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Research Group on Music Education and Creativity - IEMC


With regard to the motivations of this group for research into music teaching and learning processes, it should be noted that the practical music teaching institutions have been distanced from research into specific music teaching and learning processes. This has not been so much due to their own decision or to the lack of research training of Spanish conservatory teachers -which is a fact-, but rather to the scant importance given to music studies in the different reforms of the Spanish educational system until the LOGSE, as well as to the traditional separation between music practice and research, the former being relegated to music conservatories and the latter to the university. What is more, after the establishment of the so-called Higher Artistic Education within the European Higher Education Area, neither the LOE -and even less the LOMCE- have established effective mechanisms for the research training of music conservatory teachers. As a result, there is a lack of research in conservatories and, as a consequence, little knowledge of what really happens in the teaching and learning processes.

We believe that this is a very important area of expertise in the training of individuals, in addition to its importance in the training of musicians and music teachers. The members of this research group have a long-established track record in different fields of music. Thus, research has been carried out on training processes in music education; on the influence of the use of score editors on the formation of mental images of sound in students; on the effect of multimodal presentations of musical information versus unimodal presentations; on the effects of different modes of information presentation on the learning of musical parameters (texture, melody, rhythm.... ); on the creation of specific software for certain musical tasks and its effects on musical learning; on the influence of music in the media on the stereotypes of primary school pupils; on the use of technology as a mediator in the development of musical skills. All this is materialised in an extensive quality scientific production (publications in impact journals indexed in JCR and Scopus) in the sub-disciplines of music technology, music education, musical creativity, musical performativity and musical cognition. They have also executed European, American (Organización Estados Americanos, CONICYT), national (Plan Nacional i+d+i, FNEA, FONDEF-TIC-EDU (Chile), Fondo Nacional de la Cultura de Chile) and regional (C.Valenciana, Gobierno de La Rioja, Gobierno Vasco, Junta de Andalucía) projects. The members of the group have directed doctoral theses and works related to the aforementioned fields, including works derived from the training capacity of the groups executing R&D projects.

The lines of the group are related to training processes for music education teachers; music education processes in non-formal contexts; dynamisation processes in socio-educational projects through music; technology in music education; software design for music education; science-art interaction; musical performativity and creation. 

The master's degrees and postgraduate and doctoral programmes in which members of this group have participated are: Postgraduate course of musical specialisation: ENSENYAMENT MUSICAL MIJANÇANT L'ORDINADOR (UPV-GVA); Postgraduate course of musical specialisation: INFORMÁTICA MUSICAL (Xunta Galicia-U. de A Coruña); Postgraduate course of musical specialisation: LENGUAJE MUSICAL Y EDUCACIÓN AUDITIVA (Gobierno de La Rioja-U. de La Rioja); university postgraduate course of musical specialisation: TEACHING MUSICAL EXPRESSION (Diputación Gral. de Aragón); doctorate course: RESOURCES FOR TRAINING AND CHANGE. TEACHING AND INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES within the Doctorate Programme of the Department of Human Sciences of the University of La Rioja; I University Expert in DESIGN AND CREATION OF VIRTUAL TRAINING ENVIRONMENTS (2004-05. U. of Malaga); II University Expert in Design and Creation of Virtual Training Environments (2005-06. U. of Malaga); II University Expert in Design and Creation of Virtual Training Environments (2005-06. U. of Malaga); III University Expert Course in Design and Creation of Virtual Training Environments (2005-06. U. of Malaga); III University Expert Course in Design and Creation of Virtual Training Environments (2005-06. de Málaga); III University Expert Course on Methods and Resources in Music Education (2005. u. de La Laguna); Doctorate Programme on Methods of Educational Research and Innovation (2005. u. de Málaga); I Master's Degree in New Technologies Applied to Education (U. de Málaga); IV University Expert Course on Methods and Resources in Music Education (2006. u. de La Laguna); II Master's Degree in New Technologies Applied to Education (U. de Málaga); IV Expert Course in Virtual E-learning Environments (U. de Málaga); Master's Degree in Musical Pedagogy (2009. U. de Valencia); Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics (University of Valencia. 2010 editions to date); Doctorate in Specific Didactics (U. de Valencia. From 2010 to the present); Master of Research in Musical Skills Development (2010. U. Pública de Navarra); Doctorate Course in Technology and Musical Learning Processes (U. Nacional Autónoma de México. 2011); Master of Research in Musical Skills Development (2011. U. Pública de Navarra); Master and Doctorate Programme in Music. Course on Technology and Musical Learning Processes. (U. Nacional Autónoma de México. 2012); Master of Research in Musical Skills Development (2012. U. Pública de Navarra); Master in Secondary Education Teaching (U. de Valencia. Several editions to date).

Goals CT
  • Guiding processes involved in music education.
  • Design processes of socio-educational dynamisation through music.
  • Know the effectiveness of modes in multi-modal systems of musical information presentation.
  • Design, implement and evaluate software for musical learning.
  • Design effective performative and creative processes in music.
  • Design musical training processes for specialist and non-specialist teachers. 
Research lines
  • Training processes for music education teachers

    This line is related to the investigation of the ways in which teachers in initial teacher training construct meanings in relation to music. If these ways of meaning music are known, the processes of construction of musical knowledge (procedural and declarative) can also be known, and contributions can be made to the knowledge of initial and continuous teacher training, as well as to the training processes from pedagogy and didactics.

  • Processes of non-formal music training in socio-educational contexts

    Enquiry into the characteristics of musical learning processes in non-formal education contexts, mainly in music schools, band students and amateur training in general (cognitive strategies, study strategies, intrinsic-extrinsic motivation, self-regulation, and other constructs).

  • Musical performativity and creation

    The purpose of this line is to investigate educational processes in relation to musical performance, improvisation and creation, in particular the types and processes of memory involved in performance and improvisation, study strategies, stage fright, motivation, the role of ways of presenting information, differences between formally trained musicians and non-formally trained musicians (self-control, self-esteem, discipline, trainable skills such as the number and size of saccades or saccadic movements through eye-tracking, etc.).

  • Technology-mediated music learning processes

    This line involves different lines of work:

    • research on the effectiveness of modes of presentation in uni- bi- and multimodal music information systems in music teaching and learning processes using technological mediators and digital objects;
    • design of learning materials through the use of digital learning objects;
    • design of music learning software.
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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Non-UV research staff


  • Mario Arenas Navarrete - Universidad de la Serena (Chile).
  • Ana Laucirica Larrínaga - Universidad Pública de Navarra.
  • Oswaldo Lorenzo Quiles - Universidad de Granada.
  • Borja Mateu Luján - Universitat de València.
  • José Antonio Ordoñana Martín - Universidad del País Vasco.
  • Alejandro Perez Gonzalez De Martos - Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • Tomás Thayer Morel - Universidad Austral de Chile (Chile).
  • Fernando López Calatayud - CE-JA


Scientific production by UV researcher
Associated structure
Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation
Contact group details
Research on Music Education and Creativity (IEMC)

Tarongers Campus

Av. dels Tarongers, 4

46021 València (Valencia)

+34 963 864 456


Contact people
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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