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Research Group on Marketing and Innovation in Trade and Services - INNOMARK


INNOMARK is a UVEG research group developing online activities with a methodological and thematic innovation in the study of marketing, while trying to comprehend preferential domains for commercial distribution and services. The work carried out by the group consists in answering research calls in these fields by mobilizing knowledge from the team’s more traditional work scenarios, such as consumer behaviour, brand, creation of value, company relations, innovation and tourism. Said topics set the group’s main research lines. INOMARK’s experience and consolidation as a team is backed by the participation of its members in more than 30 different R+D projects financed in public calls, as well as particularly relevant R+D contracts with Companies and / or Administrations in which economic realities or business problematics related to ICTs, retail trade, tourist business, segmentation or satisfaction are analysed. The research quality and the relevance of the group’s results can be seen in its multiple contributions to congresses (more than 100 works presented in international forums), as well as in its publications. More than 80 researches were published on international magazines, many of which were also included in the JCR (Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Chemometrics, Industrial Management & Data Systems, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Service Industries Journal, Journal of Consumer Behavior, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, etc.), ISI databases, the SJR or databases such as ABI INFORM, EMERALD Reviews, etc.
The group members obtained recognition for their research trajectory. It’s worth highlighting the following achievements: 1 Awards for Excellence 2009 (Gallarza y Gil 2009), Tourism Review. 2 Best paper 2008 (Gil et al., 2008), Industrial Marketing Management. 3 Outstanding Paper Awards for Excellence 2010 (Gil et al., 2009) Industrial Management & Data Systens. 4 Premio AEMARK-ASEDAS 2011 (Ruiz-Molina et al., 2010). 5 Awards for Excellence 2013 (Gallarza et al., 2013), Tourism Review. 6. Premio AEMARK 2014, (Gallarza et al., 2013), Annals of Tourism Research. 7 Premio Mejor Tesis Doctoral área de marketing 1994 (Dr. Gil), Congreso Nacional de Marketing. 8 Premio Mejor Tesis Doctoral sobre Gestión de Calidad Total 1995, Club Gestión de Calidad (Dr. Gil). 9 Premio Investigación en Marketing ESIC-BANCAJA 2000 (Dr. Moliner). 10 Premios Extraordinarios Doctorados Universitat de València 1995 y 2011 (Dr. Gil and Dr. Fuentes). 11 Premio AEDEMO Investigación y Marketing 1994 (Dr. Gil). 12 Premio MK. Marketing y Ventas 1993 (Dr. Gil). 13 Premio Investigación Empresarial, Ayuntamiento de Torrent/Caixa Popular 2000 (Dr. Gil). 14 Premio "Turisme" Tesis Doctoral. AVT. Finalista 2003 (Dr. Gallarza). 15 Premio Junior Investigación y Marketing AEDEMO 1999 (Dr. Servera). 16 Premios Extraordinarios Licenciaturas de la Universitat de València 1987 y 1995 (Dr. Gil and Dr. Ruiz). 17 Premio Joven Economía 2003 Fundación General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Dr. Ruiz). It’s finally worth underlining that to this day, Dr. Gil has directed 8 doctoral theses in INNOMARK’s core research lines. All the previously exposed facts are proof of a teamwork-based tradition and a sufficient critical mass to face any challenge in the field of academic research in marketing (considering its multidisciplinary nature), as it’s capable of mobilizing knowledge towards the resolution of current problems.

Goals CT
  • General: Studying preferential domains in marketing applied to service companies in general and to those that operate in trade sectors and tourism in particular, while carrying out research on consumer behaviour, company relations, brand, creation of value and innovation.
  • Conceptual: Generating theoretical frameworks on marketing-related topics of  study applied to service companies.
  • Methodological: Knowing perception mechanisms and marketing variables comprehension, as well as identifying the order and effects of service companies.
  • Mediation: Elaborating and proposing coherent measurement scales along with theoretical development and base models in study areas.
  • Management: Studying the implantation level in marketing-related innovation service companies, technically improving ICTs and analysing its effects.
Research lines
  • Satisfaction and consumer behaviour

    To analyse the different aspects that define consumer behaviour and especially satisfaction, which focuses on the study of the management of consumer expectations, the analysis of the emotions that influence the consumer buying behaviour and their loyalty.


  • Relational innovation and ICT

    To identify the benefits that the incorporation of ICT, and with them relationship-based innovation between enterprises and enterprises with their customers, can bring to retail businesses in particular and to service companies in general.


  • Strategy and management of Commercial Distribution

    To observe the evolution of commercialisation channels, and to study fields such as service quality, image, value of service, logistics and the management of the point of sale, both related to large-scale distribution and traditional businesses. 

  • Dissatisfaction and complaint behaviour

    To study customer dissatisfaction on the basis of claim management, complaint behaviour, change of supplier and the different aspects which are linked to a negative evaluation of service provision by the customer.

  • Tourism Enterprise Management and Tourism

    To study the key trends for strategic management and academic research in tourism: e-tourism and its perceived value as a substantial topic in the study of customer behaviour, delving into its effects (background, mediators or moderators) on relationships.


  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
  • Coordinador/a de Mobilitat
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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Non-UV research staff


  • Francisco Arteaga Moreno - UCV València
  • María Fuentes Blasco - UPO Sevilla
  • David Servera French - UCV València
Associated structure
Contact group details
Research Group on Marketing and Innovation in Retailing and Services (INNOMARK)

Tarongers Campus

Edificio Departamental Oriental. Av. dels Tarongers, s/n

46022 València (Valencia)

+34 963 828 329


Contact people
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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