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  1. A. BMC Microbiology 10 (2010): 297
    DOI:10.1186/1471-2180-10-297 Fungal-associated NO is involved in the regulation of oxidative stress during rehydration in lichen symbiosis Catalá M, Gasulla F, Pradas del Real, AE, García-Breijo F, Reig-Armiñana J & Barreno E
  2. B. Environmental Microbiology. Article first published online: 6 DEC 2010
    Two Trebouxia algae with different physiological performances are ever-present in lichen thalli of Ramalina farinacea. Coexistence versus Competition? Leonardo M. Casano, Eva M. Del Campo, Francisco J. García-Breijo, José Reig-Armiñana, Francisco Gasulla, Alicia Del Hoyo, Alfredo Guéra and Eva Barreno | DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2010.02386.x 
  3. C. Annals of Botany (2010); doi: 10.1093/aob/mcq206
    Oxidative stress induces distinct physiological responses in the two Trebouxia phycobionts of the lichen Ramalina farinacea Alicia del Hoyo; Raquel Alvarez; Eva M. del Campo; Francisco Gasulla; Eva Barreno; Leonardo M. Casano
  4. D. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54 (2010): 437–444
    Suitability of Chloroplast LSU rDNA and its diverse group I introns for species recognition and phylogenetic analyses of lichen-forming Trebouxia algae E.M. del Campo, L.M. Casano , F. Gasulla , E. Barreno DOI information: 10.1016/j.ympev.2009.10.024
  5. E. Symbiosis 51 (2010):175-179
    “A simple and rapid method for isolating lichen photobionts” Francisco Gasulla & Alfredo Guéra & Eva Barreno DOI 10.1007/s13199-010-0064-4
  6. F. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57 (2010): 1323–1328
    A single primer pair gives a specific ortholog amplicon in a wide range of Cyanobacteria and plastid-bearing organisms: Applicability in inventory of reference material from collections and phylogenetic analysis E.M. del Campo, A. del Hoyo, C. Royo, L.M. Casano, R. Álvarez, E. Barreno doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.09.014
  7. G. Taxon, 59(2010):1-4
    A rapid and cost-efficient DMSO-based method for isolating DNA from cultured lichen phycobionts. del Campo E, Casano LM, Del Hoyo, A., Martínez-Alberola, F. & Barreno E
  8. H. Bibliotheca Lichenologica IAL6, 105 (2010): 87-92
    Nitric Oxide Is Involved in Oxidative Stress during Rehydration of Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach. in the Presence of the Oxidative Air Pollutant Cumene Hydroperoxide. Catalá M, Gasulla F, Pradas Del Real, A, García-Breijo F, Reig-Armiñana J & Barreno E
  9. I. Bibliotheca Lichenologica IAL6, 105 (2010): 247-256
    South European populations of Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach. share different Trebouxia algae. Campo E, Gimeno J, Casano LM, Gasulla F, García-Breijo F, Reig-Armiñana J & Barreno E
  10. J. "Seirophora villosa (Ach.) Fröden". "Bioatles".
    "Bioatles". Fitxa del Bioatles corresponent a l''espècie Seirophora villosa. Palma: Conselleria de Medi Ambient, 4a edició. ISSN: 1889-6847. Salvà, G.; Barreno, E. (2009)
  11. K. RIDEA, Boletín de Ciencias de la Naturaleza 50 (2009): 343-354.
    Lobaria virens (Wiht.) J. R. Laundon, liquen amenazado en Europa, bioindicador del estado de conservación de los bosques en la Sierra del Sueve (Asturias). Barreno E, Reig-Armiñana J, García-Breijo F & Álvarez-Aspra Js
  12. L. RIDEA, Boletín de Ciencias de la Naturaleza 50 (2009): 333-341.
    Parmelia barrenoae Divakar, MC. Molina & A. Crespo un liquen nuevo para la flora asturiana Barreno E. & Herrera-Campos MA.
