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Research Group on Climate Change, Meteorological Hazards and Inputs to the Mediterranean Hydrological System - CLIMAMET

The Analysis Group on Climate Change, Meteorological Hazards and Inputs to the Mediterranean Hydrological System (CLIMAMET) carries out two types of activities: research and scientific-technical assistance to the public administration. 

Within the research activity, CLIMAMET works on three scientific lines: 

  • Climate change analysis.
  • The study of meteorological hazards.
  • The examination of new inputs to the hydrological system.

The first of these focuses on the analysis of the spatio-temporal variability of air temperature and precipitation, as well as other climatic elements, with emphasis on the Valencian territory and the Mediterranean area. The research carried out by members of the group on the changes observed in air temperature in the Valencian Community by means of statistical downscaling techniques, or the climatic trends in precipitation according to its typology, stand out for their pioneering nature.

 The group has extensive experience in the monitoring of temperature and precipitation variables, using surface and satellite data, and their short- and medium-term forecasting, as well as the analysis and forecasting of extreme events, with cross-comparisons between statistical and mesoscale models, and observed and satellite data of great importance in meteorological hazard studies. This is done using advanced techniques in reconstruction-homogenisation of observed data, remote sensing, modelling and prediction.

The second line of research focuses on the analysis of the causes and dynamic processes that control meteorological hazard situations in the western Mediterranean basin, with the aim of helping to improve the prediction of three of them: torrential rainfall, extreme temperatures and forest fires. The group counts on tools (change mapping, impact indices and forecasts) to improve the management of the effects of climate change in the IMB and of extreme event warning systems, for the activation of social and environmental intervention protocols.

And the third scientific line is about analysing new inputs to the hydrological system, specifically the contribution of fog water and potential environmental uses. 

These lines of research find support in the scientific infrastructure available to CLIMAMET, specifically in the presence of a series of meteorological sensors supported, in part, by the Network of meteorological towers of the Centre for Environmental Studies of the Mediterranean Foundation (CEAM), and in the spatial data management tools available in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Laboratory of the Department of Geography. The generation of meteorological databases is essential for climate studies, as well as for feeding the RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modelling System) meteorological model, adapted to Mediterranean conditions by the group's researchers and used to support weather hazard forecasting. 

CLIMAMET has extensive experience in providing scientific and technical assistance to the public administration. In fact, before the creation of the CLIMAMET group, its members, led by María José Estrela (Director of this group), made up the research team of the Joint Unit Climatology Laboratory CEAM_UV, which actively participated in assisting the public administration. Of particular note is the design and management since 2006 of the "Operational prediction of hazard levels due to heat waves in the Valencian Community" programme for the Regional Ministry of Health, as well as, since 2007, the "Data validation service of the ultraviolet B radiation measurement network and optimisation of UVI level prediction processes in the Valencian Community" for the Conselleria de Territori y Habitatge of the Valencian Government. Subsequently, as the CLIMAMET Research Group (GIUV2014-209), it has continued to provide assistance to the administration, specifically to the Conselleria de Medi Ambient, agua, Urbanisme i Habitatge with a "Study to obtain fog water for the provision of watering places for native fauna in the Muela de Cortes hunting reserve". In turn, the Group's director Dr. Estrela is a member of the Committee of Experts on Climate Change of the Valencian Government.

CLIMAMET is a multidisciplinary Research Group with the participation of researchers from different fields such as Physical Geography, Climatology, Atmospheric Physics, and Hydrology, with objectives around common lines of research. Participating as members of CLIMAMET are Dr. María José Estrela (Director), Dr. Javier Miró, Dr. Alejandro Pérez Cueva and Dr. Ana Camarasa, all of them from the Department of Geography of the UV; Dr. Vicente Caselles and Dr. Raquel Niclós from the Department of Earth Physics and Thermodynamics of the UV. The collaborating researchers are Dr. Igor Gómez Assistant Professor at the University of Alicante, Dr. José Antonio Valiente and Dr. Francisco Pastor Senior Researchers at the CEAM Foundation.

