The MATS group concludes its participation in the BIOFAST Project for the development of strategies to accelerate the biodegradation of bioplastics in compost environments
La investigadora Marina Prisciandaro de la Università degli Studi dell'Aquila ha visitado la ETSE dentro del Programa Erasmus+ y ha impartido una ponencia titulada “Advanced oxidation processes of wastewaters and their role in water reuse for a circular economy”.
The Office of the Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València is promoting the publication of a guide to water usage, to celebrate Green Week. The UV is also organising a one-day conference on biosphere reserves.
Patricia Ruiz Barriga, estudiant del Programa de Doctorat en Enginyeria Química, Ambiental i de Processos, va defendre la seua tesi doctoral el passat 3 de maig