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The main objective of the GVA-AICO project "Reconfigurations of gender, race and social class in North American ethnic literature of the Obama/Trump era" is to study the new reconfigurations and assemblages of gender, race and social class that have arisen in the literary production of the American ethnic minority writers during the Obama/Trump era, following the political, cultural and economic changes of the second decade of the third millennium.


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The main objective of the project GVA-AICO/2021/249 "Reconfigurations of gender, race and social class in North American ethnic literature of the Obama/Trump era" is to study the new reconfigurations and assemblages of gender, race and social class that have emerged in the literary productions of North American ethnic minority writers during the Obama/Trump eras, as a result of the political, cultural and economic changes of the second decade of the third millennium.

During this period, populist and nationalist policies have played an increasingly relevant role in democracies such as the United States. With the election of an ultra-conservative president like Donald Trump, hostility towards migratory flows and racial tensions in the country have intensified, while movements of social resistance have returned with greater force. This project critically examines the harmonious coexistence achieved with difficulty after the era of civil rights in the sixties of the twentieth century and considers its reconfigurations and legacies in the 21st century from an intersectional and transatlantic perspective.

The general objectives of the project are the following:

1. From a historical point of view, the researchers in LENA analyze the critical and artistic representations and reflections that engage racial conflict (macro and micro racisms), the spaces of migration and diaspora, precariousness, labor exploitation, the new context caused by the pandemic and disease (physical and mental), trauma, gender conflict (macro and micro machismo from the #metoo movement), the links that can be established between these social conflicts and the climate and environmental crisis, the (old and new) spaces for protest and ideological resistance that have been built as a result, and the transethnic alliances that enable us to consider these conflicts in a global context.

2. From a literary, artistic and creative point of view, we also examine the growing importance among North American ethnic literatures of genres such as science fiction, spaces of utopia, dystopia and heterotopia, Afrofuturism, ecocriticism, or indigenous futurism in the reconfiguration of the new identity imaginaries and social spaces that can be created in the post-Trump era.

3. Continuing along the lines started in our previous emerging project, "North American (Trans)ethnic Literatures in a Global Context" (GV/2019/114), we continue to consider the transnational context, that is, the impact of globalization on the internationalization of conflicts, processes and new identity reconfigurations and their connection with our local and regional environment

Developers of the project
North American Ethnic Minority Literatures in a Global Context (LENA)

contermporary literature, ethnic minorities, history of the United States and Canada, social movements, race, class, gender, intersectionality, Civil Rights Movement, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, resistance and representation

Non-UV principal researchers

Elena Ortells Montón

Universitat Jaume I

Participating researchers:
  • Brigido Corachan, Ana Maria
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
  • Coordinador/a de Mobilitat
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  • Manuel Cuenca, Carmen
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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  • Cucarella Ramon, Vicent
  • PDI-Contractat/Da Doctor/A
  • Coordinador/a Curs
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  • Medina Lopez, Sofia Concepcion
  • Doctorand.
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Non-UV participating researchers


Universitat Jaume I

Non-UV work equipment

John Howard

King's College London


Universidad de Buenos Aires


Grupo de investigación LENA-UV:


IP: Elena Ortells

Departament d'Estudis Anglesos

Universitat Jaume I



Coordinadora UV:

Anna M. Brígido-Corachán

Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana

Universitat de València


Start date
2021 January
End date
2023 December
Funding agencies:



Project type
  • GVA - AICO - Consolidated groups