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Research Group on Innovation, i-Space and Entrepreneurship - InnSpace


Innovation is a fundamental factor in the growth of any organisation. Innovation implies a different way of thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a series of beliefs, principles and values that emphasise a change in the entrepreneurial mentality towards innovation in value, without abandoning traditional technological innovation, which continues to be an essential factor in maintaining and increasing competitiveness. The aim is to go deeper into the clarification and structuring of the elements that articulate the entrepreneur's mentality in order to identify and take advantage of new opportunities for value creation. Focusing on the entrepreneur as a value innovator, i.e. one capable of identifying and satisfying an unmet need for an unattended market. The resources and capabilities available to organisations will be key to the successful development of all types of innovation.

The current crisis situation, the need to be sustainable in the use of resources and the appearance in recent years of an increase in open research through Open Science platforms, require a new vision in the creation of resources through the open space. In this open context of easy access to multiple resources and idle capacities, inefficiently applied or with excess installed capacity, the innovator's work as a coordinator of resources is key. Thus, capturing, organising and deploying resources in i-SPACE can lead to a revolution.

For its part, sustainability not only affects the generation of resources and capacities, but should also be the reason for developing sustainable business models from both a social and environmental perspective. In this way, we will explore social innovation as the process of designing, developing and growing new ideas that aim to meet social needs. Analysing and understanding the motivations of the entrepreneur, as well as the resources and contextual conditions necessary to develop sustainable business models from both social and environmental perspectives.

Technology-based entrepreneurship will also be approached by the group from a descriptive perspective of the current situation and by delving into the figures of the founding team of these companies. The business modality known as start-up will be analysed through its business model, target client and value proposition. Furthermore, the use and applicability of new management methodologies for these companies, such as the well-known Business Model Canvas and lean start-up approaches, will be examined in depth from a critical perspective.

It is important to stress that innovation capacity is one of the key factors of competitiveness. One of the lines will be aimed at investigating the implementation of key aspects in the management of business innovation at business or sectoral level at both regional and national level. These more territorial studies will focus on the European Union, based on data collected from official statistics such as Eurostat and CIS.

A complementary area will be the adjustment of Innovation with new ways of working, such as Smart Work, which will allow an increase in employee satisfaction, as well as improvements in the company's climate and economic ratios. In companies and environments where innovation is a priority, the generation of human resources policies that are aligned with the workers' interests and that achieve their commitment and loyalty becomes crucial.

The CVPP as well as the new work and professional approaches framed as Smart Work, which include the possibility of self-management of working time, the use of collaborative network services or the generation of virtual knowledge centres, will allow us to achieve the proposed objective.

Goals CT
  • To describe in detail, the principles and practices that articulate this Innovation Approach.
  • To analyse success stories and identify the critical factors that appear as necessary and sufficient conditions for success.
  • To identify management practices that support value innovation.
  • To identify social, technological and economic trends that condition the application of different innovation models and practices.
Research lines
  • Work-life Balance and new working styles (Smart Work)

    Analysis of work-life balance policies that align the interests of workers and achieve their commitment and loyalty, including new working approaches using the positive dimensions of ICTs, networking, virality and connectivity, Smart Work.

  • Recruitment, organisation and deployment of resources in the i-space

    To analyse the way in which the innovator identifies, accesses, coordinates and deploys the necessary resources to implement their business model based on the dynamic capabilities and orchestration of resources and the study of new phenomena such as Crowd-Sourcing, Open Innovation or Open Science.

  • Innovation and business economic performance

    To investigate the implementation of key aspects in the management of business innovation in order to determine to what extent a more or less innovation-prone behaviour has an impact on and affects the competitiveness of companies and productive sectors and includes the study of innovation indicators.

  • Developing the entrepreneurial mindset

    To deepen the entrepreneurial mindset in order to identify and take advantage of new opportunities for value creation. The focus is on the entrepreneur as a value innovator, i.e. one who is able to identify and satisfy an unmet need for an unmet market.

  • L'emprenedor com a innovador social

    Analitzar motivacions, recursos i condicions per a desenvolupar models de negoci sostenibles social i mediambientalment. Models i formes accessibles a la innovació des d'un punt de vista econòmic (salvar la bretxa de la desigualtat econòmica) com a cognitiu (salvar la bretxa del coneixement)

  • Entrepreneurship in technology companies and start-ups

    To analyse the characteristics, distinctive features and problems surrounding the creation and management of start-up companies as well as the new support and promotion structures for them, focusing the study on the figure of the entrepreneur or founding team of these technological or innovative companies.

  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
  • Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
  • Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
  • Cap de Seccio-Servei
  • Cap Iniciatives
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  • Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
  • Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
  • Coordinador/a Curs
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Non-UV research staff


  • Maria Dolores Botella Carrubi - Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir 
  • Juan Antonio Marin Garcia - Universitat Politècnica de València 
  • Rubén Vicente Sáez - Fundación Comunidad Valenciana Región Europea 
Scientific production by UV researcher
Associated structure
Business Administration "Juan José Renau Piqueras"
Contact group details
Innovation, i-Space and Entrepreneurship (InnSpace)

Tarongers Campus

Edificio Departamental Oriental. Av. dels Tarongers, s/n

46022 València (Valencia)

+34 963 828 906


Contact people
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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