Research Group on Contemporary Catalan Literature - GLCC

The Grup de Literatura Catalana Contemporània (Contemporary Catalan Literature Group) focuses on the study of contemporary Catalan literature from both a diachronic and a synchronic point of view. Since 1996, when it was set up, it has developed five research projects focusing on some problematic aspects of current knowledge about contemporary Catalan literary production, taking into account all genres, i.e. narrative (novels, short stories and short stories), poetry, theatre and essays. Thus, we have devoted our efforts to researching the Spanish post-war movement known as committed realism, in all its variants (neo-realism, social or historical realism) and, at present, to the conception and use of irony in the different literary movements and authors. The ultimate aim is to bring contemporary Catalan literature studies into line with the methodological assumptions and basic analytical schemes of our Western context.

Research Group on Gender, Knowledge, History and Subjectivity - GECOHIS

This interdisciplinary group is mainly dedicated to the analysis of discourses on gender difference in philosophical thought, normative patterns and social imaginaries, both from a historical perspective and in the present, paying particular attention to the incorporation, rejection or negotiation of models by women and men in their practices of life and subjectivity.

Its research activity takes place in the fields of History, Philosophy and Psychology, with an interest in the incorporation of analytical tools from feminist theory, as well as innovative lines of research in other human and social sciences (Anthropology, Sociology, Literature...). In all these fields, it maintains intense and fruitful relations with groups and researchers at the forefront of national and international scientific production. 

Its main objectives are critical analysis and the production of cutting-edge knowledge in research, as well as the passing on of this knowledge, through teaching innovation and dissemination, to the entire university community and to society as a whole, in pursuit of research excellence but also to contribute to the ethical and civic dimension of knowledge and to contribute to the values of equality.

To achieve these goals, the group actively participates in funded research projects, national and international networks.

Research Group on Geo-Strategy Organizational, Clusters and Competitiveness - GESTOR

The objective of this research group is the study and evaluation of organisational geostrategy (the way in which organisations adapt to their environment), from an interdisciplinary, longitudinal and international perspective. Our interest lies in understanding the geographical-competitive context in which companies operate, their main agents, internal characteristics, knowledge and interactions, as well as their economic and social impact. We analyse the territorial organisation of business activity and investigate the resulting collaborative ecosystems and spatial patterns (clusters). We compare the ability to compete of firms in one geographical space or agglomeration with those in others and highlight the determinants of the differences in order to contribute to cluster "fertilisation" and exploitation of synergies. We evaluate the strategy-localisation dynamic and the causes of success or failure of companies locally and globally. We try to answer questions related to the heterogeneous behaviour of organisations and their territories through their network of interactions. We develop cluster initiatives. We measure the results of companies through different indicators such as growth, performance, competitive vigilance, spin-off creation, internationalisation, innovation and survival. We help companies, whether domestic or multinational, to integrate more effectively into the territory and to better generate and implement their strategies. In short, we carry out research that aims to be applied and that pivots on a University-Business relational framework.

Our group has carried out various projects that add value to organisations in different sectors and countries in the textile and metal-mechanical industries, the hotel or health sector, which have been financed publicly or privately. It disseminates and makes public its activity and results continuously and through different media such as the International Congress that it organises every year (CLUSTERING). The GESTOR research group (Organisational Geostrategy: Clustering and Competitiveness) is formed by people with different profiles and interests as well as different backgrounds. Thus, together with professors from the Universitat de València itself and professionals from other fields, there are professors from the University of Vigo, Alicante and Mondragon. In addition, as well as having national collaborators in our group, we also have collaborators from China, Colombia and the United Kingdom. The interdisciplinary approach of our research is achieved thanks to our experts in Economics, Geography, Business, Mathematics and Marketing. Networking is very present in the genes of our group, so we have an important collaborative activity with other national research clusters of the UJI, UPV, UA or UCLM and international clusters such as the Iberoamerican Network MOTIVA. The internationalisation of our activity is visible in different areas such as the topics we analyse, scientific production, attendance at events, research stays, collaborations. For this reason, our roadmap always includes research that has a significant socio-economic impact. Some examples are "survival strategies for traditional manufacturing industries (textile, footwear, toys, etc.)", "challenges in the multi-localisation of Spanish companies in China", "improving international competitiveness through clustering", "business turnaround in insolvency environments", "internationalisation from clusters", "social networks and market orientation".

