D Projects and RESEARCH CHALLENGES.

The Elcis group has also organised all kinds of scientific meetings related to our research: among others, the 3rd International Conference on Catalan Literature for Children and Young Adults (2006); and the International Conference on Literary Education and Society. The teaching of literature to young adults (2007); Interdisciplinary Conference on Women's Studies (2009); : 3rd Conference on Teaching Innovation in Higher Education (2014); 1st and 2nd International Conference Teaching Literature in English for Young Learners (2012) and (2015); 15th International Conference of the Spanish Society of Language and Literature Didactics (2014); Conference on Research, Innovation and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education (2014), (2015), (2016), (2017) and ((2018) or the Conference on Reading, Literary and Linguistic Education. They are currently part of the network of excellence of the project EXCELLENCE NETWORK IN MEDIATIC EDUCATION of the Ministry of Economy, Programme of Dynamisation Actions Networks of Excellence R+D (Action 2016) (EDU2016-81772-REDT) participating entities: 10 R+D IPs 10 Spanish universities.

Research Group on Education, Knowledge and Emancipation - GREDUC

We are a multidisciplinary study and research group in the field of education at the Universitat de València. Although we carry out research on different topics, we have in common a critical and post-critical epistemological view of education. Taking these elements as a starting point, we have been moving towards a commitment to a different way of understanding research, clearly linked to social transformation. Cooperation, the exchange of scripts and proposals and the dialogic circle are the strategies that accompany us.

Our lines of research are directed towards the initial and ongoing training of educators in various socio-educational contexts. Narrative research, experience and the educational relationship are our tools for advancing research in the fields of education, knowledge and emancipation.

Academic production should free itself from an unhealthy individualistic tradition, therefore, we are committed to the creation of spaces in which to enable curating, reflection and collective creation. In this sense, the group reflects a diversity of situations and stages in research. Some of the members of the group have already defended their theses and others are in the process of writing them.

The coordination of the group is based, in particular, on defining the problems and difficulties in educational research.

Research Group on Educational Research Methods and Information and Comunication Technologies - MIETIC

Educational research methodology and implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to education.

Research Group on Emotion and language 'at work': The discursive emotive/evaluative function in different texts and contexts: Project Persuasion - EMO-FUNDET

This project analyses the linguistic mechanisms of persuasion in both English and Spanish and in verbal and non-verbal language. To this end, a review of the different linguistic (pragmatico-discursive) theories on persuasion, argumentation and rhetoric is carried out and different samples of business/institutional discourse are analysed to discover mechanisms of persuasion in each of the two languages. 

The results can demonstrate differences in the different mechanisms used in English and Spanish, which are therefore specific to each language, but also mechanisms that are comparable. These results will be basic to design ad hoc materials for the training plan of two different levels (ESO and University).

Research Group on Entrepreneurship, Cooperatives and Social Economy Management and Corporate Sustainability - EMPRECOOP

Study on entrepreneurship, creation of companies in general and social companies in particular. Analysis of the concepts of emissary and entrepreneur, their characteristics and implementation of the different theories on entrepreneurship. Implementation of company-creating tools and definition of company business plan. Special impacts on social companies and the concepts of entrepreneurship and social innovation. Study on administration and management of cooperative companies and Social Economy. Its strategic diagnosis, the design of goal systems working towards mission, vision and values, the formulation of corporate and competitive strategies and the implementation of said strategies via organisational design, planning, control and behavioural studies: these are all included. Implementation of Strategic Administration tools in cooperative and other organisations of Social Economy: stakeholders analysis and power-interest matrix, environment analysis, internal analysis through resource auditing and VRIO analysis, analysis for assessment and design of strategies and organisational design variables. All the various group members will work on research involving the aspects of entrepreneurship and management of cooperative companies and Social Economy so as to apply these tools to the resolution of problems affecting these companies and contribute to the creation of new knowledge on the matter, all through competitive multilevel (regional, national, European) research projects.

Research Group on Evaluation and dissemination of science, promoting knowledge of research methodologies and academic communication - EDIFICA

Since 2006, the EDIFICA group (Evaluation and dissemination of science, promotion of knowledge of research methodologies and academic communication) has been developing different lines of research, including the performance of scientometric and bibliometric studies for the evaluation of research, as well as the development of materials based on e-learning, with the aim of providing a reference framework to enhance knowledge of research methodologies and written and oral communication skills in the academic environment.

The EDIFICA group has developed an outstanding activity in relation to these lines of research, with the publication of numerous works that analyse the production, collaboration or impact of research activity at analytical levels (authors, institutions, disciplines or countries). Likewise, since 2012, different projects have been launched to deepen the knowledge of the phenomenon of scientific collaboration in order to better understand this phenomenon and provide relevant information to both institutions and researchers in order to enhance and manage cooperative practices; and in relation to the development of materials based on e-learning, in order to provide a complementary reference framework to the tutoring process for the development of the final degree project as well as in the development and collection of resources to enhance the skills of written and oral communication in the academic environment.

Likewise, the EDIFICA group has been characterised over the last few years by an outstanding activity of dissemination of Valencian cultural heritage, participating in exhibitions, conferences and through different informative publications, particularly of its native sport par excellence, Valencian pilota. The development of control indicators to identify unethical practices in research activities is the group's most innovative line of work.

Research Group on Families and Children - GRIFAIN

The research team's main objective is to develop research and training activities aimed at understanding and improving the educational reality of families and children. In addition to this, the specific objectives of our team are aimed at:

  • To understand children's needs and perceptions, especially with regard to their rights to protection and participation, and to put forward proposals for improvement in this respect.
  • To analyse the main problems and difficulties faced by families and their members, and to develop proposals for improvement.
  • To deepen the tools and specific work strategies in the field of family and childhood. Collaborate with various agencies involved in families and children's lives (schools, social services, primary care centres, specialised services, third sector entities, etc.). To develop research and collaboration projects and agreements with different institutions.
  • To propose training proposals in relation to families and children aimed at graduates of the different UV degrees and professionals.
  • To disseminate the findings of our research team to the scientific community and society as a whole.

All the members of the team are professors at the Universitat de València as well as specialised professionals working in the field of family and children. The team director, as well as other professors, focuses her teaching and research activity mainly in the field of families and children, with theses directed on this subject, research projects and publications in journals and collective works. Among the projects it has directed the research; Design of an instrument to analyse the relationship between filio-parental violence and family structure and educational style; and participated, among others, in the research; Validation of an instrument for the evaluation of family educational styles and establishment of guidelines for the design of intervention programmes with families; (Universitat de València) and; Family practices and co-responsibility: Analysis of values and proposal of educational strategies for the conciliation of personal, social and working life; (Universidad de Barcelona). Among its latest publications we highlight; Families and minors: challenges and pedagogical proposals.

Likewise, it is responsible for and participates in different specialised training initiatives aimed at both graduates and professionals in this field (Postgraduate course "Specialised intervention with families and children: procedures and techniques for action"; training and research programmes in family intervention aimed at professionals from the specialised family and child services (SEAFIs) of the Valencian Community; national and international congresses -ERNAPE and AIFREF-; conferences; courses, etc.).

Research Group on Financial Economics and Energy Finance - EFEN

The overall objective of the research is to develop and apply methodologies that improve and facilitate decision-making for both financial professionals and regulators. It also extends to the analysis and management of climate change risks based on the fundamentals of financial theory, applying quantitative finance techniques to energy commodity price series quoted in international financial markets (spot and forward).

Research Group on Financial markets law: banking, securities and insurance - DERMERFIN

The group has been developing its activity since the 1990s, with the initial support of two research projects under the title "Banking contracts and legal entities" (GV 96-B-ES-16-088 and GV99-83-3-8). His activity has been kept alive until the present day, when he is covered by the project on "The regulation of shadow banking, banking contracts and customer protection: the new regulatory horizon of banking activity" (DER2013-48707-R). Over the last two decades, its output in terms of publications has been enormous, as has the transfer of research results, through scientific conferences and congresses and contracts through the University's OTRI. The Group also has the support and co-financing of two private associations: an association of financing companies (ANSOFI) and a consumer association (APABANC), support that will soon be extended by a third entity (INSOMNIA), specialised in the application of new technologies to the provision of banking services (FinTech) and insurance (InsurTech) and, in general, to the world of law (LegalTech). 

The subject of study, the law of financial markets, is divided into two distinct areas: the institutional regulation of financial markets and the intermediaries that operate in them (generally in the form of capital companies) and the legal regime of financial contracts and products, with special attention to the rules on customer protection. Within each of these areas, the Group is involved in the analysis of the regulatory changes that are continually taking place in relation to several different lines of research. 

The activity currently focuses especially on the study of the regulation of shadow banking, in view of the latest initiatives proposed by the institutions of the European Union, following on from previous initiatives from the other side of the Atlantic, which seek to regulate and subject to prudential control the entities that operate outside or in the shadow of the regulated system (shadow banking) and which are driven by the significant volume of business carried out by these entities and, above all, by their close links with credit institutions. Shadow banking institutions play an important role in the financial sector, as they constitute an essential alternative financing channel for the real economy, especially in phases when traditional banking agents reduce financial support. This is why, within our field of study, all alternative corporate finance systems have a place, among which venture capital and FinTechs, the latest development of the alternative banking system that is being brought about by the application of technology to the provision of financial services at a distance, occupy a prominent place. The same is happening in the field of insurance due to the emergence of InsurTechs. 

The experience we have gained from studying this reality allows us to extend our activities to other developments in the so-called LegalTech, i.e. new IT and technological tools specially designed to facilitate the work of legal operators. 

The other major aspect covered by our research is the legal regime governing banking, financial and insurance transactions and the legal treatment of the problems they raise, with special attention to the protection of the client and the user of financial services. The existing regulatory framework in this area raises many questions as to its application and effectiveness, as shown by the analysis of the case law arising from the marketing of banking services and financial products. On the other hand, the contribution of case law in this field is very remarkable, as shown by the large number of rulings on complex financial products (preference shares, structured deposits, swaps), whose irregular marketing by financial institutions has given rise to a phenomenon of mass litigation. The same process has occurred with regard to the inclusion in contracts of non-transparent or even abusive clauses (floor clauses, interest on arrears, rounding, etc.). The analysis of this case law is one of the core areas of the group's research activity. 

More recently, the group has extended its activity to the study of the exchange of banking information of international tax importance and the analysis of the tax implications of financial market operations.

Research Group on Historical Studies for Democracy and Transitions to Democracy - GEHTD

Within the latest theoretical contributions of social and political history, this project aims to study in depth both democracy and the construction and evolution of modern Spanish political cultures, insisting on the complex relationship between the main political cultures of republicanism, anarchism, socialism and democracy. It will focus on three historical moments:

  1. The crisis of the parliamentary monarchy, 1900-1930; 
  2. Second Spanish Republic, Spanish Civil War and Early Francoism, 1931-1959; 
  3. Second Francoism, Transition and democratic consolidation, 1959-1986. 

The historical analysis will be carried out from within the three political cultures mentioned, in relation to Spanish nationalism and gender identities and from the comparative perspective with southern Europe and the United States. With this diversity of approaches and perspectives in three key historical moments, the mutual achievements and influences of this fruitful, but conflictive and difficult relationship at many moments in the 20th century will be seen. The project will focus primarily on three key historical moments:

  1. The first third of the twentieth century was interesting for observing the response of the different political cultures to the limits and possibilities of universal male suffrage and to the transition from elite politics to mass politics. This was also the time of the first wave of democratisation in much of Europe, so that the different political cultures found themselves at a crucial political moment, as the masses not only assumed the leading role in political life, but also, increasingly in more and more places, control of the levers of power.
  2. Spanish Second Republic, Spanish Civil War and early Francoism, in which attention will be paid mainly to the possibilities and influences of the first Spanish democratic experience, as well as to the attraction of revolution and reaction in a large part of the political spectrum, due to the growing influence of the anti-liberal and anti-democratic movements in the context of the inter-war period. To this is added the gender and national identity aspects of political cultures as a whole, and the analysis of the experience of the hardest years of Francoism (1939-1959) in the consideration of democracy as the central objective of the political cultures of the Spanish left (defeated in the civil war). Thus, the analysis of anti-fascism during the interwar period, as a mobilising mortar against the expansion of the enemies of liberalism and democracy and its main achievements (individual rights and freedoms, social reforms and gender equality), as well as the consequences of its triumph after the Spanish Civil War, especially in the form of repression from different perspectives, will be central elements of this group's research.
  3. Late Francoism and the Democratic Transition, periods in which all points of the political spectrum converged towards a Western European-style democracy, in such a way that both the clandestine revolutionary groups of the last years of Francoism, the main traditions of the Spanish left and the more moderate positions of the liberal and Christian Democrat right evolved until they contributed decisively to making Spain a consolidated democracy integrated into the European context.

