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Despacho: 4F11 Teléfono: 9638 28570 |
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El Dr. Carlos Abreo és economista per la Universitat Santo Tomás, Colòmbia, Màster en Banca i Finances per la Universitat de Las Palmas De Gran Canària, Espanya, i Doctor en Integració Econòmica per la Universitat del País Basc, Espanya. La seva principal experiència laboral prové del sector acadèmic (gestió acadèmica i docència), treballant a països com Anglaterra, Colòmbia i Espanya. S'ha exercit com a professor universitari d'Economia a diferents universitats de Colòmbia i d'Espanya (dictant cursos de pregrau i postgrau). A més, va ser Degà de la Facultat de Negocis Internacionals de la Universitat Sant Tomàs de Colòmbia. També ha estat becari doctoral del Ministeri de Ciència, Tecnologia i Innovació de Colòmbia, així com membre de grups de recerca a diverses universitats, revisor de diferents revistes acadèmiques internacionals i professor i investigador visitant en entorns internacionals. La seva recerca se centra en com els processos d'integració econòmica als països en desenvolupament promouen el creixement econòmic. |
(9638) 28343 |
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Dr. Dolores Añón Higón is Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Associate Researcher of the Social and Economic Behaviour Institute (ERI-CES) at the Universitat de València (UV). Before joining the UV in 2008, she worked at Aston University, and Warwick University. Dolores is an applied economist whose main research interest is to understand the drivers and impediments of productivity enhancement, with a particular focus on innovation, digitalization, and internationalization strategies. She has published in Industrial and Corporate Change, Information & Management, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, among others. Her research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Research (currently as Principal Investigator); the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), the European Commission, the British Academy, the NESTA Foundation, and various government agencies including UKTI, and DTI, as well as local governments (Generalitat Valenciana, Manchester Independent Economic Review) and private sector (BBVA Foundation). Five selected/recent publications:
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Campus dels Tarongers. Edifici Departamental, 4a planta - despatx 4F12 Av. dels Tarongers, s/n, 46022 València, Valencia 96 382 83 49 (D) |
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Llicenciat en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses per la UV, així com en Investigació i Tècniques de Mercat. Durant la seva etapa d'estudiant va tenir l'oportunitat d'obtenir un Certificat de Management & Culture a la Universitat de Linköping (Suècia) gràcies al Programa Erasmus. Després de treballar a diversos sectors com la construcció, les finances i l'economia social, va realitzar com a becat un Màster en Direcció d'Empreses Internacionals al Centre d'Estudis Econòmics i Comercials (CECO) d'ICEX Espanya Exportació i Inversions després del qual va accedir a un període d'un any de pràctiques a l'Oficina Comercial de l'Ambaixada d'Espanya a Oman. Actualment, i després de desenvolupar diversos projectes professionals a l'àmbit del comerç exterior, compagina la docència a la UV amb la seva professió de Tècnic de Promoció Econòmica. Les àrees d'interès són l'economia internacional, la competitivitat, la creació de valor en empreses i l'eficiència al sector públic.