Research Group on Human Factor and Road Safety - Facthum

Facthum is dedicated to training and research in the field of basic psychology and road safety, focusing on the human factor as the main factor involved in or responsible for traffic accidents. The research activity focuses on:

  • Study of methodologies and technologies applied to road safety education.
  • Study of methodologies and technologies applied to driver and pre-driver training.
  • Study of the effect of substance consumption (drugs and pharmaceuticals) on driving.
  • Study of the psychological profile of drivers and offenders.
  • Study of the effectiveness of passive safety elements and user habits.
  • Study of personality and psychophysical aptitudes in driving.
  • Intervention in recidivist and multi-recidivist drivers.
  • Study of basic psychological processes related to driving vehicles.
  • Study of decision-making processes at the wheel.
  • Study of drivers' attitudes towards road safety.
  • Study of human behaviour to reduce traffic accidents.
  • Study of road safety awareness campaigns.
  • Study of the causes of traffic accidents and methods for their prevention.
  • Study of variable messaging signalling.
  • Accident investigation.
  • Study of mobility and strategic road safety plans.
Research Group on Innovation, i-Space and Entrepreneurship - InnSpace

Innovation is a fundamental factor in the growth of any organisation. Innovation implies a different way of thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a series of beliefs, principles and values that emphasise a change in the entrepreneurial mentality towards innovation in value, without abandoning traditional technological innovation, which continues to be an essential factor in maintaining and increasing competitiveness. The aim is to go deeper into the clarification and structuring of the elements that articulate the entrepreneur's mentality in order to identify and take advantage of new opportunities for value creation. Focusing on the entrepreneur as a value innovator, i.e. one capable of identifying and satisfying an unmet need for an unattended market. The resources and capabilities available to organisations will be key to the successful development of all types of innovation.

The current crisis situation, the need to be sustainable in the use of resources and the appearance in recent years of an increase in open research through Open Science platforms, require a new vision in the creation of resources through the open space. In this open context of easy access to multiple resources and idle capacities, inefficiently applied or with excess installed capacity, the innovator's work as a coordinator of resources is key. Thus, capturing, organising and deploying resources in i-SPACE can lead to a revolution.

For its part, sustainability not only affects the generation of resources and capacities, but should also be the reason for developing sustainable business models from both a social and environmental perspective. In this way, we will explore social innovation as the process of designing, developing and growing new ideas that aim to meet social needs. Analysing and understanding the motivations of the entrepreneur, as well as the resources and contextual conditions necessary to develop sustainable business models from both social and environmental perspectives.

Technology-based entrepreneurship will also be approached by the group from a descriptive perspective of the current situation and by delving into the figures of the founding team of these companies. The business modality known as start-up will be analysed through its business model, target client and value proposition. Furthermore, the use and applicability of new management methodologies for these companies, such as the well-known Business Model Canvas and lean start-up approaches, will be examined in depth from a critical perspective.

It is important to stress that innovation capacity is one of the key factors of competitiveness. One of the lines will be aimed at investigating the implementation of key aspects in the management of business innovation at business or sectoral level at both regional and national level. These more territorial studies will focus on the European Union, based on data collected from official statistics such as Eurostat and CIS.

A complementary area will be the adjustment of Innovation with new ways of working, such as Smart Work, which will allow an increase in employee satisfaction, as well as improvements in the company's climate and economic ratios. In companies and environments where innovation is a priority, the generation of human resources policies that are aligned with the workers' interests and that achieve their commitment and loyalty becomes crucial.