The analysis will be carried out from different perspectives:

  1. From an internal analysis of left-wing political cultures, through which to observe their positioning in relation to the aforementioned processes (democracy, democratisation, transitional processes, gender and national identities).
  2. From a comparative and even transnational perspective that leads to highlighting the aspects and processes in which the political cultures of the Spanish left participated in connection with those of other geographies, mainly France, Italy and Portugal, due to their thematic and geographical proximity to Spain; as well as with the United States, for acting as a radiator of democratising ideals and formulas since the beginning of the first third of the 20th century due to its position as a hegemonic country in the international order.
Research Group on History, Current Practices and New Challenges of the Scientific Knowledge Transfer - ÁGORA

The research group develops its research activity focused on scientific communication in three areas.

The first one is related to scientific communication from a historical point of view. In particular, it focuses on the circulation of ideas and books between Spain and Europe during the 18th century through the reconstruction of the libraries of the Valencian erudites. These libraries not only give us information about the owner of the library and their readings, but also about the processes of cultural and scientific transfer at that time. The reconstruction of the catalogues of these libraries is fundamental to understand the entry of ideas, authors and books of marked modernity in Spain, in fields such as History, Philosophy, Science and Humanities, among others. It also allows us to reconstruct the channels of circulation of books and their main protagonists: printers, booksellers, intermediaries and customs agents, who anonymously made it possible for international scientific mainstreams to enter Spain.

The second area has to do with the practices that shape current science, both from the institutional point of view and from the perspective of scientists. Thus, this group works on the assessment of research developed and/or financed by specific public institutions by obtaining bibliometric indicators related to production, scientific collaboration and research impact. This has materialised in recent years in the implementation of various research contracts signed with academic institutions and public administration bodies. In addition, from the point of view of national research policies, patterns of scientific communication are studied, both from a quantitative and qualitative standpoint, in the context of a new communication model determined by the increasing use of social media and the Open Access to science movement. From the researcher’s point of view, this implies the requirement to disseminate the results of their publicly funded research through systems that ensure open access to this information. For this reason, it is also necessary to evaluate compliance with these mandates, designing the most appropriate procedures for this purpose. These procedures are designed on the basis of a study of the editorial policy of the journals through which the results of publicly funded research are disseminated, as well as by investigating the behaviour of researchers with respect to scientific communication and the characteristics that may favour the adoption of this innovation.

Finally, the third research area of this group is the new challenges facing academic and research institutions and scientists themselves. Specifically, it is the management of research data, which is a new step in the OA movement in which access to research data is promoted in order to favour the good management of public investment, create value chains in the field of innovation and increase international cooperation, among others. In this context, this group maintains a stable collaboration with various European research groups focused on the study of researchers' data literacy. The aim is to diagnose and then promote a culture that favours open access to data among the academic and research community.

Research Group on Human Resources Strategy, Knowledge Management and Innovative and Entrepreneurial Behaviour - RRHHCIRO

This Research Group focuses on the analysis of the strategic decision-making process and human resources strategy, relating it to organisational knowledge management, innovative employee behaviour, entrepreneurial behaviour and corporate sustainability. In particular, it studies how HR policies serve as key factors in facilitating the implementation of knowledge management processes (acquisition, creation, storage, sharing, application and distribution) in organisations, generating innovation and entrepreneurship-oriented behaviours of individuals.

The analysis of how HR policies and their joint or systemic consideration become a catalyst for the individual's creativity and interest in developing innovations (new products, new processes or even new business projects) at the organisational level, which can contribute to the achievement of sustainable competitive advantages. In addition, the implementation of sustainability-oriented HR practices will, at the same time, enable the development of individual and collective behaviours that meet the current challenges that organisations face in terms of social responsibility and business sustainability. Likewise, the fact that knowledge has recently become a strategic resource for organisations has highlighted the need to manage it actively and with a clear strategic orientation. Therefore, the study of all knowledge management processes and how they are affected by the organisation's HR strategy is a subject of study for this Research Group. In turn, these knowledge management processes are essential to create the necessary climate for employees and groups within organisations to develop innovative and entrepreneurial behaviours.

The research projects developed within the framework of the team have an academic and applied orientation, and focus on collaboration with companies and managers to improve their management, with special emphasis on the problems of SMEs.

Research Group on Human Rights and European Social Charter - CSE
  • Research on Human Rights from the perspective of the European Social Charter, officially since 2014 the "Social Constitution of Europe".
  • Analysis of the jurisprudence of the European Committee of Social Rights arising from the Conclusions of the Reports system and the Fund's Decisions arising from Collective Complaints.
  • Application by national courts of the rules of the Council of Europe, specifically the European Social Charter. Control of conventionality.
  • Study of the Law of Treaties and other International Agreements from the perspective of the European Social Charter and the consequences deriving therefrom.
  • Review of national regulations and determination of whether or not they are in line with the European Social Charter. Establishment of Spain's progress at European level with the ratification of the revised version of the European Social Charter and the Protocol on Collective Complaints.
  • Providing solutions to ensure that Spain complies with its international commitments to the Council of Europe.
  • Deepening the dissemination of a correct knowledge and application of the European Social Charter and its monitoring and control body.
  • Presentation of collective complaints by trade unions and social organisations, following the acceptance of the procedure by Spain.
Research Group on Human Rights and Globalisation - Derglo

This group, which is now applying for access to the register of research groups, has been developing for decades, based on the pioneering studies and research in the field carried out by Professor Jesús Ballesteros, several lines of research, prolonged and updated over time, on various facets of human rights, In recent years, these have focused specifically on issues related to international justice, with special attention to the challenges of peace and sustainable development, the most recent results of which are the following funded research projects, in addition to a significant number of publications and monographs in prestigious publishers and scientific journals: 

  • Prometeo Phase II project. Reference: PROMETEO II/2014/080. (From 1-1-2014 to 31-12-2017) The role of law in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. Grants for research groups of excellence.
  • Global Justice Programme (Diké). Grants to research groups for the constitution and accreditation of ISIC (Higher Institutes for Cooperative Research) networks of excellence. Reference: ISIC/2012/017 (From 1-1-2012 to 31-12-2015).
  • PROMETEO Programme for research groups of excellence. Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government). From 1-I-2010 to 31-XII-2013. Human rights, sustainability and peace. Main researcher: Jesús Ballesteros.
  • The MEC R+D+I Research Project, directed by Dr. J. Ballesteros: Globalisation and International Justice: human security, peace and sustainable development (SEJ-2007-67270/JURI).
  • The Generalitat's R+D+I project (2007-2008) directed by Dr. Encarnación Fernández: States in crisis and international justice (GV/2007/061).
  • The R&D&I project funded by the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government), directed by Dr. Pilar González Altable: The theory of democracy in the face of contemporary challenges; civic competence and globalisation (GV00-158-08).

This research group also constitutes the core of professors responsible for a doctoral programme that has a long history dating back to 1989 with the doctoral programme entitled "Derechos humanos, ética y democracia" (Spanish for Human Rights, Ethics and Democracy). This programme was followed by "Human Rights and Current Problems" (an international programme in collaboration with the University of Palermo and with a mention of quality); at present, Professor Ballesteros himself directs the PhD programme entitled  "Sostenibilidad y Paz en la era posglobal" (Spanish for Sustainability and Peace in the post-global era)

The formal constitution of this group responds to an increasing demand for specialised studies and work, with a practical orientation, in the field of human rights, peace and sustainable development, which contribute new lines of action and suggest effective mechanisms for the protection and guarantee of rights in different fields in the face of the new challenges facing society. 

There is a broad social awareness of the need to deepen the idea of the indivisibility and interdependence of human rights, as a response to the terrible scourges (wars, underdevelopment and the indiscriminate and savage exploitation of natural resources) that plague humanity. Society demands to assume the perspective that gives primacy to the full realisation and fulfilment of all rights for all human beings (not only those of the first world) and to put the emphasis not only on economic growth but on a truly human and sustainable development (centred on the satisfaction of people's basic needs). From this perspective, it is possible to contribute to peace-building at the local level (countries devastated by conflicts of all kinds) and at the global level. In other words: peace, development and the realisation of rights can only be achieved together.

Research Group on Human Rights, Migration and Living Together - MULTIHURI

Modern societies are characterised by multiple factors that highlight diversity, especially in the cultural and religious spheres. Among them, migratory flows can clearly be considered as one of those that generate the greatest tensions in the social fabric, going beyond the strict sphere of foreigners (insofar as immigrants settle and become nationals) and forcing a comprehensive analysis or study from an intercultural dimension. Faced with the challenges posed by the management of diversity in a legal-political perspective, reductionist solutions are often offered, based especially on fear of the other, which instead of encouraging social cohesion contribute to its fragmentation. Particularly in times of crisis (not only economic, but also of shared common values), when certain subjects feel threatened or discriminated against, conflicts arise that hinder life in common. These tensions translate, on more occasions than desirable, into a withdrawal of identity or a securitarian frenzy, ranging from cultural or religious manifestations to practices that are incompatible with human and fundamental rights, which must be tackled from the regulatory and jurisprudential sphere, but also from public policies of a preventive nature. The miscellaneous problem areas of intervention when dealing with diversity make it impossible to exhaust such a complex and dynamic subject matter, which makes it necessary to spatially limit the scope of study and seek models or guidelines that can offer lasting solutions for the sake of social integration, which is essential for the strengthening of the rule of law. For this reason, the MULTIHURI project, from a multidisciplinary study and based on its previous experience, focuses on analysing four European states: Spain, France, Italy and the United Kingdom, and proposes comparing them with an a priori different legal-political reality, at least in its trajectory, such as that of Canada, in an attempt to find mechanisms that bidirectionally allow cultural and religious conflicts that may compromise social peace to be confronted. 

Indeed, in the aforementioned European context, the so-called policies of integration of (or with) immigrants have not produced the expected results, nor have they had an impact on the population to generate a climate of respect and guarantee of human rights. On the contrary, the increasingly pressing identity challenges inherent to diversity, their link with public order or the fundamental principles of modern democratic states governed by the rule of law (such as equality, pluralism or secularism) and their relationship with latent feelings such as, among others, that of national vindication, highlight the difficulties in establishing common values in a fragmented world. 

It is therefore essential, as the European Court of Human Rights has already highlighted in its jurisprudence, to build a model of coexistence in multicultural, diverse societies, especially marked by the impact of migratory flows, that takes into account, as a guide for the articulation of regulations and public policies, strict respect for human rights from their international standards as the basis of the democratic rule of law. See


Research Group on Individual and Family - GPF

Individual and Family rights are two strongly connected areas of the legal system, which are undergoing an increasing evolution in modern societies, with great repercussions for people's daily lives and the free development of their personalities.

The importance of the subjects, that form the object of these disciplines and their continuous transformations, justify the existence of a Research Group aimed at studying them and transferring the results of the research carried out to society. 
The members of the Group have been involved in individual and family rights for many years, both individually and as a cohesive group.

They have thus participated in joint projects, under the co-ordination of the person in charge, such as "Daños en el Derecho de Familia", Thomson-Aranzadi, 2006; "Comentarios a las reformas del Derecho de Familia de 2005", Thomson-Aranzadi, 2006; "Veinticinco años de aplicación de la Ley Orgánica 1/1982, de 5 de mayo, de protección civil del derecho al honor, a la intimidad personal y familiar, y a la propia imagen"; Thomson-Aranzadi, 2007; "El derecho a la imagen desde todos los puntos de vista", Thomson-Aranzadi, 2011; "Responsabilidad civil en las relaciones familiares", Thomson-Aranzadi, 2012; "Derecho Civil I" (Individual rights), 2nd ed., Tirant lo Blanch, 2021; "Derecho Civil IV (Family rights)", 4th ed.,Tirant lo Blanch, 2021; "Tratado práctico interdisciplinar de las crisis familiares", Tirant lo Blanch, 2021; y "La compensación por desequilibrio en la separación y divorcio", Tirant lo Blanch, 2021.
They have participated as members of the Research Projects (of which the lead researcher is the head of the Group) "La protección del derecho a la propia imagen frente medios de comunicación y nuevas amenazas tecnológicas" (2009-14519-C05-05), MINECO; "Impacto social de las crisis familiares" (DER2013-47577-R.), MINECO; "Governing Inheritance Statutes after the Entry into Force of EU Succession Regulation" (764204 GoinEu); and "Justice Programme" (2014-2020), "Integration, migration, transnational relationships. Governing inheritance statutes after the entry into force of EU succession regulations" (796041 GoInEUPlus), "Justice Programme" (2014-2020).

They are currently participating in the following research projects (of which the lead researcher is the head of the Group) "La modernización del derecho de familia a través de la práctica jurisprudencial" (AICO/2021/0900), Generalidad Valenciana; y "Adaptation of rights in rem in cross-border successions within EU" (101007501 EU-ADAPT), JUST-JCOO-AG-2020.