  13. M. Planta, 231(2009) : 195-210
    Dehydration rate and time of desiccation affect recovery of the lichenic algae Trebouxia erici: alternative and classical protective mechanisms Gasulla F, Gómez De Nova P, Esteban-Carrasco A, Zapata JM, Barreno E & Guéra A DOI 10.1007/s00425-009-1030-3, DOI: 10.1007/s00425-009-1019-y
  14. N. International Microbiology 12 (2009): 59-68.
    Lichen-forming Trebouxia phycobionts contain an unusual diversity of endonuclease-encoding group I introns within the plastid LSU rDNA: Evolutionary implications. del Campo, Casano LM, Gasulla F & Barreno E
  15. De Nova PJG. , Guéra A, Gasulla F, García-Breijo F, Reig-Armiñana J & Barreno E (2008). Structural and genomic variations of Trebouxia photobionts Isolated from the lichen Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach. in Spain. Flora
  16. Del Campo EM, Guéra A, Gasulla F, Zapata JM, Esteban-Carrasco A, Barreno E & Casano LM (2008). Group I introns in the 23S plastid rDNA of lichenic algae of the genus Trebouxia and chloroplast genome evolution. Molecular Evolution
  17. Gasulla F, Gómez de Nova P, Barreno E & Guéra A (2008). Desiccation rate determines the recovery of the lichenic algae Trebouxia erici after rehydration with a limited role of the xanthophyll cycle. New Phytologist
  18. Gasulla F, Guéra A & Barreno E (2008). An effective and fast method to obtain axenic strains of lichen photobionts: the interaction of growing factors. The Lichenologist
  19. Catalá M, García-Breijo F, Gasulla F, Reig-Armiñana J & Barreno E (2008). Detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) in the lichen Ramalina farinacea using fluorescent probes. Journal of Microscopy
  20. Pérez-Ortega S, Reig-Armiñana J, García-Breijo F, & Barreno E (2008). The Lichen Lobaria virens (With.) Laundon has two Photosymbionts. Morphology and Anatomy of its overlooked Cephalodia. The Lichenologist.
  21. Barreno E, García-Breijo F, Herrera-Campos MA & Reig-Armiñana J (2007). Bacterias no fotosintéticas asociadas a las estructuras corticales de talos de Ramalina y Usnea . GLAL 8. Universidad Norbert Wiener, Lima.
  22. Zapata JM, Gasulla F, Esteban-Carrasco A, Barreno E & Guéra A (2007). Inactivation of a plastid evolutionary conserved gene affects PSII electron transport, life span and fitness of tobacco plants. New Phytologist 173 (2): 357-366
  23. Fernández-Salegui AB, Terrón A, Barreno E & Nimis PL (2007). Biomonitoring with Cryptogams near the Power Station of La Robla (León, Spain). The Bryologist 110 (4): 723-737
  24. Barreno E & Pérez-Ortega S (2007). Líquenes de Asturias: biodiversidad y hábitats registrados. BIDEA (Bol. Ciencias Nat. RIDEA), Actas del I Congreso de Estudios Asturianos 2006, Tomo VI: 163-188. Comisión de Ciencias de la Naturaleza y Tecnología, Oviedo. DL: AS. 4281-2007 / ISBN: 978-84-87212-59-2
  25. Fernández-Salegui A B, A Calatayud, A Terrón & E Barreno (2006). Fluorescence of chlorophyll a in samples of Parmelia sulcata transplanted arround of La Robla (León, Spain). The Lichenologist, 38 (5): 57-468
  26. Pérez-Ortega S & Barreno E (2006). “The genus Epigloea Zukal in the Iberian Peninsula”. Nova Hedwigia 83 (3): 523-531
  27. Gasulla F, Barreno E & Pignata ML (2006).Heavy metals effects on the physiology and anatomy of lichen photobionts: isolated cultures of Trebouxia or lichenized from Ramalina farinacea (Spain) and Usnea amblyoclada (Argentina). BioMAP 4.
