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  • Pérez i de Lanuza, G., P. Carazo & E. Font (2014) Colours of quality: structural (but not pigment) coloration informs about male quality in a polychromatic lizard. Animal Behaviour 90:73-81.
  • Carazo, P. & E. Font (2014) 'Communication breakdown': the evolution of signal unreliability and deception. Animal Behaviour 87:17-22.
  • Pérez i de Lanuza, G., E. Font & J.L. Monterde (2013) Using visual modelling to study the evolution of lizard coloration: Sexual selection drives the evolution of sexual dichromatism in lacertids. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:1826-1835.
  • Luna, S., G. Pérez i de Lanuza & E. Font (2013) Use of an infrared thermographic camera to measure field body temperatures of small lacertid lizards. Herpetological Review 44:59-62.
  • Pérez i de Lanuza, G., E. Font & P. Carazo (2013) Color-assortative mating in a color-polymorphic lacertid lizard. Behavioral Ecology 24:273-279.
  • Carazo, P., R. Fernández-Perea & E. Font (2012) Quantity estimation based on numerical cues in the mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor). Frontiers in Psychology 3:1-7.
  • Font, E., D. Barbosa, C. Sampedro & P. Carazo (2012) Social behavior, chemical communication, and adult neurogenesis: Studies of scent mark function in Podarcis wall lizards. General and Comparative Endocrinology 177:9-17.
  • Font, E., P. Carazo, G. Pérez i de Lanuza & M. Kramer (2012) Predator-elicited foot shakes in wall lizards (Podarcis muralis): Evidence for a pursuit-deterrent function. Journal of Comparative Psychology 126:87-96.
  • Carazo, P., E. Font & E. Desfilis (2011) The role of scent marks in female choice of territories and refuges in a lizard (Podarcis hispanica). Journal of Comparative Psychology 125:362-365.
  • Carazo, P., P. Molina-Vila & E. Font (2011) Male reproductive senescence as a potential source of sexual conflict in a beetle. Behavioral Ecology 22:192-198.
  • Bohórquez-Alonso, M.L., E. Font & M. Molina-Borja (2011) Activity and body orientation of Gallotia galloti in different habitats and daily times. Amphibia-Reptilia 32:93-103.
  • Font, E., P. Carazo, G. Pérez i de Lanuza & D. Barbosa (2010) Comportamiento y comunicación animal: ¿Qué nos enseñan los lagartos?. Acta Zoológica Lilloana 54:12-35.
  • Bohórquez-Alonso, M.L., J. Martinez Cotrina, D. Aquilar Pardo, E. Font, M. Molina-Borja (2010) Sex differences in antipredator tail-waving displays of the diurnal yellow-headed gecko Gonatodes albogularis from tropical forests of Colombia. Journal of Ethology 28:305-311.
  • Font, E. & P. Carazo (2010) Animals in translation: Why there is meaning (but probably no message) in animal communication. Animal Behaviour 80:e1-e6.
  • Carazo, P. & E. Font (2010) Putting information back into biological communication. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:661-669.
  • Font, E., G. Pérez i de Lanuza & C. Sampedro (2009) Ultraviolet reflectance and cryptic sexual dichromatism in the ocellated lizard, Lacerta (Timon) lepida (Squamata: Lacertidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 97: 766-780.
  • Carazo, P., E. Font, E. Forteza-Behrendt & E. Desfilis (2009) Quantity discrimination in Tenebrio molitor: Evidence of numerosity discrimination in an invertebrate? Animal Cognition 12:463-470.
  • Carazo, P., E. Font & E. Desfilis (2008) Beyond 'nasty neighbours' and 'dear enemies'? Individual recognition by scent marks in a lizard (Podarcis hispanica). Animal Behaviour 76:1953-1963.
  • Sampedro, C., E. Font & E. Desfilis (2008) Size variation and cell proliferation in chemosensory brain areas of a lizard (Podarcis hispanica): Effects of sex and season. European Journal of Neuroscience 28:87-98.