Research Group on Innovation and Local Development - INNODES

The research activity of the Innovation and Local Development R&D Group (INNODES) belonging to the Inter-University Institute of Local Development (IIDL) of the Universitat de València and Universitat Jaume I, focuses on aspects related to economic geography, spatial planning and regional development, in particular on the analysis of urban and metropolitan systems, innovation processes, planning of public services, geography of well-being, social innovation, tourism and its territorial impact, sustainability and processes of resilience and local development; as well as in the analysis of social dynamics, population movements and development cooperation in diverse territories.

Research Group on Innovation, i-Space and Entrepreneurship - InnSpace

Innovation is a fundamental factor in the growth of any organisation. Innovation implies a different way of thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a series of beliefs, principles and values that emphasise a change in the entrepreneurial mentality towards innovation in value, without abandoning traditional technological innovation, which continues to be an essential factor in maintaining and increasing competitiveness. The aim is to go deeper into the clarification and structuring of the elements that articulate the entrepreneur's mentality in order to identify and take advantage of new opportunities for value creation. Focusing on the entrepreneur as a value innovator, i.e. one capable of identifying and satisfying an unmet need for an unattended market. The resources and capabilities available to organisations will be key to the successful development of all types of innovation.

The current crisis situation, the need to be sustainable in the use of resources and the appearance in recent years of an increase in open research through Open Science platforms, require a new vision in the creation of resources through the open space. In this open context of easy access to multiple resources and idle capacities, inefficiently applied or with excess installed capacity, the innovator's work as a coordinator of resources is key. Thus, capturing, organising and deploying resources in i-SPACE can lead to a revolution.

For its part, sustainability not only affects the generation of resources and capacities, but should also be the reason for developing sustainable business models from both a social and environmental perspective. In this way, we will explore social innovation as the process of designing, developing and growing new ideas that aim to meet social needs. Analysing and understanding the motivations of the entrepreneur, as well as the resources and contextual conditions necessary to develop sustainable business models from both social and environmental perspectives.

Technology-based entrepreneurship will also be approached by the group from a descriptive perspective of the current situation and by delving into the figures of the founding team of these companies. The business modality known as start-up will be analysed through its business model, target client and value proposition. Furthermore, the use and applicability of new management methodologies for these companies, such as the well-known Business Model Canvas and lean start-up approaches, will be examined in depth from a critical perspective.

It is important to stress that innovation capacity is one of the key factors of competitiveness. One of the lines will be aimed at investigating the implementation of key aspects in the management of business innovation at business or sectoral level at both regional and national level. These more territorial studies will focus on the European Union, based on data collected from official statistics such as Eurostat and CIS.

A complementary area will be the adjustment of Innovation with new ways of working, such as Smart Work, which will allow an increase in employee satisfaction, as well as improvements in the company's climate and economic ratios. In companies and environments where innovation is a priority, the generation of human resources policies that are aligned with the workers' interests and that achieve their commitment and loyalty becomes crucial.

The CVPP as well as the new work and professional approaches framed as Smart Work, which include the possibility of self-management of working time, the use of collaborative network services or the generation of virtual knowledge centres, will allow us to achieve the proposed objective.

Research Group on Interculturality and Communication - InterCom

In the information society, applied knowledge, derived from empirical research, is an instrument of social development. Moreover, communication occupies a central position in terms of the structure and functioning of society, with the new information and communication technologies being understood not only as a tool of primary necessity, but also as a way of appreciating and perceiving the globalised world, as well as being one of the best tools for socio-cultural intervention. Many of the new industries and institutions (public or private) must have specialists in this field, both as researchers and as well-qualified professionals to face some of the current challenges in the fields of culture, communication, society and politics, from creation to management.

The aim of InterCom is to deepen knowledge in these areas, fundamentally in the territories of audiovisual discourse (cinema, television, popular culture, comics, internet, photography, etc.).

Research Group on Internationalisation, Globalisation and Enterprise Strategy - INGLOBEST

The field of study of the research group is the internationalisation of enterprises from a broad perspective: SMEs and multinational companies, industrial and service companies. The influence of globalisation and territory as well as the cornerstone of strategic management are present in our research as a generic frame of reference.

The team has participated in numerous projects signed with relevant business organisations both at the level of the Valencian Community and the Spanish State (ATEVAL, IMPIVA, COEVAL, Spanish Intertextile Council, Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of Industry, etc.) in which the international competitiveness of small Spanish enterprises and the challenges they face in this global environment are analysed.

In addition, the team has developed three competitive projects of the Ministry where the object of study has been multinationals and their international expansion processes. Specifically, (a) aspects related to the behaviour of multinational companies from different perspectives: modes of entry, organisational structure, coordination mechanisms, roles of subsidiaries and expatriates (SEC2003/06466, SEC2006/13889) and (b) the strategic role that Spain can play as a springboard country in the internationalisation processes of multinational companies towards Latin America (ECO2010/18583). 

Most of the members of this project have internationalisation strategy as the focus of their research. The team is mainly made up of PhD tenured university professors and trainee lecturers of the Universitat de València: Dr. Esther Sánchez, Esmeralda Linares, Angels Dasi, Cristina Villar and Marimen Saorín and Dr. Fidel León and Anastasio Urra. The team also has the collaboration of professors and PhD students who are working on our line of research in Latin America.

The director of the group, full university professor José Pla Barber, has participated in numerous research projects as PI funded by public contributions (including three competitive projects financed by the Ministry, two by the Valencian government, two by the AECI and one by the Universitat de València). He obtained his PhD degree with the European doctorate programme and with an extraordinary PhD award. Professor Pla is a visiting lecturer at numerous international universities (Reading University, Norwegian School of Management, ORT Uruguay, ICESI Colombia, APEC Dominican Republic, among others). Together with other members of the team, he has published 46 scientific articles (27 in JCR journals), 19 book chapters and 4 scientific dissemination books. This activity has allowed him to obtain three research grants. Dr. Pla has nearly 800 citations in Google Scholar, an h-index of 13 and an ih-index of 17. Professor Pla has obtained 8 research awards, among them, the 1st prize Centre for Financial Studies “Accounting and Business Administration Modality” (9th Edition, 1999) and the research award “Juan José Renau Piqueras” (1st Edition, 1999).

In addition, the team incorporates as active members of the group professors Anoop Madhok (Schulich School of Business) and Torben Pedersen (Copenhagen Business School), internationally renowned authors in research on multinational companies. We also collaborate with two of the most prolific research groups in this field: the one led by professor Cuervo-Cazurra (which analyses the internationalisation of multi-Latin companies) and the group made up of professors García-Canal and Mauro Guillén (which focuses its study on the development of multinational companies in Latin America). International and formative nature of the research team. One of the priority objectives of the research group has been to have an international dimension.

Research Group on Labour Economy and Employment Policy - ECOLAB

Este grupo tiene como objetivo general de su actividad promover, realizar y difundir investigación alrededor del el ámbito del trabajo y los ámbitos conexas. Se entiende el trabajo en un sentido amplio, como actividad que incluye tanto el trabajo productivo o mercantil como el no mercantil o reproductivo. Más concretamente, la actividad de investigación del grupo incluye todos los aspectos relacionados con la dinámica laboral de la sociedad (ocupación, paro, incorporación al mercado laboral, interacciones entre trabajo mercantil y reproductivo...), las condiciones de ocupación (temporalidad, precariedad, prácticas de gestión laboral por parte de las empresas, etc.), la dimensión territorial de los aspectos laborales y todo el que hace referencia a las políticas públicas que afectan a estos aspectos.

Research Group on Literature, Arts and Performance - LAP

The research group works on the dialogue between the different representative arts and literature through the semiotic and cultural transmission of literary topoi from and towards the Anglo-Saxon tradition. The group’s research focuses on the study of different cultural practices from the perspective of intertextuality, intermediality, semiotics, reception and adaptation. The period of study covers from the Middle Ages to the present day, with an exhaustive analysis of the creation map, transmission and influence of cultural, artistic and literary heritage in the Anglo-Saxon tradition. The group also works on investigating the impact of the objects of cultural consumption considered in contemporary societies. To this end, it carries out advisory and consultancy work for cultural agents, companies related to the performing arts, film, television and digital industries, as well as companies in the publishing industry and cultural centres interested in the production, conservation, teaching and dissemination of cultural products related to or originating from the Anglo-Saxon tradition.

Research Group on Management Reporting, Transparency, Accounting Education and Reliability of Financial Reporting - META

The research group develops various lines of research ranging from the study of the process that determines the training received by future accounting professionals, the impact that new technologies have on the transparency of public and private entities, the reporting models needed to improve internal and external decision-making in organisations, and the impact that financial auditing has on various economic and financial variables of companies.

Research Group on Management Teams, Business Strategy and Corporate Governance - TMT_BS

This research group focuses on the study of the characteristics, structure, processes and incentive systems of the management bodies of companies, and their relationship with the strategies they use, as well as with the results of the organisations.

The research team that makes up this group specialises in competitive and corporate strategy, as well as in the approaches of top management teams (Upper Echelons), Corporate Governance, and sustainable competitiveness (i.e. the balance between competitiveness, survival and Corporate Social Responsibility in a broad sense). 

In the field of strategy, this research group has carried out multiple research projects on competitive strategy (strategy clock and competitive positioning), strategic orientation of organisations, internationalisation strategies, diversification strategies, entry modes, mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, etc. These works have been published in both national and international academic journals, with considerable weight being given to those in the main international lists of research journals (i.e. JCR, Scopus, etc.).

Since 2002, much of this work has focused on the fundamental role of management teams and governing bodies in defining strategies and in the disposition of certain attitudes that are reflected in strategic decision-making. Market orientation, proactive, innovative and risk-taking orientation, open-mindedness, acceptance of change, self-confidence, optimism, complacency, globally responsible attitudes, ethics or personalistic and particularistic approaches are areas of interest in the research.

Among the aspects considered in relation to management teams and governing bodies, this research group pays attention to team composition, diversity, power and participation structure, hierarchical and horizontal role distribution, interaction processes, cognitive and affective conflict, shared values, incentive systems, as well as demographic and psycho-sociological characteristics of specific members of executvie management, such as General Management or certain functional or divisional managers.

Both antecedents and consequences of the above-mentioned variables and the relationships between them are of interest to us. With regard to the effects of these relationships on organisational performance, attention is paid to aspects such as competitiveness (profitability, growth, solvency, survival), reputation, value creation, etc. 

Our research is mainly carried out through the execution of competitive research projects, financed by the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, among others. However, this research group maintains close contact with the economic-business context, and carries out technical advice, training, diagnosis and technical studies and reports aimed at the practical application of our line of work.



Research Group on Marketing Applied to Consumer Behaviour - MarkAp

The MarkAp-UV R&D Group, coordinated by the researcher Prof. Dr. Inés Kuster Boluda, is formed by a team of researchers belonging to the area of Marketing and Market Research at the Universitat de València. Its main objective is research in various sectors related to Marketing and the implementation and development of novel methodologies in real business scenarios.

Research Group on Mediation and Arbitration - MedArb

ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) as a means of protection and access to justice. Analysis of ADR. Domestic and international perspective. From ADR to ODR in the 21st century. Mediation: principles and status of the mediator.

Types of mediation: civil and commercial, criminal and penitentiary, labour, administrative, consumer, special property, mediation in administrative matters, both domestic and international (cross-border). Analysis of mediation in comparative law, especially in Asia-Pacific, Europe and Anglo-Saxon systems Arbitration: birth and autonomy of will. Principles and development of the arbitration process. The award, challenge and enforcement.

Special arbitration: from the sectoral arbitration that emerged in the 1980s to the new dimension and trends of arbitration in the 21st century. International commercial arbitration. Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Investment protection arbitration. Relationship between ADR and state courts.

Research Group on Migration and Processes of Development - InMIDE

The InMIDE research group is made up of professors, researchers and professionals from different disciplines and institutions who analyse the links between migratory flows and development processes, from their social, economic, cultural and political dimensions. 
The main objective of the group's research is to reveal the impact of migration on the development of the countries of origin of migration. The research is carried out in the fields of co-development, development cooperation and transnationalism led by migrants themselves, as well as the role played by other institutional actors (public bodies) and civil society (NGOs and migrants' associations). The research is aimed at both the analysis of public policies and practices in these areas.

Research Group on Migration, Diversity and Social Cohesion - MIDICO

International migratory flows in Spain correspond to the characteristics that Castles and Miller point out, in their now classic work "The Age of Migration", for the migrations of the 21st century. In fact, more belatedly than in the rest of Europe, the last two decades have seen an increase in migratory flows to our country from different countries and cultures. Not only are we witnessing an increasing heterogeneity of migration flows, but also an increasing diversity of migrants There are flows of workers for low-skilled jobs, but also migrations of highly skilled people; there are those who migrate to improve their quality of life, "lifestyle migration", and there are those who migrate to save their lives, asylum seekers and refugees; we have masculinised and feminised migrations, although the prominence of women migrants is increasing. Given the area of free movement that the European Union represents, another very relevant distinction is between internal migration within the EU and migration from third countries. Our group aims to respond to this heterogeneous reality through a variety of lines of research: Transnational mobility strategies; International Retirement Migration; Intra-European Migration; Skilled Migration. 