The CVPP as well as the new work and professional approaches framed as Smart Work, which include the possibility of self-management of working time, the use of collaborative network services or the generation of virtual knowledge centres, will allow us to achieve the proposed objective.

Research Group on Multivariate and Multicomponent Analysis - Quality and High-throughput Bioanalysis - GAMM-CyBAR

Quality and methodology applied to laboratories of routine (ISO 17205 Standard) and research: Development of ad hoc metrological tools, technical protocols, acceptance criteria, validation, quality assurance, control charts, uncertainty, including supporting software. Design of experiments, optimisation, simulation of future results. Research and development of high-throughput (bio)analysis methods (Liquid chromatography, Capillary electrophoresis, Mass spectrometry) for the separation and determination of molecules (including chiral) with analytical and bioanalytical applications. (Bio)sensors. Chemical assays of relevant compounds in environmental samples (water, sludge, soil, etc.).

Added value: In vitro estimation of ecotoxicological parameters. Chemical assays of bioactive molecules (in urine, plasma, saliva, etc.). Added value In vitro estimation of ADME/TOX indicators. Development of molecular biointeraction models. Computational simulation methods (“in silico” via “Molecular Docking”). Pharmacophores. QSAR.

Research Group on Photonics and Semiconductors - FOSE

The PHOTONICS AND SEMICONDUCTORS (FOSE) group focuses its research activity on the preparation and characterisation of devices and materials, covering fundamental aspects and the development of applications, mainly in photonics. The group is structured in three main lines of research.

  1. SEMICONDUCTORS AND EXTREME CONDITIONS. This line develops several topics of work, in materials science, linked by the use of spectroscopic techniques under extreme conditions (high pressures and high temperatures) for the understanding of the synthesis, crystal structure and electronics of the following materials: 
  • Wide gap semiconductors for optoelectronic applications, including materials derived from ZnO and its alloys and delafosites (CuMIIIO2), prepared by thin film deposition techniques.
  • Materials of geophysical interest due to their role in the composition of the earth, such as MgO or quartz.
  • Materials for green technologies such as photocatalysis (rare earth vanadates) or CO2 sequestration (zeolites and different forms of porous silica). The team of this line has specialised in the use of a wide variety of devices for the generation of high pressures and temperatures that are used in-situ in laboratory spectroscopic equipment (optical absorption, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy, transport) or in large synchrotron radiation facilities, of which its members are regular users.
  1. OPTICAL FIBRES. The research and technological activity of this line of research focuses on the manufacture of fibre optic components, their modelling and their applications. The Laboratory has four techniques for the manufacture of fibre optic components based on: 
  • the manufacture of photonic crystal fibre optics, 
  • the recording of fibre Bragg networks, 
  • the assembly of acousto-optical devices in fibre, and 
  • the preparation of optical fibres narrowed by melting and stretching. The fields of application of the laboratory's research activity include the development of fibre optic lasers, new light sources (photon pairs, supercontinuum spectrum white light, etc.), sensors and optical communications. The work team of the fibre optics laboratory maintains stable collaborations with numerous research groups in Latin America and Europe, as well as an intense activity of collaboration with companies and transfer of research results. 
  1. OPTOELECTRONIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES works on the chemical-physical synthesis of nanomaterials (metallic nanoparticles, quantum dots, multi-functional polymers), their processing in the form of thin films, as well as the study of their structural, electronic and optical properties. This work is the starting point for developing photonic/plasmonic/optoelectronic structures and devices, as well as developing applications in the fields of sensors, photovoltaics and telecommunications. Moreover, research is also being carried out on the optical properties of III-V quantum dots at the isolated level, including the quantum nature of the light they emit, its origin and control, for its future impact in the field of quantum computing and communications. More recently, other types of two-dimensional, atomic-thick, semiconducting nanostructures are starting to be prepared and characterised for their great potential in future electronic/optoelectronic nanotechnology in combination with two-dimensional metallic nanostructure electrodes such as graphene.
Research Group on Prehistory of the Western Mediterranean - PREMEDOC

The Prehistory of the Western Mediterranean research group has a long history of work that is nourished by numerous field activities and competitive research projects and includes researchers covering the study of the whole of Prehistory (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age).