  • Carazo, P., E. Font & E. Desfilis (2007) Chemosensory assessment of rival competitive ability and scent mark function in a lizard (Podarcis hispanica). Animal Behaviour 74:895-902.
  • Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & E. Font (2007) Ultraviolet reflectance of male nuptial colouration in sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) from the Pyrenees. Amphibia-Reptilia 28:438-443.
  • Palacios, V., E. Font & R. Márquez (2007) Iberian wolf howls: Acoustic structure, individual variation, and a comparison with North American populations. Journal of Mammalogy. 88:606-613.
  • Labra, A., P. Carazo, E. Desfilis & E. Font (2007) Structure and function of head bob displays in a Liolaemus lizard (Liolaemus lemniscatus). Herpetologica 63:11-18.
  • Carazo, P., E. Font & B. Alfthan (2007) Chemosensory assessment of sperm competition levels and the evolution of internal spermatophore guarding. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 274:261-267.
  • Barbosa, D., E. Font, E. Desfilis & M.A. Carretero (2006) Chemically mediated species recognition in closely related Podarcis wall lizards. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32:1587-1598.
  • Molina-Borja, M., E. Font & G.M. Avila (2006) Sex and population variation in ultraviolet reflectance of colour patches in Gallotia galloti (Fam, Lacertidae) from Tenerife (Canary Islands). Journal of Zoology 268:193-206.
  • Barbosa, D., E. Desfilis, M.A. Carretero & E. Font (2005) Chemical stimuli mediate species recognition in Podarcis wall lizards. Amphibia-Reptilia 26:257-263.
  • Carazo, P., E. Sánchez, E. Font & E. Desfilis (2004) Pheromones mediate the assessment of female reproductive status in a beetle (Tenebrio molitor L.). Animal Behaviour 68:123-129.
  • Moya, A. & E. Font, eds. (2004) Evolution: From Molecules to Ecosystems. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Font, E. & M. Molina-Borja (2004) Ultraviolet reflectance of color patches in Gallotia galloti from Tenerife, Canary Islands. In V. Pérez-Mellado, ed., The Biology of Lacertid Lizards: Evolutionary and Ecological Perspectives. Institut Menorquí d'Estudis (Recerca 8), Menorca, pp. 201-221.
  • Desfilis, E., E. Font & F. Guillén-Salazar (2003) Stimulus control of predatory behavior by the Iberian wall lizard, Podarcis hispanica (Sauria, Lacertidae): Effects of familiarity with prey. Journal of Comparative Psychology 117:309-316.
  • Font, E. & E. Desfilis (2003) Courtship, mating, and sex pheromones in the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor. In B.J. Ploger & K. Yasukawa, eds., Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field. Academic Press, New York, pp. 43-58.
  • Font, E. & E. Desfilis (2003) Courtship, mating, and sex pheromones in the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor. In B.J. Ploger & K. Yasukawa, eds., Teaching Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field. Academic Press, New York, pp. 9-18.
  • García-Verdugo, J.M., S. Ferrón, N. Flames, L. Collado, E. Desfilis & E. Font (2002) The proliferative ventricular zone in adult vertebrates: A comparative study using reptiles, birds, and mammals. Brain Research Bulletin 57:765-775.
  • Desfilis, E., E. Font, M. Belekhova & N. Kenigfest (2002) Afferent and efferent projections of the dorsal anterior thalamic nuclei in the lizard Podarcis hispanica. Brain Research Bulletin 57:447-450.
  • Desfilis, E. & E. Font (2002) Efectos de la experiencia en el comportamiento depredador de los reptiles. Revista Española de Herpetología 2002:79-94.
  • Font, E. & E. Desfilis (2002) Chemosensory recognition of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics by juveniles of the Iberian wall lizard, Podarcis hispanica. Ethology 108:319-330.
  • Font, E., E. Desfilis, M. Pérez-Cañellas & J.M. García-Verdugo (2001) Neurogenesis and neuronal regeneration in the adult reptilian brain. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 58:276-295.