The company entrusted with the security of the Burjasot Campus and at ETSE is CASVA Seguridad, SLU.
Contact phone:
Intern: Zone A 72006 - Zone B 75002 - ETSE 72008
Mobile: Zone A 629452852 - Zone B 669883180- ETSE 637477400 - Pharmacy 669883175
24 hours service: 916363660
Sciencies Library | Faculty of Mathematics |
Deanery Building | Faculty de Biological Sciences A and B |
Computing Service | General Services Building |
Greenhouses | Maintenance Workshop |
Tirant Building | Transfer storage |
Faculty of Physics C and D | Physical Education Service |
Faculty of Chemistry E and F | Health Offices |
Faculty of Pharmacy | Gabinete de Salud |
Aulario Interfacultativo | Jeroni Muñoz Research Building |
Burjassot Campus Cafeteria | |
Faculty of Pharmacy | |
Aulario Interfacultativo |