The work of the group focuses on the investigation of the cultural, economic and palaeoenvironmental processes of the ancient and recent Prehistory of the western Mediterranean area, with special attention to the central Iberian Mediterranean region, through the results obtained in the archaeological field activity and the analysis of the materials of biotic and abiotic origin.

Preferential areas of research are those related to the procurement and management of lithic, bone, ceramic and metallurgical resources, the supply and circulation of raw materials, lithic, ceramic and bone production, the procurement and processing of food of animal and plant origin, palaeoenvironmental interpretation and the symbolic world. Sites of particular relevance where members of the group have carried out archaeological excavations or the systematic study of materials are the Cova Negra of Xàtiva, the Abrigo de Quebrada of Xelva, the Cueva de Antón of Mula, the Cova of Parpalló de Gandia, the Cave of Nerja, the Cova del Volcà of Faro de Cullera, the Cova de les Cendres of Teulada/Moraira, the Cova de les Malladetes of Barx, los Abrigos of Doña Martina y of la Boja de Mula, the Cova de Santa Maira of Castell de Castells, the Abric of la Falguera of Alcoi, the Cueva de la Cocina of Dos Aguas, the Abric de la Pastora of Alcoi, the Vital of Gandia, the Mas d'Is of Penàguila and the Mola of Agres. As well as the cave paintings of the Cova de les Meravelles of Gandia (Palaeolithic), the Abrics de la Sarga of Alcoi, the Cova dels Cavalls of Tirig, the Abrics de la Saltadora of Coves de Vinromà, the Abric del Cingle of Cova Remigia and the Cova Remigia of Ares del Maestre, the Abric del Mas of Sant Josep de Tírig, the Abric de Centelles of Albocassèr, the Abric of Cañas de Millares and the Abric of Vicent de Millares and the Abric de la Xivàna of Alfarb (with Levantine Art). 

The lines of research currently being carried out are grouped into two main sections: Processes of Change in Prehistory and Bioarchaeology.

The main projects that have supported this research date back to 1987, and include four projects of the PROMETEO programme of the Valencian Government (PROMETEO 2008/165; PROMETEOII/2013/016; PROMETEO2017-060; PROMETEO/2021-007), 7 International Projects (CFDA, 47.075, NSF10-612, NFS:BCS-0410269, MPOCA Leakey Foundation 20011-12, ANR CULT SHS3, 8281-07. : National Geographic Society; EUR2020-112213), 24 National Plan projects (PID2019-111207GA-I00; GC2018-096943-B-C21; HAR2017-85153P; HAR2017-83656P; HAR2015-68962-P; HAR2014-52671P; HAR2013-46961R; HAR2012-33111; HAR2012-33111, HAR2011-24878, HAR-2009-14360-C03-01, HAR2008-04273-E/HIST, FFI2008-01200, HUM2005-06498-C02-01/HIST, HUM2005-05732-C02-02/HIST, PS 91 0129, PB 96 0781, BHA-2001-2888, 1FD97-1207-C02-01, HUM-2004-05643, PB98-1507-C02-0, PB95-1087, PB87-0722-C02-01) and 12 regional or other Institutions (GV2021/054; AICO202020/097; PID2020-118033GB-100; BXG2019-10931; AICO2018/125; ARCO2018/005; GV2015/050; CIDEGENT2019/061; GV04B-198, UV-0423 (PREHISTORY), GROUPS03/103, GV04B-088).

As a result of its research and training activities, the group has directed a total of 51 doctoral theses and numerous Master's, Degree and Bachelor's Final Projects to date.

Research Group on Psychosocial Research Unit on Organisational Behaviour - UNIPSICO

The Psychosocial Research Unit of Organisational Behaviour (UNIPSICO) is a basic and applied scientific group, created to research and provide solutions to problems related to work performance and human resources management in work organisations, especially the processes and variables involved in the appearance and development of psychosocial risks at work, paying special attention to work-related stress, psychological harassment and burnout syndrome, in order to design intervention strategies aimed at improving the quality of working life of professionals and workers in general. 