  28. Guéra A, Calatayud A, Sabater B & Barreno E (2005). Involvement of the thylakoidal NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase complex in the early responses to ozone exposure of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings. Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (409): 205-218
  29. De Nova PJG, Gasulla F, Calatayud A, Guéra A & Barreno E (2005). Immunological and genomical analysis of Trebouxoid phycosymbionts isolated from Ramalina farinacea L. (Ach.) reveals the possible presence of the plastid Ndh complex in lichen algae. Flora Mediterranea 15: 477-483
  30. Barreno E (2005). Lichens as bioindicators of forest health, biodiversity and ecological continuity. Workshop 4: Sustainable Development. Forestry Impact and economical use of wild flora. 4th European Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants"
  31. Fos S & Barreno E (2005). Influence of cork-oak forest managament on epiphytic lichen flora on Quercus suber L. Workshop 4: Sustainable Development. Forestry Impact and economical use of wild flora. 4th European Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants CD
  32. Calatayud A, Iglesias DJ, Talón M & E Barreno (2006). Effects on long-term ozone exposure on citrus. Effects on chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange analysis. Photosynthetica 44 (4): 548-554
  33. Iglesias DJ, Calatayud A, Barreno E, Primo-Millo E & Talón M (2006). Responses of citrus plants to ozone: leaf biochemistry, antioxidant mechanisms and lipid peroxidation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 44 (2-3): 125-131
  34. Barreno E & Pérez-Ortega S (2005). The UNESCO-MAB Reserve of Muniellos (Spain, Asturias), an example of high lichen diversity in Europe and the success of conservation strategies. Flora Mediterranea 15: 453-460
  35. Gasulla F, De Nova PJG & Barreno E (2005). Relaciones entre la variabilidad fenológica de pinus canariensis, el clima y la concentración foliar de nutrientes. Cuad. Soc. Esp. Cienc. For. 20: 141-146
  36. Barreno E (2004). In Izco J: Botánica Capítulo 9. Hongos simbiontes: Líquenes, Micoficobiosis y Micorrizas: 309 -340. Editorial MacGraw-Hill Interamericana, 920 pp., 2ª ed. Madrid. ISBN: 8448606094
  37. Crespo AM, Barreno E, Sancho LG, Pintado A & Lumbsch HT (2004). Four lichen species new to Spain. Lazaroa 24: 3-5
  38. Calatayud V, Barreno E & Rico VJ (2004). Two Lichenicolous Arthonia on Vagrant Aspicilia Species. In Contributions to Lichenology. Festschrift in Honour of Hannes Hertel. Ed.: Döbbeler, & P. Rambold, G. Bibliotheca Lichenologica: 88: 99-112. ISBN 3-443-58067-X
  39. Margulis L & E Barreno. (2003). Looking at lichens. BioScience 53(8): 776-778
  40. Barreno E & Pérez-Ortega S (2003). Líquenes de la Reserva Natural Integral de Muniellos, Asturias. Cuadernos de Medio Ambiente. Serie Naturaleza 5, Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio & KRK Ediciones. Principado de Asturias, 555 pp. 80 láminas en color, Glosario ilustrado. Oviedo. ISBN 84-96119-36
  41. Calatayud V & Barreno E (2003). A new Lichenostigma on vagrant Aspicilia species. The Lichenologist 35 (4): 279-285
  42. Calatayud A, Iglesias DJ, Talón M & E. Barreno (2003). Effects of 2-month ozone exposure in spinach leaves on photosynthesis, antioxidant systems and lipid peroxidation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 41: 839-845
  43. Fernández-Salegui AB, Terrón A, Fos S & E Barreno (2002) 2003. Síntomas de daños por contaminantes atmosféricos en Parmelia sulcata Tayl. en la zona de La Robla (León, España). Lazaroa 23: 7- 16
  44. Calatayud A, Alvarado JW, Iglesias, JD & Barreno E (2003). Effects of ozone on photosynthetic CO2 exchange chlorophyll a fluorescence and antioxidant systems in lettuce leaves. Physiologia Plantarum 116: 308-316
