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Research Group on Support for Research in Language Variation Analysis - SILVAGroup


The concept of “language variation” is key for the study of the evolution of languages and of social, professional and educational communicative systems. Social, cultural, health, economic, technological and educational transformations are developed, conveyed and reflected through their linguistic and communicative manifestations. The aim of the group is to study the progress that current society is undergoing through the analysis of the essential linguistic variables that are involved and interact in human communication. These variables depend on the profiles of speakers (e.g. idiolectal, dialectal variation, according to gender, age, social status, level of education, etc.) and on the uses they make of language according to the interpersonal identities they adopt (i.e. register variation), the codes they use to communicate (i.e. variation of mode), the different textual platforms they use (i.e. variation of discursive genre) and the different persuasive strategies with which they convey their intention and image (i.e. stylistic variation). The analysis of these variables requires approaching the study of communication at different scales, from its macro and hyper discursive aspect (e.g. interrelation between the variables that interact in business or academic communication, or the complexity of multimodal communication of social media and digital platforms) and also of its micro discursive components (e.g. variation of phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic units). As highlighted by experts in language variation (Bayley, 2013; Chambers and Schilling, 2018), in order to address comprehensive and innovative studies in this field, it is necessary to keep up to date the methodology needed to define and classify the categories, criteria and parameters essential to understand and analyse these variables and their interrelation.

Some of these have been extensively studied (e.g. dialectal variation) and others are currently being studied (e.g. variation of discursive genre), but there are still many ambiguous and controversial aspects of other relevant variables, such as those involved in communicative register variation. This type of interpersonal and contextual variation covers the whole spectrum of human interaction, from that which takes place in the most sophisticated and conventional contexts to that which takes place in the most intimate and familiar settings. There are different degrees of dependence and interrelation between various registers in the same communicative act, which has posed a difficult challenge for experts, particularly when it comes to accessing real data and compiling large and representative corpora. Moreover, throughout history, its study has been approached from many different perspectives, including heterogeneous, ambiguous and confusing variables that have generated controversy within this field of research. This theoretical heterogeneity and methodological complexity have hindered the development of in-depth and wide-ranging studies on this language variety, which could effectively transfer their results to society and the labour market, offering practical methods and tools for understanding, learning and mastering it. There are other variables in a similar situation (e.g. idiolectal variation, stylistic variation, genolects, chronolects, etc.). 

With the aim of contributing to the advancement of this field, the main objectives of the SILVAGroup are the following:

  1. To delve into the fundamental categories, criteria and parameters for the study and analysis of language variation, and the factors involved in its current behaviour in the English language and other majority languages, such as Spanish and German.
  2. To investigate language variation from a comprehensive pragmatic approach, highlighting its interpersonal and multimodal dimensions in its fluctuation throughout everyday communication from public to private settings.
  3. To work from emerging technologies, corpus linguistics and other multidisciplinary fields of human communication, contrasting advances and results between languages.
  4. To design methodologies for the study of language variation, useful in the search and detection of distinctive features that shed light on definition and typology of its parameters of analysis, and also practical for learning and mastering them, especially at a social and professional level.
  5. To participate in platforms and projects for the dissemination of research, especially in international conferences and impact publications, in order to encourage further study of RV and to publicise the results of the group’s activity.
  6. To constitute a national and international support platform for research in this field and for its dissemination.

The group’s research activity will be structured from the IULMA, based at the Universitat de València, to which most of the members of the group belong, and is made up of a multidisciplinary team of both young and experienced researchers from the UV, UPV and UA.

All the members of the group share the essential research lines for the study of RV: language variation, corpus linguistics and contrastive linguistics. The group also has experts in other relevant research lines. This multidisciplinary nature provides this team with the advantage of approaching language variation from different but complementary areas of knowledge and research lines, allowing an innovative depth and perspective and results that can really bring a significant advance in the field.

Goals CT
  1. To advance in the definition and study of language variation in English and other majority languages, as a determining factor in human communication and in social, economic and educational progress.
  2. To develop practical applications both for the improvement of social and professional communication and for the learning of modern languages.
Research lines
  • Language variation

    The group approaches language variation from different perspectives that integrate the multiple variables that interact in current communication. The predominant approach is the pragma-semantic variationist one, highlighting the interpersonal and multimodal versatility of communication and its influence on social, professional and educational transformations. In a pioneering way, the team approaches variation in all fields of applied linguistics from a multidisciplinary perspective.

  • Contrastive and cross-cultural linguistics. Corpus linguistics

    It is based on the cultural and linguistic contrast, using corpus linguistics as a basis, between several modern majority languages such as Peninsular Spanish and English. The aim is to clarify concepts and look for practical applications both at a particular level between specific communicative communities and at a global level within the educational setting, as well as in social and professional communication, such as business communication. The tools of corpus linguistics, from a cross-cultural perspective, prove to be essential both for the collection of real data and compilation of corpora and for their analysis and application of results. In this team, the study of current social and professional communication is approached in symbiosis with the digital world, not only as a mediator, but also as a target for new generation applications.

  • Contrastive linguistics and languages for professional and academic purposes

    The group also studies contrastive linguistics and its application to translation at a lexical-semantic and pragmatic-discursive level between majority languages, e.g. Peninsular Spanish and English, in specialised fields such as health sciencies as well as in other academic and professional contexts.

  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
  • Coordinador/a de Mobilitat
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
  • Coordinador/a Curs
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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Non-UV research staff


  • Victoria Guillén Nieto - Universitat d'Alacant.
Scientific production by UV researcher
Associated structure
Institut Interuniversitari de Llengües Modernes Aplicades (IULMA)
Contact group details
Group of Support for Investigation in Language Variation Analysis (SILVAGroup)

Blasco Ibáñez Campus

Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 32

46010 Valencia (València)

+34 963 864 677


Contact people
  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
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