(9638) 28355 |
BLANCO ARROYO, OMAR Coordinador/a Curs |
Facultat d'Economia, Departament d'Estructura Econòmica, Edifici Departamental Oriental, Despatx: 3E10 Avda. dels Tarongers s/n 46022 Valencia 28351 |
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Dr. Omar Blanco Arroyo is assistant professor at the Department of Applied Economics II (Estructura Econòmica), University of Valencia. He holds a PhD in Economics and Business by the University Jaume I (Castellón, Spain). His research interests are focused on the dynamics of large firms and their macroeconomic impact. His work has been published in Economics Letters and Mathematics and he has also participated in different competitive projects supported by the Valencian government. Five selected/recent publications: 1. Alfarano, S., & Blanco-Arroyo, O. (2022). Banking sector concentration, credit shocks and aggregate fluctuations. Economics Letters, 218, 110709. 2. Vidal-Tomás, D., Ruiz-Buforn, A., Blanco-Arroyo, O., & Alfarano, S. (2022). A cross-sectional analysis of growth and profit rate distribution: the Spanish case. Mathematics, 10(6), 926. 3. Arroyo, O. B., Buforn, A. R., TOMÁS, D. V., & Alfarano, S. (2019). Granular companies and regional breakdown: An analysis of the Spanish case. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 37(2), 109. 4. Blanco-Arroyo, O., Ruiz-Buforn, A., Vidal-Tomás, D., & Alfarano, S. (2018). On the determination of the granular size of the economy. Economics Letters, 173, 35-38. |
BOIX DOMENECH, RAFAEL B Coordinador/a Curs |
Departament d'Estructura Econòmica, Universitat de València Edifici Departamental Oriental, Campus dels Tarongers Avda. dels Tarongers, S/N (4P15), 46022 - València ( España ) (9616) 25033 |
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Dr Rafael Boix is Full Professor at the Departament d'Estructura Economica, Universitat de València. Ph.D. in Economics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He previously held academic position at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and has been visiting researcher at the Politecnico di Milano, visiting professor at the European Business Module of the Università degli Studi di Firenze and in the master courses of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya. He has been external consultant for the OECD and has participated in applied research for the Barcelona City Hall, Barcelona's Province, Valencia Regional Government, the Spanish Ministry of Industry, and the European Commission. Fields of interest Regional and urban economics; creative industries; industrial districts; networks of cities Recent publications: - De Miguel B, Boix R, Villanueva G, De Miguel M (2023): "Predicting Volunteers’ Decisions to Stay in or Quit an NGO Using Neural Networks", VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations . DOI: - Boix R, Galletto V, Sforzi F, Capone F (2022): “Living innovation machines: modelling innovation in time and space variable-geometry territorial units using machine learning”, European Planning Studies, 31:7, 1422-1442. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2022.2134727. - Boix R, Galletto V, Capone F (2022): “Searching for 'rare diamonds'? Industrial districts and innovation in Spain and Italy”, Competitiveness Review. DOI 10.1108/CR-11-2021-0155. - Boix R, De Miguel B, Rausell P (2022): “The impact of cultural and creative industries on the wealth of countries, regions and municipalities", European Planning Studies, 27:10, 1940-1958. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2021.1909540. - Boix R, Peiró J, Rausell P (2021): “Creative industries and productivity in the European regions. Is there a Mediterranean effect?”, Regional Science Policy & Practice, 13(5), p.1546-1564. DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12395. |
CALATAYUD GALIANA, CAROLINA Coordinador/a de Mobilitat |
28340 |
(9638) 28358 |
ESTEVE PEREZ, SILVIANO Responsables de Gestio Academica Coordinador/a Titulacio de Grau |
(9638) 28852 |
FEO VALERO, MARIA CONCEPCION Secretari/a d' Institut Universitari |
(9616) 25427 |
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Dr. María Feo Valero is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics II (Estructura Econòmica), University of Valencia. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics by the University of Valencia. Most of her professional activity has focused on research in the area of transport economics: initially at the Valenciaport Foundation as R&D project manager (2004-2012) and then as assistant professor at the University Jaume I of Castellón (2012-2016) and, since 2016, as associate professor at the University of Valencia and Associate Researcher of the Institute of International Economics (IEI). Within the area of transport economics her work has focused on the modelling of the freight transport demand and the analysis of its determinants through advanced discrete choice models and stated preference techniques. She has collaborated in competitive national research projects and international projects and her work has been published in international journals of the area. Five selected/recent publications:
