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The Chair for Traditional Music and Dance collaborates in the Meeting of Principals of the Forthem Alliance.

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • April 29th, 2024
Principal of the UV, Mavi Mestre, and other authorities of the Forthem Alliance pose next to some of the dancers participating in the welcoming act.
Principal of the UV, Mavi Mestre, and other authorities of the Forthem Alliance pose next to some of the dancers participating in the welcoming act.

La Cátedra de Música y Danza Tradicional ha colaborado en el acto de recepción de los rectores y presidentes participantes en la Forthem Presidency Meeting organizada por la Universitat de València.

The act, which took place in the cloister of La Nau last 23 April and was led by Principal Mavi Mestre, counted with the performance of a variety of groups that offered a show of traditional Valencian music and dances.
In this way, the meeting of universities of the  Forthem alliance, which the following day began its work program with the aim of continuing to make progress in cooperation and decision making of this alliance between European universities, was kick-started.
The FORTHEM Alliance (Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility) was created in 2019 and is made up of nine universities: Dijon (France), Jyväskylä (Finland), Mainz (Germany), Opole (Poland), Palermo (Italy), Riga (Latvia), Valencia (Spain), Universitetet i Agder (Norway) and Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu (Romania).
The principals and the rest of the members of the visiting entourages enjoyed a varied show of our traditions offered by the following groups.

At the end of the act, attendees wanted to take photos with the musicians and dancers participating in this welcoming act of which they will surely take a great memory.