  45. Calatayud A, Alvarado JW & Barreno E. (2002). Similar effects of ozone of four cultivars of lettuce in open top chambers during winter. Photosynthetica 40: 195-200
  46. Calatayud A, Guéra A, Fos S & Barreno E (2001). A new method to isolate lichen algae by using Percoll gradient centrifugation. The Lichenologist 33 (4): 361-366
  47. Fos S, Gasulla F & Barreno E (2001). Diversidad liquénica en los alcornocales ibéricos. Aplicación como bioindicadores de las características anatómicas del corcho de reproducción. Montes para la Sociedad del Nuevo Milenio. III Congreso Forestal Español. Tomo V: 177-182. Junta de Andalucía. C. Medio Ambiente. DLegal: SE-2499-2001
  48. Gasulla F, Fos S. & Barreno E. (2001). Comportamiento fenológico y variabilidad fenotípica de Pinus canariensis Chr. Sm. ex DC. Montes para la Sociedad del Nuevo Milenio. III Congreso Forestal Español. Tomo I: 49-55. Junta de Andalucía. C. Medio Ambiente. DLegal: SE-2499-2001
  49. Fos S , Calatayud A & Barreno E (2001). Diversidad liquénica asociada a fenómenos post-incendio en los alcornocales valenciano-castellonenses. Botanica Complutensis 25: 101-111
  50. Calatayud A, Temple P & Barreno E (2000). Chlorophyll a fluorescence emission, xanthophylls cycle activity and net photosynthesis responses to ozone in some foliose and fruticose lichen species. Photosynthetica 38 (2): 281-286
  51. Barreno E (2000). Los Bosques. Enciclopedia Gran Referencia Anaya, Ed. Anaya- Vox, Tomo 4: 1192-1205. ISBN 84-8332-120-3 Madrid.
  52. Arhoun M, Barreno E, Fos S, Torres JR & Ramis-Ramos G (2000). Injury symptoms and releasing rates of inorganic ions from pine needles as indicators of atmospheric pollution and application to the Canary Islands forests. Water Air and Soil Pollution 117: 105-122 Arhoun M, Barreno E, Torres JR & Ramis-Ramos G. (2000). Releasing rates of inorganic ions from the lichen Ramalina farinacea by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) as an indicator of atmospheric pollution. Cryptogamie, Bryol. Lichenol. 21(4): 275-289
  53. Herrero-Mtez JJ, Simó E, Ramis-Ramos G, Calatayud A & Barreno E (2000). Simultaneous determination of L-ascorbic acid and glutathione and their oxidized forms in ozone-exposed vascular plants by capillary zone electrophoresis. Environmental Science and Technology 24: 850-862
  54. Arhoun M, Martín-Herrera JL, Barreno E & Ramis-Ramos G (1999). An automatic system for stepwise treatment of solid samples and application to pollution evaluation by measuring ion lixiviation rates in lichens. Lab. Robotics and Automation 11: 121-126
  55. Deltoro VI, Gimeno C, Calatayud A, & Barreno E (1999). Effects of SO2 fumigations on photosynthetic CO2 gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence emission and antioxidant enzymes in the lichens Evernia prunastri and Ramalina farinacea L. Physiologia Plantarum 105: 648-654
  56. Calatayud A, Deltoro VI, Abadía A, Abadía J & Barreno E (1999). Effects of ascorbate feeding on chlorophyll fluorescence and xanthophylls cycle components in the lichen Parmelia quercina exposed to atmospheric pollutants. Physiologia Plantarum 105: 679-684
  57. Fos , Deltoro VI, Calatayud A & Barreno E (1999). Changes in water relations and gas diffusion in relation to anatomical and morphological characteristics during thallus development in Parmelia acetabulum (Neck.) Duby. The Lichenologist 31(4): 375-387
  58. Nimis PL, Seaward MRD, Ariño X & Barreno E (1999). Lichen-induced chromatic changes on monuments: a case -study on the Roman amphitheater of Italica (S. Spain). Plant Biosystems 132 (1): 53-61
  59. Deltoro VI, Calatayud A, Gimeno C, Abadía A & Barreno E (1999). Changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence, net photosynthesis and xanthophylls cycle pigment during dehydration, in desiccation tolerant and intolerant Liverworts. Planta 207 (2): 224-228