In Spain and in the Valencian Country, immigrants are present in all areas of social life, they have contributed to transforming our towns and cities, and they constitute another part of the population. In our group we study some of these areas, such as the labour insertion of immigrants, Migrations and the labour market, the characteristics of their inclusion in our cities, Urban insertion, and in our towns and rural areas, Globalised rurality. Whether in rural or urban areas, a basic dimension of our social life, often undervalued, is sociability, which is addressed by the line Dynamics of coexistence in multicultural spaces and environments. Although the social integration of immigrants usually starts precariously and improves with time and effort, we have, as in other European countries, immigrant groups at risk of exclusion (ethnic minorities, asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors...). This issue is addressed in the line Migrant groups in situations of exclusion. 

Migrations and the cultural diversity they entail are not the only, nor, dare we say, the main challenge facing social cohesion. In recent decades our societies have undergone intense socio-economic transformations, due to globalisation and neo-liberal policies, which have led to a polarisation of the labour market, an increase in inequality and a feeling of insecurity in previously protected sectors. In the case of Spain, these transformations have coincided with the arrival and settlement of immigrants and their families.

We are more fragmented societies, socially and culturally. Working for social cohesion, the construction of a common and at the same time plural "we", implies the implementation of general policies of inclusive citizenship, for natives and immigrants, in terms of employment, housing, security, and an adequate management of cultural diversity, the latter issue being addressed in the line of the same name. 

This diversity of research lines has a number of common transversal axes. In this presentation we will highlight three. Firstly, gender mainstreaming. Secondly, an intersectional perspective that considers the interweaving of social class, gender and ethnocultural factors. Thirdly, an orientation in line with the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals SDGs and, more specifically, with SDG5, gender perspective, SDG10, Reducing inequalities, SDG11. More inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and SDG16. Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies. 

Our research work is based on research projects and research contracts. The latter, carried out with public administrations, associations and companies, allow both knowledge transfer and sociological and anthropological research applied to the issues addressed here.

Research Group on Modeling Complex Systems: Personality, Brain and Social Systems - MOSISCOM

For years we have been working and publishing on the biological basis of personality, especially the brain and genetic mechanisms that underlie human behaviour. In this process we have proposed a theory on the General Personality Factor, and we have created an instrument to assess it. We have also proposed and investigated psychological intervention techniques (based on classical conditioning and suggestion) to modify personality and emotional states. At the same time, we have created complex mathematical models to study the dynamics of personality in the face of external stimuli, especially drugs. In this sense, we have mathematically modelled brain reactions to different drugs as a function of individual differences, while at the same time we have created a dynamic model that explains drug addictions.

Research Group on Modern trends in Criminal Law and Criminology: Crime Prevention and protection of civil liberties - DPC

Criminal law has a two-faced character: on the one hand, it prevents the commission of crimes and thus protects the rights of all citizens, and on the other hand, it guarantees that the state's power to punish is exercised in accordance with a series of guarantees, which is why it especially protects the fundamental rights of the accused and convicted. It is from this tension between prevention and guarantees that dogmatics has traditionally studied the foundations and limits of the legal system. To this end, the central position of constitutional principles and the protection of fundamental rights has served to defend a political-criminal discourse in which respect for the general principle of freedom can legitimise the state's ius puniendi. However, the analysis of contemporary criminal law shows a marked tendency towards an increase in punitive rigour and towards the consideration of criminal dangerousness as a basis for criminal sanctions. This trend can be easily observed in the legislative reforms of the Spanish Criminal Code since its approval in 1995, being of particular importance the Organic Law 1/2015 on the reform of the Criminal Code, which introduces institutions of dubious constitutionality such as permanent revisable prison, as well as the expansion of security measures such as probation. In both cases, it is prognoses of criminal dangerousness that are the basis for the execution of sanctions.

The research group on "Crime Prevention and protection of civil liberties" aims to study this evolution, starting from respect for constitutional principles and the protection of fundamental rights as a methodological framework for research, in order to critically assess the inadequacies of these new political-criminal trends, using the training in Criminology of most of the members of the group to establish relations between Criminology and Criminal Law. The interdisciplinary nature of the research group will make it possible to study responses that can adapt the guarantee-based discourse to the implementation of effective preventive techniques in the face of the new political-criminal challenges of social change, as well as assessing the suitability of new forms of conflict resolution, such as restorative justice, to the criminal justice system, such as criminal mediation. Likewise, specific criminological phenomena will be studied, such as the prevention and treatment of sexual crime, as well as cybercrime cases where the criminal act presents a correlation with the advances derived from information technology.

In any case, the activity of the research group will seek to offer a perspective that integrates comparative criminal law, as well as international regulations, in order to reinforce the resulting lege lata and lege ferenda proposals.

Research Group on Multimodal Education and Multiliteracy through Literature, Art, Foreign Languages and Learning & Knowledge Technologies - LiTerart

This group brings together researchers from different universities and disciplines who share a common goal: to develop research aimed, firstly, at providing a comprehensive education that contributes to the personal, intercultural and social education of 21st century students and, secondly, at developing their reading, linguistic, critical and creative skills and abilities.

To this end, we combine educational research with didactic innovation to study the pedagogical value of the use and impact of multiliteracies and multimodal resources in the classroom, through the approach of several cross-disciplines related primarily to the humanities, art education, foreign language teaching and new technologies for learning and knowledge (TAC).

The aim of Lit(T)erart is to deepen the contribution of these areas, mainly in teacher training and in the development of curricular proposals that promote the cognitive, conceptual, socio-cultural and aesthetic dimensions, and then focus on the design of an evaluation system based on the creation of rubrics that show the progress of students and the validity of the proposed methodology.

In line with the EHEA guidelines, we propose to build a didactic scaffolding based on the pedagogy of multiliteracies that not only considers language as an exclusive form for the construction of meanings, but also incorporates multimodality as a mode of representation for creating and expressing ideas.

Research Group on New conflicts and judicial process - NCPJ

The research activity to be carried out by the "New Conflicts and Process" Research Group focuses on the study of the constant adaptation of procedural rules to the new conflicts generated in society, both by the economic crisis - which requires an interpretation of the legal system in accordance with the context in which it is applied - and by the growing evolution of legal relations through the information society, and, in general, by the massification of litigation.

 The procedural instrument must be adequate to enable both individuals who bring cases before the courts and the courts to obtain and grant, respectively, judicial protection of rights and legitimate interests. The lack of adaptation of procedural rules to the new conflicts generated by today's society can be an obstacle to obtaining effective judicial protection (art. 24 EC), one of the fundamental rights enshrined in our Constitution. In civil proceedings, for example, there is an increasing tendency to socialise them, moving from individual proceedings between two opposing parties to proceedings for the defence of collective interests of general scope, the defence of which cannot, for practical reasons, be the responsibility of individual parties. As far as criminal proceedings are concerned, the planned reform of these requires the incorporation of the doctrine developed by the TC - and which has been the subject of detailed study by this research group. 

This research group already has a long track record, backed up by nationally and internationally subsidised research projects, which have analysed issues such as techniques to improve the effectiveness of certain rights; the reform of civil procedure and its current application by legal professionals; the system of appeals before the high courts of justice, the reform of criminal procedure or the right to appeal in criminal procedure, the latter being the subject on which it is currently working.

Research Group on Optimisation and Mathematical Models for Economics and Business - OMMEE

The main objectives of the research group are the development of mathematical models for operations research, statistics and dynamic systems. The problems addressed are: optimisation with uncertainty, human resource management, project sequencing, optimisation of hospital processes, efficiency and analysis of the pension system, dynamic optimisation and statistical models in finance.

Research Group on Processes of Inequality - IPRODES

The members of this Research Group carry out relevant research, teaching and transfer work on the different dimensions of the social structure and its link to unequal access to resources and life opportunities in contemporary society. In this way, the influence of variables such as gender, national origin, linguistic uses, social class or family forms of coexistence on access to resources, both material and symbolic, has been analysed. 

The constitution of the group represents the convergence of these interests, as well as the formalisation of the research and transfer work that has been carried out up to now, and shows the express will to deepen the collaborative work. 

The group has two basic objectives. Firstly, to advance in the knowledge of the social structure and its different dimensions with the combination of different methodologies. Secondly, to transfer this knowledge to our society, both through teaching and advocacy in public debate, in order to propose and evaluate public policies. At the same time, it integrates two basic lines of work: the analysis of the variables that construct the contemporary social structure, especially social class and gender, as well as the analysis of the subjects and the social relations that are constructed; and the implementation of new methodologies to understand the impact of these variables, subjects and relations in people's lives. 

The group's research is therefore directed towards: 

  1. The generation of knowledge on the processes of inequality that occur in today's society, especially in the Valencian Country, including classification systems. 
  2. The development of new methodologies - quantitative and qualitative, but also socio-analytical and dialectical - that make it possible to capture the impact of inequality in today's society. 
  3. The analysis, evaluation and proposal of public policies in terms of promoting equality and social transformation.
Research Group on Promotion of sexual health in the general population and with functional diversity - SALUSEX

Sexual health research has a long history. In its beginnings in 1995, the focus of interest centred on the study of the factors facilitating and maintaining risk behaviours for HIV infection, given that at that time AIDS prevention was a major objective in Western society. Thanks to funding from various public agencies, we were able to isolate and analyse separately the various factors responsible for the spread of the pandemic. The results of our research, which were collected in several doctoral theses, were disseminated at conferences, in articles of national and international relevance and in books compiling the results.

From then on, the focus was extended to the promotion of sexual health beyond AIDS prevention, including different groups and new objectives such as health promotion in male sex workers, prevention of sexual abuse in adults with intellectual disabilities, affective-sexual education in adolescents and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder or the identification of myths that hinder the healthy sexual development of both adolescents and older people. This broadening of the spectrum of themes and groups led us to modify the acronym with which we became known from the beginning, which was mainly focused on AIDS prevention (UNISEXSIDA), to another that, while maintaining the spirit of the previous acronym, would include a broader dimension of health promotion (SALUSEX-UNISEXSIDA).

In addressing the objectives associated with these areas, we have been forced to delve into aspects such as the search for sexual sensations, sexual compulsiveness, homophobia, the effects of involuntary exposure of children to pornography on the Internet, the influence of social networks on psychosexual development, generating phenomena such as sexting; and more recently, cybersex.

In the opposite direction to the specialisation required by the particular problems of the different objectives and groups, we have also been obliged to increase research into the basic aspects of not only sexual but also general development, especially in the child population, as sometimes certain behaviours and attitudes are only a manifestation of the peculiar development experienced, for example, by children who have spent an excessive and unfavourable amount of time in foster care. Emotional and affective development throughout the life cycle is therefore an essential line of study.

This broad line of work is the object of study of an inter-university team that brings together researchers from two universities, the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló and the Universitat de València, who have a track record of more than 15 years of collaborative work and high productivity that has generated numerous contributions to national and international conferences, book chapters, monographs, theses and above all publications in high impact journals in the area.

Research Group on Psychological assessment and intervention in cognition in mental disorder - TMEIC

Overall, the research activity of our working group has focused on the assessment of cognitive functioning in patients with mental disorders, the development of alternatives to facilitate the assessment of their intellectual functioning, the specific study of implicit memory in these same patients to determine to what extent the types of tasks and the parameters used to assess the functioning of this memory system condition the results of such assessment and, finally, the evaluation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation programmes of cognition in mental disorders, especially in schizophrenia. This work has been carried out for more than two decades with the support of research projects funded by the Universitat de València, the Consellería de Educación, the Consellería de Sanidad and the Ministerio de Educación. This research has resulted in the publication of numerous works which are listed in the attached CVs.