Intervention in these processes will help to reduce accidents and absenteeism, as well as the personnel costs derived from these incidents. At an applied level, this line of research is linked to the Law on Occupational Risk Prevention (B.O.E. 10-11-1995). On the other hand, the aim is to investigate the organisation as a socially constructed reality, and to analyse some of the most relevant psychosocial processes that contribute to the formation of the culture and climate of the organisation. To this end, the cognitions, emotions and attitudes of the organisation's groups are investigated, comparing the phenomena and processes at different organisational levels. The results obtained are intended to improve management and decision-making in the organisation. 

UNIPSICO is one of the main national and international references in research on psychosocial risks at work and quality of working life, and its members belong to some of the most relevant international scientific associations of psychology (APA, IAAP, EAWOP, EA-OHP, SOHP, etc.). The director of the group has been PI of research projects funded within the National Plan for R+D+i, by the Generalitat Valenciana and the UVEG. 

In terms of scientific and research productivity, the group has more than 200 publications, including articles in scientific journals, books and book chapters. A significant part of these are in journals indexed in JCR. It also has more than 300 papers presented at international and national conferences. One of the objectives of the group's scientific activity has been aimed at opening international channels of academic exchange between researchers, establishing references in this area, and contributing to the creation of critical mass in the field of research on psychosocial risks at work. 

As part of the "Knowledge Transfer and Innovation" activity, the creation of the CESQT questionnaire, an instrument translated and validated in other languages (Czech, Finnish, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Tamil), and the coordination of an international network of researchers working on its validation, should be highlighted. 

Among the awards and honourable mentions received by the group leader are the following:

  1. He has been declared Guest of Honour, in the city of Puerto San Julián (Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina) (July, 2005) in consideration of his professional career.
  2. He has received the Dr. Oscar Eduardo Alende awards in 2006 (second prize), and in 2008 (first prize), granted by the "Fundación Oscar Eduardo Alende" of the Colegio de Médicos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, District II, for his co-authorship in research on quality of working life.
  3. He has been recognised as an active member of the Red de Investigadores sobre Factores Psicosociales en el Trabajo A.C. (Mexico) for his outstanding contribution to Occupational Health Psychology at the international level. (Mexico) for his outstanding contribution to Occupational Health Psychology at the international level.
  4. Award for lifetime achievement and contributions to research in Latin America on psychosocial factors, stress and mental health at work, granted by the Red de Investigadores sobre Factores Psicosociales en el Trabajo A.C. (Network of Researchers on Psychosocial Factors at Work). (October, 2010).
  5. He has been institutionally recognised by the Government of Jalisco (Mexico) for his cooperation in assessing the psychosocial risks of prison staff (November 2008).
  6. Recognition from the Universidad Fidélitas (San José, Costa Rica) for contributions to Psychology (May, 2010).
  7. He has received the distinction of the Chilean Society of Work and Organisational Psychology (SCHIPTO) in recognition of his outstanding career and important contributions to training and research in the field of work and organisational psychology (October, 2016).
  8. Recognition (tribute) from the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências da Saúde (João Pessoa, Brazil) for his significant contribution to international scientific production and for the development of an instrument for the assessment of burnout syndrome (May, 2019).

As Director of UNIPSICO, he has received the "Distinction 2014 for research work in occupational risk prevention" awarded by the Valencian Institute for Safety and Health at Work (INVASSAT) of the Generalitat Valenciana on the occasion of the celebration of the "International Day of Health and Safety at Work". This distinction is a recognition of the research work being carried out by this research group, led by Dr. Gil-Monte, with the aim of preventing psychosocial risks at work, promoting the quality of working life of workers and increasing the competitiveness and productivity of companies and organisations in the Valencian Community. The distinctions in occupational risk prevention have been created by the Generalitat Valenciana to promote health and safety at work, and as a stimulus and recognition of those companies, institutions, or individuals who stand out for their distinguished performance in occupational risk prevention, or for their involvement in the promotion and encouragement of health and safety at work in the Valencian Community, to serve as an example of good preventive work in the Valencian society as a whole.

