Many ecological phenomena are inherently complex because they are due to nonlinear processes, they are hierarchically structured at various levels, and have manifestations at different spatial and temporal scales. It is therefore appropriate to use an integrative approach addressing the issues that arise in the study of ecological systems. This approach extends from the taxonomy and biodiversity recognition to response in the functioning of ecosystems to global change.
Our interest is to understand how biodiversity is organized and how this organization can be disrupted, and our approach is twofold: Firstly, we study how a set of species are grouped or assembled to form the communities that we observe. And secondly, we analyze the role of different populations and communities in the functioning of ecosystems. For all of this, we have chosen the aquatic systems as field of study and from the theory of community ecology the behavior of plankton and benthos is studied. In addition, we used the planktonic and benthic communities as appropriate models for finding answers on crucial problems of community ecology and systems.
Natural areas in which we currently work:
- Tablas de Daimiel National Park (Ciudad Real)
- Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park (Ciudad Real, Albacete)
- Reservoirs of H. Júcar Confederation scope of action
- La Mancha lagoons of the H. del Guadiana Confederation scope of action
- Albufera Natural Park (Albufera, Malladas and Tancat de la Pipa)