More specifically, our research activity has been developed through the following lines of work:

  1. Cognitive assessment in schizophrenia. This line of research focuses on the evaluation of neurocognitive functioning, including social cognition, in the mental disorder in order to determine the interrelationships that exist between the different cognitive domains, and to assess the extent to which they determine the social functioning of the patient. In the context of this line of research, our attention has focused on the neurocognitive domains of attention, episodic memory and executive functioning, and within social cognition, on the domains of emotional perception, theory of mind, social perception and attributional style. Although they could be framed within the field referred to in our research line nº1, our research team has been developing two more specific lines of research (lines nº2 and nº3).
  2. Intellectual functioning in schizophrenia. This line of research focuses on the development of abbreviated versions of the classic tests used to assess intellectual functioning, with the aim of facilitating their use in patients with mental disorders and allowing rapid screening of the patient. 
  3. Implicit memory in schizophrenia. In general terms, scientific evidence indicates that implicit memory functioning is preserved in mental disorder. However, sometimes the evidence is contradictory and the reason may lie in the disparity of tasks used in the assessment of implicit memory and in the methodological conditions that occur within each test. In this line of research, our work focuses on clarifying which tasks are the most appropriate and which methodological conditions should be considered within these tasks in order to validly assess implicit memory. Assessment of cognitive deficits in people with different diagnoses of mental disorder, basically schizophrenia, by means of tasks widely used in experimental psychology such as lexical decision and fragment completion. 
  4. Psychological intervention in cognition in schizophrenia. In this line of research our work focuses on the evaluation of programmes focused on the rehabilitation of neurocognition and social cognition to improve the social functioning of people with mental disorders (e.g. IPT, Gradior, EMT).
Research Group on Psychology of organizational behavior - PsyCOR

Research in Psychology of Work, Organisations and Human Resources has undergone great development in recent decades and addresses challenges of great scientific significance and of unquestionable practical and professional importance. This area of psychosocial research covers a wide range of issues and topics.

The PSYCHOLOGY OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR research group, based on a long history of research, focuses its research on the study of four basic aspects of this area of scientific research. On the one hand, it focuses on the study of two fundamental components for people and organisations: well-being at work in its different facets and effective performance that contributes to the results of the organisation. Secondly, and as a complementary activity to the previous one, the psychosocial factors of occupational and organisational health are analysed. This line of work has an important development in the analysis and prevention of psychosocial risks in organisations. A third line of work addresses the issue of human capital in organisations.

In particular, the main issues deal with the integration of young people into the labour market, unemployment and their career development. Finally, the analysis of the collective behaviour of work units is investigated. The study of group behaviour and relevant psychosocial aspects aims to contribute to the psychosocial understanding of structural and processual phenomena of work units and their outcomes for the members, the group itself and its constituents (stakeholders).

Research Group on Psychosocial Research in Employability, Youth Employment Guidance and Labour Market Integration - PR_EMPLOY

The Psychology of Work and Organisations has a long research tradition into the problem of young people's employability, as well as the career that young people follow in the labour market. Among other topics, attention has been paid to career guidance prior to entering the labour market, vocational guidance when choosing training or integration itineraries, the qualifications and personal competences of young people, the difficulties and adaptation process of young people who have recently entered the labour market, as well as the consequences that a greater or lesser adjustment between the expectations and qualifications of young people and the labour demands and experiences lived during integration have on various aspects (job satisfaction, expectations for the future, work motivation, career development, etc.).

Likewise, the profound changes that the world of work and organisations have undergone in recent decades have had a major influence on the integration of young people into the labour market and their consequences on a large number of psychosocial variables (personal adjustment, psychological well-being, job insecurity, stress, etc.).

Furthermore, the labour force participation and employment rates of young people have recurrently shown significantly worse data than those of other groups, in different contexts and for many years now, regardless of fluctuations depending on the economic situation. The psychology of work and organisations has focused on the effects of youth unemployment, job discontinuity and difficulties in finding employment, as well as on variables related to job search, employability and psychosocial and environmental characteristics that can favour better labour market integration and reduce the adverse effects of situations such as unemployment, over-qualification or the mismatch between job expectations and job demands.

In this line, IDOCAL has participated in numerous studies and projects on this subject, from studies on the meaning of work and the socialisation of young people (WOSY Project, carried out from the end of the 1980s), to the collaboration with different projects developed in OPAL, and the participation in the Observatory for Young People’s Labour Market Integration (IVIE-Bancaja), which carried out six waves of triannual national surveys from 1996 to 2011. 

This collaboration has produced numerous publications on the problems of young people’s labour integration: the work values and expectations of young people in the period of their entry into the labour market, the different pathways of integration that young people follow, the degree of psychosocial adjustment that results after said integration, the meaning that young people attach to work in the context of their lives and their conception of it, as well as its evolution over time, the flexibility of young people in entering the labour market, over-qualification, job insecurity, the influence of the labour market situation and unemployment rates on young people's psychological well-being and their perceptions of employability, their coping mechanisms in such situations, as well as the psychological variables that favour work motivation and job search, such as self-efficacy, proactivity or self-regulation.

Research Group on Public Instruments of Social Protection and Inclusion Policies - INCLUSIVE

The constitution of the research group stems from a history of collaborations in an area of common interest such as the study of social policies in general and in particular those instruments of public social protection aimed at covering situations of need whose central point is work (or rather its absence) and the consequences that this fact has on people’s lives, generating a space of exclusion from which without the help of public support it is very difficult to get out. In this sense, most of the researchers in this group are currently participating in an R&D, MINECO of which I am the PI, with the title “Los instrumentos de protección social pública en la gestión del cambio laboral”, DER2014-52549-C4-4-R (National R&D&I Plan, “Research Challenges”, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). This is a project in the modality of Coordinated Projects, in which the coordinating project is being developed by the University of Seville, under the guidelines of Professor Cruz Villalón, with the title “Retos de la gestión del cambio en la empresa desde la perspectiva laboral y social”, DER2014-52549-C.

Among the objectives of this group:

  1. To analyse from an international and local perspective the effectiveness of employment policies in ensuring citizens’ access to quality employment that guarantees a dignified existence away from poverty and the capacity of such policies to rescue people who have been excluded from employment and society and are part of vulnerable groups, in a situation or at risk of socio-occupational exclusion. In short, the aim is to identify employment policies that generate inclusive labour markets.
  2. To study the impact that the socio-occupational changes, which have taken place in recent years, have had on the adequacy in terms of coverage and intensity of the benefits of the social protection system and to identify its deficiencies as an additional manifestation of the rebalancing of interests derived from the processes of change in the business reality. The analysis covers both contributory and welfare unemployment benefits, minimum income for inclusion, as well as social action and social assistance measures.
  3. To study the issues surrounding the sustainability of the public social protection system and to explore the possibilities of achieving its rebalancing through the generation of quality jobs in productive and competitive companies.
  4. To analyse the structural conception of labour change in the company, balanced in the consideration of the different interests present in it, designed from the initial consideration of the Spanish legal system but conceived in the context of European policies, from comparative premises and eventually from other European legal systems. 
  5. To assess the role of FOGASA in situations of extreme need of companies (insolvency and bankruptcy) and evaluate the possibilities of using wage credit protection formulas to finance the compensation for termination of contracts, as well as its reuse in the achievement of training and employment itineraries or access to partial retirement. 
  6. To analyse the vocational training system for employment, pointing out its shortcomings and deficiencies, and to formulate proposals for improvement so that it adapts to the demands of the business world and, at the same time, contributes to increasing the employability of workers. 
  7. To examine the role of public employment services as agents of labour intermediation and to explore measures that contribute to their modernisation and improvement and, ultimately, to increasing their effectiveness and efficiency in the placement of unemployed people. To assess the effectiveness of economic incentives in creating and maintaining employment, in particular with regard to the vulnerable.
Research Group on Public Opinion and Elections - POpE

The research group in Public Opinión and Elections aims at analyzing, studying and finding solutions to all issues and questions related to electoral processes and/or the measurement and monitoring of public opinion, applying the most advanced quantitative techniques.

The most relevant research fields of the group include (but are not limited to) the following: the generation of electoral predictions, inference of individual voting behavior, analysis of polls and surveys, the search of new methodological approaches to improve (reducing costs) the quality of sampling methods, semantic analysis of opinions and monitoring of the internet sentiment, the study of the consequences of non-response and of the biases introduced during the whole inference process, the solution to the gaps in the databases, the integration and pooling of local and global information to obtain multilevel responses, and the development of statistcal theory and methodology.

The approach used in the research group in Public Opinión and Elections is open, not being limited by any particular methodological tendency, and makes extensive use of whatever sources of information. Thus, we use classical and Bayesian techniques, we apply from simple linear regression models to complex approaches based on neural networks, wavelets or auto-binomial models, we use the spatial and/or temporal component of the data explicitly, we perform simulation via Markov chain Monte Carlo or directly by Monte Carlo methods, and we introduce in our models survey data, reported election results, news reports, internet messages and/or official statistics.

The members of the group are open to working with other research groups, companies and institutions and encourage interested parties to contact us in order to explore possible avenues of collaboration.

Research Group on Quality Management, Innovation and Learning - QUALITY

Investigate with a methodological approach of routines and capabilities the relationships between the implementation of quality management, innovation and learning in organisations, with special attention to the capacity for organisational ambidexterity, which is fundamental for the organisation to achieve good results in the long term. The mediating and/or moderating effect of certain variables on these relationships is analysed in depth. This is mainly formalisation, which is inherent to quality management programmes, especially with regard to the establishment of procedures, and the values of the organisational culture, which are an essential pillar for the successful implementation of these programmes.

Two sectors are currently being analysed, one industrial, the organic agro-food industry, and one service, the health services sector. The organic agri-food industry sector has been chosen for several reasons: Firstly, these companies are forced to implement quality management systems to meet the standards demanded by consumers of these products, which are at a high price range; and they are also subject to strong regulations to ensure adequate levels of quality and food safety. Moreover, the growth potential of this sector is very high, as it has already experienced strong growth in Spain in recent years, and strong growth in domestic demand and foreign markets is expected in the coming years. The second sector analysed is public hospitals.

Among the priority objectives of public healthcare institutions are the efficient use of resources and the optimisation of service quality, both in terms of improving the satisfaction of stakeholders (users, staff, environmental groups) and the effectiveness of the healthcare process itself. Precisely, process management, within the framework of quality management, with the application of its multiple methodologies, has proven to be effective in generating very substantial increases in efficiency in the use of resources and in the quality of service in these organisations. The practical application to the hospital sector derived from this research is to improve the processes of these organisations, optimally adjusting human, organisational, technological and infrastructural factors, and substantially reducing the costs arising from inefficiency.

Research Group on Quality and Economic Effects of Financial Reporting: Regulation, Audit, Internal Management and Institutional Environment - FINECO

The main research aim is the quality of accounting information for decision-making and the effects that information can have on the redistribution of wealth, financial stability, and the functioning of markets and the economy in general. There are different research lines within this main objective. The first one is the analysis of those aspects of international accounting regulation. The standardisation process, lobbying interests and the changes and effects of international regulatory changes. The second research line is related to the effect of the characteristics of the entities and their environment on the quality of the accounting information they issue, including aspects pertaining to their corporate governance, management and internal control mechanisms and their institutional environment. The third research line focuses on control mechanisms, including auditor characteristics, audit quality, as well as institutional supervisors.

Research Group on Real Estate Market and Monetary Economics - MIEM

Research will address the analysis of the main forces driving demand growth in the housing market, namely growth in real net disposable income and population, as well as the importance of investment alternatives in non-real assets, mainly financial assets. Hence the influence of expected inflation, inflation-adjusted long-term interest rates, and, in general, expected returns on alternative financial assets to investment in real assets, as well as other institutional factors such as transaction costs and the proportion of home ownership, etc., which also have an important impact on house prices.


We will also study the academic literature that discusses how institutional factors influence the housing market. As housing behaves like a normal good, there is certainly a close relationship between the increase in real net disposable income and the demand for housing and, since supply cannot react as fast as demand, episodes of strong house price inflation are common. During the preceding economic crises of 1973-74 and 1990-91, the housing market has been instrumental as a means through which excess expenditure relative to domestic productive capacity has been directed. The possibility of generating accelerated price rises in the housing market well above the growth of households' real disposable income, together with the possibility for the latter to obtain the financing they need with relative ease, has at different historical moments fuelled strong speculation processes in the real estate market in several European countries (Spain, the United Kingdom, Ireland and, to a lesser extent, France), as well as in the United States. Hence the importance of the central bank in controlling these more or less speculative processes, whose role is crucial for the management of liquidity in the economy and the sector.


Research will analyse how real estate investment responds to changes in the tenor of monetary policy. By means of a comparison with other European countries, the aim is to study which of the traditional channels, investment or consumption, play a preponderant role in the transmission of monetary impulses. Research will examine the possible spillover effects of the housing market on the national economies of the countries mentioned above through the influence of the wealth effect on consumption and the impact of long-term interest rate expectations on investment. The importance that the transmission channels will have in each of the European countries we analyse will most likely be explained by the differences in the responses of investment in the real estate market, but also by the weight of real estate consumption in total aggregate demand.


In addition, the extent to which an easing of monetary conditions during the recent financial crisis may have affected mortgage holders will also be analysed. The reduction resulting from such monetary easing is likely to have produced substantial debt relief among mortgage holders. This may be especially true in those peripheral countries where the weight of housing in total household net wealth is higher; as well as in those where most lending is predominantly at variable interest rates.