Research Group on Resource Innovation in Ancient History - GIRHA

GIRHA was set up in 2003 within the area of Ancient History at the Universitat de València as a line of incorporation and innovation of all kinds of resources applied to teaching and documentation. 

Its activities since then have been inserted both in the framework of the application, use and experimentation of ICT and in the contribution and configuration of other materials (documentation, manuals, etc.), as well as developing cooperation and dissemination on an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental scale. 

Subsequently, the group has extended its line of action to the coordination of research activities in the area of Ancient History, designing joint participation in R&D projects, or any others involving research activities, as well as measures to transfer them to the university community (seminars, conferences, colloquiums, etc.). 

Research Group on Valencian Study on European Private Law - GEVDPE

The Valencian group of study on European private law. It is currently recognised as such in the OTRI (within the document “R&D knowledge transfer capabilities of the Universitat de València”). 
WITH ITS 33 OTRI PROJECTS, it is one of the most active groups in this subject. 

Right now, it keeps the following OTRI Agreements and Contracts active: 

  • Collaboration agreement with the CGPJ, for the modernisation of Justice. 
  • Agreement with the Association of Property, Mercantile and Personal Property Registrars of Spain, for the reform of registry law and new technologies. 
  • Agreement with Chair of Innovation of the University of Cantabria, for the development of electronic mediation. 
  • Agreement with the Freie Univesität Berlin, for the study on Private Law. 

At that time, the Director was Fco. Javier Orduña Moreno, but his appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court has led to Javier Plaza Penadés, Chair Professor of Civil Law, with three six-year terms, and Vice-Dean, taking over as the Group Director. 

Its current research projects are: 

  • Research group of excellence of the Prometeo Programme 2011, PROMETEO 2011/23, on the implementation of the technological model of the Valencian Community, led by Javier Plaza Penadés. 
  • National R&D project “Bases for the uniformity and convergence of the rules for the transfer of real estate property in the European Union”. Reference DER2010-21913-C02-01 (JURI subprogramme), of which Javier Plaza Penadés is the Principal Researcher. 
  • Microcluster “Law and business studies on ICT” within the VLC/CAMPUS, International Campus of Excellence, 2011, coordinated by Javier Plaza Penadés. 
  • Microcluster “Health Law, Genetics and Social Protection”, within the VLC/CAMPUS, International Campus of Excellence, 2011, coordinated by Luz M. Martínez Velencoso. 

The Group, nationwide, is integrated in: 

  • Actualiza Group, for the reform and updating of Private Law in Spain, created by the CRUE. ( 
  • Common Core of European Private Law. The group participates in this international project, which is characterised by its membership of the "CoPECL Network of Excellence", a network composed of several European universities, institutions and organisations. Among its objectives is the drafting of a proposal for a Common Frame of Reference for European contract law along the guidelines of the Commission's Action Plan (COM [2003] 68). This group is led by researchers from the University of Turin and Berkeley (California). It involves around a hundred European researchers in three research areas (Tort, Property, Contract). 

The Group right now manages:

  • The Revista Aranzadi de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías (Aranzadi Journal of Law and New Technologies). 
  • The Revista Electrónica de Derecho Civil Valenciano (Online Journal of Valencian Civil Law) ( It is in charge of the Secretary’s Office of: Anuario de Derecho Concursal (The Annual of Bankruptcy Laws) and collaborates in the Editorial Board of: The Revista de Derecho Patrimonial (Property Rights Magazine). It has been commissioned by Springer to produce the book "European Sale Law". 

Research lines:

  • Health law: 
    • Law and new technologies: 
    • Health law 
    • Valencian local civil law 
    • European Private Law.