Research Group on Research Designs and Techniques in Social Psychology - DITIPS

In the context of Social Psychology, a solid knowledge of the methodological aspects of research is becoming more necessary. Indeed, the analysis of social reality from the psychologist’s standpoint must be based on an understanding of concepts such as effect size, power or new techniques of statistical analysis. Likewise, the social psychologist must be guided in their research by firm foundations of design that guarantee the validity of the conclusions they reach.

On the other hand, the publication criteria of journals in the field of Social Psychology are increasingly stricter in this respect, and it is becoming more pressing and necessary for any type of social research to be clearly defined from the outset, as this ensures reliable results. Moreover, and given the heterogeneous nature of the causes of human behaviour, especially social behaviour, the members of the Unit are recognised specialists in different perspectives of analysis (from the handling of large samples, to the use of qualitative information, environmental studies, bio-physical analysis of behaviours, etc.) of people’s social behaviour. Thus, the objectives of this Research Unit are the analysis and study of the different research designs and techniques in order to establish clear and useful conclusions regarding their use in each of the different aspects of Social Psychology. 

We believe, therefore, that this is a field of research which, although in most cases theoretical, can be eminently useful and have a beneficial effect on the advances of studies in Social Psychology.

Research Group on SME, Entrepreneurship and Management Consulting - PYMEMCO

It is undeniable that SMEs represent an essential part of the business network in developed countries, especially in terms of their contribution to employment and wealth generation. However, it must also be recognised that they are subject to significant constraints when faced with competition from large organisations. SMEs contribute much more to the economy and society than might seem to be the case. They have great flexibility to adapt to the demands of the changing environment and to respond to the new needs and tastes of customers. Most experts agree that the business network needs to increase its competitiveness and productivity and initiate an intense process of globalisation and internationalisation to diversify its business. Facing these challenges means a deep change in their business models and processes, in their way of operating, in their way of doing things; it means betting on innovation and the talent of their professionals.

From the perspective of the resource-based approach, and analysing them strategically, with respect to resource endowment, these types of organisations include disadvantages in their short-term time horizon, but also some opportunities. For this reason, SMEs face several challenges: to obtain these resources and to develop these capabilities internally, to manage them efficiently, so as to gain a sustainable advantage over competitors. In view of this, SMEs can opt for different alternatives such as outsourcing and specialisation, among others.

Many SMEs have now opted to join networks, where the establishment of long-term partnerships based on mutual benefits and reciprocity reduces transaction costs and thus facilitates both the obtaining of resources provided by partners and the provision of goods and services to other members of the network. Partnerships are thus a key mechanism for SMEs to access assets that are more difficult to acquire or dispose of. The reality of SMEs is extremely diverse, both in terms of the characteristics of the organisation itself and the environment in which it operates.

It should be stressed that SMEs and entrepreneurship have always taken parallel paths until it became generalised by academia that they should be studied in an integrated way in training and doctoral programmes. Thus entrepreneurs are a very generalizable type of SME. Every day new companies, new businesses, new products and services which did not exist before are founded. Today, there is a growing trend towards this type of enterprise. There are people with an entrepreneurial spirit driven by the search for business opportunity.

The result is the creation and renewal of value in the widest sense, i.e. not only in economic value but also in social value, not only for the entrepreneurs but also for all the stakeholders related to them.

This is why entrepreneurship is so much promoted, but this activity involves several elements: the business opportunity, the resources needed to start it up, and people with sufficient knowledge to integrate these elements, which must go through a series of stages such as the generation of the idea, the creation, its launch and the final consolidation (and maintenance) of the company. In order to achieve all these aspects and stages, the SME needs to approach change by following a method that ensures success, new ideas to do things differently, new knowledge to adapt its business to the emerging market reality, impartiality in the analysis of its starting situation and to reflect on its business approach. Many of these needs cannot be addressed from within the company by its own staff, so it is necessary to consult with external consultants.

Research Group on Science Education and Science Teacher Training - didacies

The group is made up of a group of researchers in experimental science didactics.

Our main objective is to diagnose problems in the teaching and learning of science and to propose treatments that can contribute to overcoming them, both in formal and informal science education. To this end, we research on teacher training, developing proposals for improvement; on the skills to be acquired by young people and teachers in Education for Sustainability and Health Education; on argumentation and critical thinking in science teaching; in the use of STS science-technology-society relations, CSC socioscientific issues and the history of science in science education; in the use of inquiry-based methodology in science teaching from the early stages of formal education; and in the application of neuroscience to science education.

Research Group on Social Studies Intervention and Innovation - GESinn

The Social Studies, Intervention and Innovation Group GESinn is made up of teaching and research staff with extensive and wide-ranging professional experience, currently linked to the academic world.

Its main object of analysis is in the areas of Community Social Services; Childhood, Adolescence and Youth; Women, violence and gender studies; International Cooperation; Co-development and Community Intervention in rural areas; Action in the Social and Health Sphere; Poverty, delinquency and exclusion, and Globalisation and Urban Studies, always considering the gender perspective as a cross-cutting issue in all actions.

It is attached to the Inter-University Institute of Local Development of the Universitat de València and Jaume I of Castellón. It was created with a transversal vocation and among its main values is the experience of researching and investing in social reality from a critical and constructive perspective. The coordination and IP of this Research Group is rotating, attending to the horizontality of its members in the collective commitment.

Research Group on Sport Psychology Research Unit - UIPD

The Sport Psychology Research Unit (UIPD) is an interdisciplinary group made up of specialists in Social Psychology, Clinical and Health Psychology, Psychological Assessment and Sport Sciences. In this way, the research carried out by this Unit is carried out from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The UIPD studies the psychosocial correlates of the optimal development of people, especially children and adolescents, in two main contexts, sport and education. The interrelationships between different psychosocial variables (i.e., motivation, self, values, self-efficacy, attribution) and some indicators of optimal development (i.e., lifestyles related to health, well-being, and performance) are analysed.

The main objective of this research group is to study the motivation of individuals in achievement contexts. More specifically, to explore the processes that favour both involvement in and adherence to activities and the development of well-being. Ultimately, we work to bring theoretical and research knowledge closer to the applied world by developing tools that enable the creation of positive climates that favour optimal development and well-being.

Research Group on Strategic and Experimental Behavior - GICEEX

Analysis through Experimental Economics, using laboratory experiments, theoretical models of Game Theory and Complex Systems of economic and social phenomena that are difficult to observe naturally. These include analysis of large-scale socio-economic networks and big social data, identifying patterns of human behaviour through modelling and simulation of the structure of society, both in the experimental laboratory and in natural field studies.

Research Group on Strategy, Competitivity and Innovation - GRECO

This research group was recognised as a group of excellence (after passing an evaluation by the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva). Reference GR00-221. 

GRECO aims to be an area of creation, transfer and learning in Strategic Management, within which projects and contracts of fundamental and applied research, technology transfer and generation of competences can be developed, aimed at improving the capacity of management teams and the competitiveness of companies.

GRECO's Work Programme currently revolves around five lines of research, all of them positioned in the field of Strategic Management. The research in these five lines is strongly related, so that an important part of the projects developed and the works published explore the relationships between the phenomena analysed in several of them. 

The project approved for 2013-2016 aims to advance in the identification of the main dynamic capabilities based on a review of the literature, especially the existing literature on knowledge management processes, in order to establish the conceptual boundaries between knowledge acquisition, creation and absorption capabilities, innovation capabilities and learning capabilities. A deeper understanding of the structure of the 'dynamic capabilities' basket case should help to better understand the processes that facilitate their creation and renewal.

Specifically, this research examines how the implementation of organisational practices influences the building of dynamic capabilities. Specifically, the study differentiates five different types of practices according to their focus on processes, people, groups/teams, products and knowledge. The analysis looks at how these different practices condition dynamic capabilities in two particular contexts:

  1. When practices are introduced individually.
  2. When practices are implemented in coordination with the format of organisational forms, in order to exploit the value creation potential inherent in complementarity.

The starting hypothesis is that, except when capabilities rest with one agent or a small group of individuals, the development of knowledge-based capabilities requires complex coordination and integration of practices of different types.

While exploring the role of managerial practices as antecedents to dynamic capabilities, this research also explores the relationships between dynamic capabilities and business performance. Progress in demonstrating the direct effect of knowledge creation, acquisition, absorption and application capabilities on performance has overlooked the possible existence of other mediating variables. The project aims to explore the role of innovations in managerial practices through which management seeks to strengthen its stock of dynamic capabilities. 

In this way, a circular process is introduced into the research process, where management practices play two roles in different phases of the value creation process:

  1. Organisations develop dynamic capabilities through the introduction of practices.
  2. Moreover, thanks to the capabilities they have accumulated, they can deploy innovations in organisational practices that help strengthen their competence to innovate and deliver outstanding results by producing sustainable competitive advantages.

The demonstration of this preliminary premise requires the development of empirical work involving panel data.

Research Group on Studies of Territory, Landscape and Heritage - ESTEPA

The ESTEPA research unit (Territorial, Landscape and Heritage Studies) is a working group founded in 1998 by Professor Jorge Hermosilla Pla, within the Department of Geography of the University of Valencia, in response to a series of needs: to project geographical research as a key way to increase territorial knowledge; to incorporate new integrated geographical work systems; and to train new graduates in the practice of applied geography and research.

The ESTEPA unit is made up of a dynamic team of geographers, which also includes collaborators from other disciplines (archaeologists, historians, environmentalists, engineers), with extensive experience in the study of territorial processes and their environmental and heritage manifestations.

This interdisciplinary nature and the constant incorporation of technological innovations in the field of geomatics (GIS, CAD, Remote Sensing) allows us to work in different fields, always obtaining satisfactory results.

As part of its fundamental principles, ESTEPA aims to transfer university values to society, by bringing the results of research closer to the public with a formative character and by proposing solutions that guarantee the quality of life of society.

Research Group on Support for Research in Language Variation Analysis - SILVAGroup

The concept of “language variation” is key for the study of the evolution of languages and of social, professional and educational communicative systems. Social, cultural, health, economic, technological and educational transformations are developed, conveyed and reflected through their linguistic and communicative manifestations. The aim of the group is to study the progress that current society is undergoing through the analysis of the essential linguistic variables that are involved and interact in human communication. These variables depend on the profiles of speakers (e.g. idiolectal, dialectal variation, according to gender, age, social status, level of education, etc.) and on the uses they make of language according to the interpersonal identities they adopt (i.e. register variation), the codes they use to communicate (i.e. variation of mode), the different textual platforms they use (i.e. variation of discursive genre) and the different persuasive strategies with which they convey their intention and image (i.e. stylistic variation). The analysis of these variables requires approaching the study of communication at different scales, from its macro and hyper discursive aspect (e.g. interrelation between the variables that interact in business or academic communication, or the complexity of multimodal communication of social media and digital platforms) and also of its micro discursive components (e.g. variation of phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic units). As highlighted by experts in language variation (Bayley, 2013; Chambers and Schilling, 2018), in order to address comprehensive and innovative studies in this field, it is necessary to keep up to date the methodology needed to define and classify the categories, criteria and parameters essential to understand and analyse these variables and their interrelation.

Some of these have been extensively studied (e.g. dialectal variation) and others are currently being studied (e.g. variation of discursive genre), but there are still many ambiguous and controversial aspects of other relevant variables, such as those involved in communicative register variation. This type of interpersonal and contextual variation covers the whole spectrum of human interaction, from that which takes place in the most sophisticated and conventional contexts to that which takes place in the most intimate and familiar settings. There are different degrees of dependence and interrelation between various registers in the same communicative act, which has posed a difficult challenge for experts, particularly when it comes to accessing real data and compiling large and representative corpora. Moreover, throughout history, its study has been approached from many different perspectives, including heterogeneous, ambiguous and confusing variables that have generated controversy within this field of research. This theoretical heterogeneity and methodological complexity have hindered the development of in-depth and wide-ranging studies on this language variety, which could effectively transfer their results to society and the labour market, offering practical methods and tools for understanding, learning and mastering it. There are other variables in a similar situation (e.g. idiolectal variation, stylistic variation, genolects, chronolects, etc.). 

With the aim of contributing to the advancement of this field, the main objectives of the SILVAGroup are the following:

  1. To delve into the fundamental categories, criteria and parameters for the study and analysis of language variation, and the factors involved in its current behaviour in the English language and other majority languages, such as Spanish and German.
  2. To investigate language variation from a comprehensive pragmatic approach, highlighting its interpersonal and multimodal dimensions in its fluctuation throughout everyday communication from public to private settings.
  3. To work from emerging technologies, corpus linguistics and other multidisciplinary fields of human communication, contrasting advances and results between languages.
  4. To design methodologies for the study of language variation, useful in the search and detection of distinctive features that shed light on definition and typology of its parameters of analysis, and also practical for learning and mastering them, especially at a social and professional level.
  5. To participate in platforms and projects for the dissemination of research, especially in international conferences and impact publications, in order to encourage further study of RV and to publicise the results of the group’s activity.
  6. To constitute a national and international support platform for research in this field and for its dissemination.

The group’s research activity will be structured from the IULMA, based at the Universitat de València, to which most of the members of the group belong, and is made up of a multidisciplinary team of both young and experienced researchers from the UV, UPV and UA.

All the members of the group share the essential research lines for the study of RV: language variation, corpus linguistics and contrastive linguistics. The group also has experts in other relevant research lines. This multidisciplinary nature provides this team with the advantage of approaching language variation from different but complementary areas of knowledge and research lines, allowing an innovative depth and perspective and results that can really bring a significant advance in the field.

Research Group on Territorial Development of the Universitat de València - GRIDET

GRIDET is the Research Group on Territorial Development of the Universitat de València, which was set up by the Sociology and Social Anthropology Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences and proposes an approach to the phenomenon of local development from a multidimensional perspective, bringing together not only the academic side (from the participation of professors from the aforementioned department and the Institute of Local Development -IIDL-. The professional aspect (from the participation of Employment and Local Development Technicians and Agents -AEDL- from ADLYPSE (Federation of Technical Personnel in Local Development Management of the Valencian Community). With this triangulated vision of reality, for GRIDET, development is not a possibility but a territorial need, and as such it is necessary to act. So much so that the conception of the territory-population binomial as a whole - integral vision -, which requires each and every one of the resources present in it - integrated vision - and which aims to achieve synergic effects - integrating vision - are the main characteristic features of the work carried out by this group.

GRIDET provides a vision of local development that relies on the territory as a physical support for the implementation of actions but takes into account the people who live there as the ultimate recipients of any intervention in this respect. It provides a vision that is not present in the majority of the Institute's research groups, which are more focused on territorial actions. It is also made up of professionals who provide an applied vision that allows for the continuous transfer of all its activities to the territory.

Research Group on Transformations of the Labour Law and Social Protection - LABORUM3.0

Legal analysis of the new realities and challenges in the world of employment and social protection. Based on the evidence that the world of work is in constant transformation and the impact of new technologies applied to production systems and the relationships that develop in this area, the group aims to investigate these and their consequences from an exclusively legal perspective.

The specific objective is therefore focused exclusively on the examination of transformations and new legal-social phenomena, with special emphasis on those of greatest public importance. In this sense, the group's activity will focus on analysing the legal reforms that occur in the labour law, reflecting on their practical application through the study of judicial doctrine and forensic practice.

The group is born with the vocation of transferring the results of the research to society, with special emphasis on the practical application of its conclusions. To this end, in addition to the research activity, special attention will be paid to the preparation of opinions or reports, the organisation of conferences and seminars, and the publication of the results of the research.

Research Group on Transitions from Education to Work in Contexts of Social Vulnerability - TRANSICIONS

TRANSICIONS is made up of teaching staff from different areas of knowledge and departments of the University of Valencia: Didactics and School Organisation, Developmental and Educational Psychology, Social Psychology and Sociology and Social Anthropology. It is formally attached to the Department of Didactics and School Organisation. All its members are staff of the Universitat de València or have obtained their doctorate there, although they all maintain contacts with teaching and research staff from other Spanish and foreign universities. It is a multidisciplinary group that has participated since 1996 in several works and researches, in which several members of the group have taken part.

TRANSICIONS has maintained and continues to maintain collaboration, through research contracts or collaboration agreements, with the Federation of Business Associations of Insertion Companies (FAEDEI), and the Spanish Association of Second Chance Schools, and has carried out commissioned work for Forem-PV, the UAFSE, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, BankiaDualiza or Cedefop. The group has also participated in the organisation of regional and national meetings and conferences with professionals in the field of socio-labour insertion, and has organised two editions of international congresses and seminars on vocational training at the UV.

TRANSICIONS aims to understand the educational, organisational, evolutionary and psychosocial processes that affect and optimise transitions between the educational and productive system for young people and young adults, as well as people in vulnerable situations, with difficulties of socio-occupational integration and a history of school failure. The group is aware of the centrality of work in adult life, as well as the need to approach its study from multidisciplinary approaches in order to holistically address the understanding of the reality that interests and concerns us, and for this reason several members of the group collaborate in IUDESCOOP activities.

Its mission is to contribute, from the University, to identify the mechanisms that guarantee the rights to education and work, from the conviction of the relevant role they play in the promotion of social justice.

TRANSICIONS seeks to carry out empirical research in which the participants are also subjects of the research processes, hence a methodological approach in which qualitative methods are an important part and which allows, as far as possible, to interact with reality and also contribute to facilitate its transformation through the link it has and seeks between its research and the return of the results to professionals and entities that work in practice, as well as in making the results available to interlocutors with political responsibilities. Thanks to this dialogue, it evaluates its research to try to adjust it to the needs that arise and to the search for social change that it jointly pursues.

To this end, the TRANSICIONS group believes that it is advisable to seek funding for research work in public calls for proposals. The academic pillars on which its work is based can be traced in its publications: Emilia Serra, Francesca Salvà, Claudia Jacinto, María Teresa González, Juan Manuel Escudero, Michael W. Apple, Michael Eraut, Quim Casal, Philipp Gonon, Basil Bernstein, Robert Castel, Serge Paugam, Luc Boltanski and José Gimeno are some examples.

Research Group on Two Cultures Observatory - O2C

The Two Cultures Observatory is a multidisciplinary research group made up of science communication researchers. Its main objective is to analyse the treatment of science in the media from the point of view of two opposing visions in society: the scientific and the humanistic. The Two Cultures Observatory was set up by the team of the journal Mètode, with the aim of uniting the practice of science communication with the study and reflection on it. The journal Mètode, a quarterly publication edited by the Universitat de València and directed by the journalist and biologist Martí Domínguez, was born in 1992 with the aim of bringing science to society, encouraging debate and critical reflection on current scientific issues.

Research Group on Unit in Cultural Economics and Tourism - ECONCULT

Econcult is a research unit, which since 1995, has specialised in the analysis of cultural activities and collective actions to promote the cultural and creative sectors. As a research unit, in the last 5 years it has participated in numerous international projects related to the effects of cultural and creative activities on social innovation processes (Sostenuto), the role of spaces in creativity (3C4Incubators), the existence of regional development models based on the cultural and creative sectors (Creativem) or the identification of excellent practices in cultural policies at urban and regional level (Culture for Cities and Regions). The team has 5 permanent staff and a large number of external collaborators and other research institutions. It also maintains close international relations with organisations such as Relais Culture Europe (Paris), the Roberto Cimetta Foundation, the URBEGO group, the Creative Economy Culture and Public Policies Working Group (Brazil) and the Cultural Industries Institute of the University of Yunnan (China) and interacts with agents of innovation, culture and creativity at national, regional and local level. Also in Spain, it has stable relationships with groups such as CRIT of the University of Barcelona, Futurlab of the University of Alicante or Quantitative Methods for Measuring Culture of the University of Valencia. 

The Economics of Culture Research Unit was set up in the Department of Applied Economics at the Universitat de València in 1997. Since then, it has developed a continuous research work in the field of Economics of Culture, becoming one of the reference centres at national and international level. Since the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, its internationalisation process has been remarkable, collaborating with projects both in Latin America and Europe. In the period between 2011 and 2014, the unit was attached to the Inter-University Institute for Local Development, but since 1 January 2015 it has once again belonged to the Department of Applied Economics. Econcult is a heterogeneous network of researchers from different universities and external collaborators, coordinated by Professor Pau Rausell. Since 2007, Professor Raül Abeledo has been responsible for the development of European projects.

During our trajectory we have addressed aspects such as: 

  • Macroeconomic dimension of cultural and creative activities. 
  • The metrics of cultural and creative activities.
  • Causality between cultural and creative sectors and development. 
  • The effects of cultural and creative sectors and per capita income, productivity, efficiency, global competitiveness. (SOSTENUTO Project. Culture as a factor of economic and social innovation Territorial specificities: innovation models based on culture and creativity? (CreativeMed. Toolkit Project).
  • Sectoral and Mesoeconomic Dimension.
    • Sectoral analysis. 
    • The specificities of the cultural and creative market sectors.
    • Culture and territory. Creative Territories.
  • Microeconomic Dimension
    • Consumer/participant/creator behaviour. 
    • Structure and production function of cultural and creative organisations / projects and enterprises. Spaces for innovation, creativity and culture. 
  • For a New Political Economy for Culture, Creativity and Innovation.


Research Group on analysis and demographic research on the Valencian population - DEMOVAL

The area of work of this group is demographic studies aimed at the Valencian population. This group investigates classic demographic phenomena such as birth rates, fertility, marriage and the formation and dissolution of unions, ageing, morbidity, reproduction and migrations with special interest in their evolution from the existence of the first modern demographic sources to the present day and including projections of future developments. These studies focus on the population located in the Valencian territory, looking to locate it in the territorial breakdowns that go from the census section, the smaller entities, the municipalities and the counties.

In addition, this group carries out research on life trajectories or life courses. The life course perspective is applied to study life processes such as, for example, emancipation, entry into adulthood, training and work episodes, maternity-paternity or retirement. The analysis of life course trajectories takes into account temporal dimensions such as age, generation and time, gender and social class, origin and language. The object of study is also specific populations whose socio-demographic characteristics and social importance in the structure and change of Valencian society require specific analyses. Specifically, populations in situations of social vulnerability from a multidimensional perspective.

The group combines the production of data on population through the design of demographic surveys, the cataloguing of existing secondary data on the Valencian population (registers and population stocks from survey data), the cultivation of statistical modelling techniques, the calculation of indicators, the collection of discourses on life events and trajectories.

Both for the information it collects and for the analysis it carries out, DEMOVAL provides the business fabric, the administration at all levels and the third sector with valuable knowledge of the demographic, cultural and social characteristics, forecasts, diagnoses, situation in the territory, etc., related to the Valencian population. With all this, DEMOVAL potentially represents a substantial improvement in market studies, public policies, and social actions and interventions.

Research Group on the Centre for the Study of Culture, Power and Identities - CECPI

The research centre studies culture in a broad sense and from a multidisciplinary perspective, incorporating contributions from sociology, anthropology, history and cultural studies. In particular, it would aim to analyse the relationships between cultural practices, power, identities and social change. The centre's research objectives are the following: 

  1. Analysis of culture, cultural practices and social change: study of the transformations of contemporary society from the perspective of the sociology of culture, the emergence of new creative practices, the cohort effect in the change of cultural practices, the emergence of new communities of cultural consumption and the expansion of these patterns towards other social spheres (artistisation) or the entry of logics from other fields into the cultural sphere (digitalisation, politicisation, etc.). 
  2. Analysis of sport and leisure practices: study of new patterns of sporting practice, the relationship between social change, social cohesion and sport, the relationship between institutions in the field of sport and the political and economic fields. Research on the transformation of urban space into a space of leisure and of cities as settings and producers of new social practices that reconfigure urban structures and their uses. 
  3. Analysis of power and intellectuals: Study of the relationship between power and culture as a mechanism of control and normalisation and hierarchisation or the dynamics of cultural resistance of old and new social movements. Research into the interrelationships and dependencies between the political, intellectual and cultural fields and their role in social reproduction and change. 
  4. Analysis of festive culture and cultural heritage: study of the development of festive culture, the social role of cultural traditions and the processes of modernisation of festive events in the context of cultural globalisation processes. Analysis of the processes of construction of a cultural memory and the valorisation of cultural heritage in terms of the construction of local and territorial identities, especially in contexts of cultural plurality. 
  5. Analysis of culture, territory and national identities: study of the relationship between national and cultural identities, cultural political configurations, sub-state politics and federalism, as well as their role in economic and social development and the generation of territorial brands in a globalised framework (place branding), applied especially to the Valencian country. 
  6. Analysis of political culture, historical memory and identities: Study of the relationship between the socio-historical framework and political culture. 
  7. Analysis of cultural policies, institutions and organisations: study of territorial and local cultural policies as systems of governance and interrelation between cultural agents and their role in the configuration of collective identities and as mechanisms for the development of artistic districts, the empowerment of sectors and the promotion of creative professions. Study of the discourses and praxis of public, private and third sector cultural institutions and, in particular, of museums and other entities representative of the autonomous field of culture. 
  8. Analysis of the impact of new technologies on culture: Study on new cultural practices in the digital framework. Study of the impact of new technologies on the mechanisms of power and social and cultural control.
Research Group on the Social and Cultural History of the Contemporary World - HISCUCON

The research group brings together the consolidated trajectory of researchers with decades of accumulated experience, as well as promoting the already outstanding training capacity of young researchers. The basic defining axis of this group's research is the application of the perspectives of social history and cultural history to the study of contemporary Spain. This area is approached, however, from a comparative perspective and with attention to transnational processes and phenomena, particularly in relation to Europe and Latin America. 

The research group aims to deepen the study of 19th and 20th century Spain by opening up new approaches that transcend the traditional compartmentalisation between political, social and cultural history and address in all its complexity both the transformations of contemporaneity and the study of historical subjects, both individual and collective, and their relationship with nation-states. The aim is to apply renewed perspectives to the study of the social transformations of the Spanish 19th century and their relationship with the emergence of the new institutions of the national state, to the analysis of the changes linked to the emergence of mass society in the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, and to the understanding of the changes and crises of the inter-war period, which open up the configuration of the societies of the second half of the 20th century. 

The study of these problems is based on the development of various analytical perspectives. Firstly, through the study of so-called political cultures, a concept that encompasses not only the analysis of political ideologies but also the social history of politics, forms of sociability and associated cultural practices. In this sense, the possibilities of its application to the study of the political cultures of nineteenth-century liberalism as well as the cultures linked to its questioning will be developed. For the twentieth century, the emergence of new democratic forms of mass politics and their questioning by reactionary nationalism and fascism will also be addressed. Secondly, based on a methodological approach that relates perspectives of social and economic history with the institutional analysis of politics and its cultural dimensions, the analysis of the formation of the Spanish nation-state from below will be developed. The aim is to establish a periodisation of the major stages of the relations between the national state and civil society in nineteenth-century Spain, including an analysis of the trajectory of the notion of the economic subject in the liberal public space and the discursive and political strategies with respect to individual rights and their practical realisation. The third axis is articulated around the study of individual and collective identities. On the one hand, the analytical potential of biographical history will be explored with the aim of providing a complex interpretation of experience, identity, subjectivity and representativeness, all understood as an opportunity for the joint renewal of historiography and conventional biography. It will also address the study of collective identities in 19th and 20th century Spain, paying special attention to the national dimension and the processes of construction of regional and local identities in interaction with the national framework, as well as the study of gender identities. Finally, the forms of construction of cultural representations by literary, cinematographic and artistic materials will be specifically studied, integrating them into the historical analysis. From the approaches of the most recent socio-cultural history, its role in the construction of political and social imaginaries will be addressed, as well as reflection on the relationship between history and fiction.

Research and innovation Group on Geography and History Teaching - SOCIAL(S)

The group is made up of researchers in social sciences didactics (Geography and History). Our main objective is to diagnose problems in the teaching and learning of Social Sciences and to propose solutions that can contribute to overcoming them, both in formal and non-formal and informal education. To this end, we carry out research into teacher training, developing proposals for improvement; into the skills to be acquired by young people and teachers during compulsory and post-compulsory schooling; into argumentation and critical thinking in the teaching of social sciences; into curricular obstacles in the learning of geographical space and into historiography, identities and the teaching of historical time.

The basic principle governing the educational intentions of this group's research is none other than to reveal the mechanisms that organise the functioning of societies, in different places and in past and present times. In this way, a rebellion is proposed against the social hypocrisy that hides under the guise of distinguished culture a content far removed from human concerns. For this goal, it is necessary to find out how the reasoning of pupils and teachers works, which is clearly influenced by the socio-cultural context and emotional and affective factors. For this reason, the proposed research is based on the understanding that the object of the research should facilitate the visibility of the subjects that make citizenship education possible. Consequently, the research activities will be closely linked to proposals for educational innovation and, for this reason, it follows the route of curricular projects that have been consolidated for more than twenty years, as is the case of Gea-Clío. The constitution of local groups of teachers from the different educational levels will allow us to link initial and ongoing training.

Research group on Corporate law - derempresa

This group is made up of several academics who have been working on different lines of research related to highly topical aspects of labour and taxation that revolve around company law.

The research of each academic member of the group, as well as the group as such, highlights a strong interest in the current problems facing the law in an environment of strong social, economic and technological change, leading to innovative formulas for entrepreneurship and business. An example of this is the group's numerous publications in the field of the digital, social and collaborative economy. Most of these publications are the results of research projects awarded in public and competitive calls for proposals. The group intends to leave open the possibility of extending its activities to other legal areas of business activity, such as commercial aspects, administrative law, or others.

Research group on Electronic instrumentation in medical and nuclear physics - i2N

The group's research activity focuses on the design of instrumentation and measurement for radiation detector systems. Specifically, the group applies research in two scientific-technical fields: experimental nuclear physics (AGATA, NEDA and TRACE experiments corresponding to European collaborations) and hospital medical physics (collaborations with the La Fe Hospital, Radiophysics Service, and companies in the sector, specifically in radiotherapy and dosimetry).

As regards experimental nuclear physics (the main activity of the group), the group has extensive experience in the design of electronic instrumentation for nuclear physics experiments (originally in experimental particle physics experiments at CERN, specifically in the DELPHI / LEP and ATLAS / LHC experiments) and participates continuously in the National Programme for Particle Physics and Accelerators.

In terms of activity in medical physics (most recent activity), the group is currently collaborating with the La Fe hospital centre (through the IRIMED IIS La Fe-UV Joint Research Unit), as well as with leading European companies in intraoperative radiotherapy and dosimetry. In parallel to these two research activities, the group has transferred technology to the Valencian productive sector, through collaborations with companies.

As a result of the research carried out within the group, some of its members are co-authors of more than 100 indexed articles, as well as co-authors of 2 working patents and have published several book chapters in major North American publishers.

Rsearch Group on Service Organizations Psychology - GIPOS

GIPOS investigates the interrelationship between the internal processes of service organisations (climate, justice, emotional labour, conflict, etc.) and variables that have to do with the performance and well-being of workers, as well as results in terms of customer satisfaction, quality of service and quality of life of users. It also explores the shared or divergent views of the actors involved (users, workers and managers). The research is carried out mainly through field studies in sectors such as hotels, restaurants and care centres for people with intellectual disabilities, among others. Experiments are also carried out both in the field and in laboratory contexts, and interventions related to the "survey feedback" methodology and group workshops on creativity and improvement are carried out.

Social Economy, Cooperatives, Social Innovations and Public Policies Research Group - CONCORDIA

This research group develops theoretical and applied research articulated around three fields of study: private sector, social innovation and public policies. Although the research carried out focuses on economics, the projects and collaborations are interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary in nature. It collaborates regularly with scientific associations such as CIRIEC, with university research institutes such as IUDESCOOP, with public administrations such as the European Economic and Social Committee and the Spanish Ministry of Labour, and with business associations and social entities such as the Spanish Third Sector Platform, CEPES and Social Economy Europe.

It carries out five scientific and technical activities:

  1. Basic research based on the development of knowledge on Social Economy, Third Sector, Cooperativism, Social Enterprises, Common Good and Collaborative Economy. It contributes to the development of theoretical constructions that explain the logic of these private phenomena of a markedly social nature.
  2. Basic research on social innovation deployed from civil society and from territorial innovation and production systems. Special attention is given to territorial innovation systems based on cooperative unions, such as as the Mondragon group of cooperatives and the agricultural cooperative group Anecoop.
  3. Research on public socio-labour policies with a special focus on budgetary policies and those aimed at cooperatives and the third social sector. Economic policy measures, support structures, new regulatory measures linked to the deployment of social welfare services such as social clauses, social policy aimed at social, cultural and sport NGOs (associations and foundations) are analysed. Finally, policies aimed at cooperatives, worker-owned companies and other social entities such as Special Employment Centres and Insertion Companies are evaluated from an economic perspective. The comparison is made from a multi-level perspective (regional, state and EU).
  4. Research training of young researchers in social sciences and economics, through the official doctoral programme in social economy belonging to the research institute IUDESCOOP of the Universitat de València, in which the members of this group are particularly active, even assuming the coordination of the programme.  Collaboration with other young researchers from the rest of Spain and abroad by dynamising the REJIES network - of young researchers in social economy.
  5. Promotion of strategic resources linked to research in social economy, economics and social sciences, actively participating in the development of scientific journals in their edition/coordination, in the management of a documentation centre specialised in social economy and social sciences such as the CIDEC of the Universitat de València and in the systematised articulation of a network of inter-university research groups throughout Spain through the RedEnuies network, which includes 21 centres, company chairs and university institutes of each university.

The research and research advocacy activity of the members of this group has a history of more than 25 years.

Spanish Mediterranean in the Early Modern Era Research Group - MEDHISMO

The MEDHISMO research group is the result of a long researcher career, founded thorugh competitive research projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and coordinated from the Department of Modern History of the Universitat de València, thanks to the management work carried out by several of its members. 

The research work carried out focuses on social history research, incorporating the methodological innovation that have yielded the best results in recent years. Instead of considering social groups as static wholes over the long term, it gives priority attention to the study of the relationships and strategies adopted by individuals in pursuit of their personal, family or collective goals. 

As a result of the group’s research work, various databases have been compiled (from knights in the habit of a military order to craftsmen), and the individual careers of members of the various social categories have been traced. This is a task that requires continuity, as the aim is to study in greater depth the new perspectives opened up by the work already carried out. 

The methodology to be applied will combine the use of macro and micro-historical approaches. But its main added value is the use of the comparative method, analysing the trajectory of the Hispanic Mediterranean territories in a comparative framework, both nationally and internationally, especially in the Kingdom of Valencia and Sardinia. The dynamism experienced by both geographical areas favoured the process of social mobility, despite the restrictions derived from the dominant value system in the estates’ society, although its frequency and intensity was very different depending on the different opportunities and conditions that existed in each of them. Obviously, mobility was not only upward, since the aforementioned transformations were detrimental to several sectors that experienced a process of social regression and deterioration of their living conditions, which stimulated their resistance to the changes that were being experienced. 

The variety of lines of research addressed by the different approaches of the project members has allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the social, economic, political and cultural transformations in these regions; in short, the historical evolution of the territories on the Mediterranean periphery of the Hispanic Monarchy, within a comparative framework, which needs to be further explored. 

The group’s research activity is carried out within the framework of three main lines of study: 

  1. Labour and market relations in the urban world.
  2. The study of social elites and their relationship to service to the monarchy.
  3. Minorities, the marginalised and the conflicts associated with them.
Welfare, Insurance and Pensions Research Group - WIP

The group’s vocation is to develop research that is as multidisciplinary as possible, approaching the issues at least from a legal, economic-financial and even sociological perspective. The main topics to be developed are insurance, pensions, but also issues related to people’s welfare that go beyond the above, such as dependency, life annuities, etc.


e-MARKETING, as a research group of the UV, develops activities in line with methodological innovation and thematic study in Marketing and New Technologies, trying to understand consumer behaviour in social media and mobile marketing and paying special attention to viral marketing. The group’s work addresses calls for research in these fields by choosing retailing, tourism and the education sector as priority application sectors. These topics make up its main lines of research.

The e-MARKETING experience and its consolidation as a team is endorsed by the participation of its members in more than 20 different R&D contracts of special relevance with Companies and/or Administrations in which trust seals in e-commerce, analysis of the implementation of ICT in retail trade, value creation through mobile applications, etc. have been proposed.

The quality of the group’s research and the importance of its results can be seen in its many contributions to conferences (more than 150). More than 100 research papers have been published in indexed journals, many of them in the JCR (i.e. Online Information Review, Journal of Services Management, Industrial Management and Data Systems, etc.) in ISI databases, in the SJR or in databases such as ABI INFORM, EMERALD Reviews, etc. The coordinator of the group, Dr. Ruiz, is accredited as professor by ANECA, has 2 six-year research periods, has supervised 6 doctoral theses in the core research lines of eMARKETING and is Associate Editor of the Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA) and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Product and Brand Management, Online Information Review and Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. She as been a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Marketing Association (AEMARK). She has been the main researcher of 6 research projects related to the group, one of them (not completed) of the Spanish National Plan (eWOM: neuroscientific and experimental analysis in services); she is also director of 5 educational innovation projects, one of the consisting of the creating of an international network of universities for the exchange of teaching experiences. Research areas:

  • Information processing To study the determining variables in the processing of advertising information and the exchange of commercial information between individuals on social media and their impact on purchase, loyalty and recommendation.
  • Mobile marketing. To analyse the perceived value drivers in mobile communications as well as the drivers of mobile commerce. To identify the motivation and brakes in viral marketing through mobile devices (smartphones and tablets).
  • Complaint behaviour in social media. Research on the motivations for complaints, switching suppliers, anti-brand communities, boycotts and negative word-of-mouth communications in social networks Educational innovation and ICT.
  • Study of new collaborative learning methodologies that incorporate new technologies (Ted lessons, gamification, etc.) and their impact on student satisfaction, perceived quality and relational variables. Viral marketing.
  • Study of the background and consequences of viral marketing in digital channels with special emphasis on influencers. Influence of viral marketing on consumer perceptions, attitudes and purchasing behaviour. Analysis of the elements that generate a viral impact in communication campaigns.