GIL PAREJA, SALVADOR Coordinador/a Curs |
(9638) 28360 |
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Sóc llicenciat i doctor en Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials per la Universitat de València (Premi Extraordinari en els dos casos) i Master of Science in Economics per University College London. He realitzat estades de recerca a Fedea, al Reial Col·legi Complutense en la Universitat d'Harvard, en el Banc Inter-Americà de Desenvolupament, en el Banc Mundial i en diverses universitats espanyoles. Sóc autor d'una vintena de capítols de llibre i més de 50 articles publicats en revistes de reconegut prestigi com European Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Review of World Economics, Review of International Economics, The World Economy o Oxford Economic Papers, entre altres. He estat membre electe de la junta directiva i tresorer de l'Associació Espanyola d'Economia i Finances Internacionals (2005-2011), editor associat de la Revista d'Economia Aplicada (2006-2016), coordinador del Grau en Economia (2013-2015), director del Departament d'Estructura Econòmica de la Universitat de València (2015-2021) y coordinador del Doble Grau Grau en Dret i Economia (des de 2022). Pel que fa a la docència, he participat en múltiples manuals i projectes d'innovació docent i he rebut més d'una dotzena reconeixements i premis a la meua tasca docent. Cinc publicacions representatives:
HERNANDEZ SANCHO, FRANCESC Coordinador/a de Programa de Doctorat |
(9638) 28336 |
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Dr. Rafael Llorca Vivero earned a Bachelor degree in Economics (with distintcion) at the Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain), a Master Science in Economics (with distinction) at University College London and a PhD at the University of Valencia. He is now Professor of Applied Economics in the Economic Structure Department of the Universitat de València. His main research area of interest is in the ambit of International Trade. He has published in journals such as European Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Review of World Economics, Review of International Economics, The World Economy or Oxford Economic Papers, among others.
Five selected/recent publications:
(9638) 28356 |
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El doctor Juan A. Máñez és llicenciat en Economia per la Universitat de València, és màster en Economia per la Universitat de Warwick i doctor en Economia per la Universitat de Warwick. En la actualitat és Catedràtic d’Economia Aplicada al Departament d’Estructura Econòmica de la Universitat de València i investigador associat de l’Institut de Comportament Econòmic i Social (ERI-CES) de la Universitat de València. La seva docència es centra en els camps d'Economia Internacional, Organització Industrial i Microeconometria. La seva línia principal d’investigació es l’anàlisi del paper del comercio i les activitats innovadores en els resultats de les empreses. També manté obertes altres línies d’investigació com l’anàlisi del paper de les activitats intangibles, supervivència de les empreses, decisions estratègiques i economia experimental. El seu treball d’investigació ha resultat en una sèrie de publicacions (43 publicacions científiques, de les cuals 32 estan en revistes JCR). Va participar en 31 projectes nacionals (6 d’ells com a líder d’equip) i 4 projectes internacionals (3 projectes de la UE i 1 projecte del Banc Mundial). Ha participat en entorn de 130 conferències i workshops nacionals i internacionals.
(9638) 28347 |
28922 |
Facultat d'economia despatx 4E12 |
PALLARDO LOPEZ, VICENTE JUAN Director/a d' Institut Universitari |
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Jordi Paniagua és Catedràtic d’Economia al departament d’Estructura Econòmica (Economia Aplicada II) de la Universitat de València. |
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Dr. Jesús Peiró-Palomino is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics II (Estructura Econòmica), University of Valencia. He holds a PhD in Economics by the University Jaume I (Castellón, Spain). He has been Assistant Professor at University Jaume I (2016-2019) and visited the Aarhus University (Denmark, Fall 2013) and the Utrecht University (Netherlands, Fall 2017). His research interests are institutions and their role in economic development processes, especially at the regional level. He is also interested in the measurement of well-being and social progress, their spatial distribution and their evolution over time. His work has been published in several international scientific journals and he has also participated in different competitive projects.
PICAZO TADEO, ANDRES JOSE Director/a de Departament |
Facultad de Economía. Dpto. Economía Aplicada II. Avda dels Tarongers s/n. 46022 VALENCIA. (9638) 28362 |
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Soc catedràtic d'Economia en la Universitat de València, i ex-Editor Executiu de la revista acadèmica Applied Economic Analysis. Vaig estudiar un Màster en Economia en la London School of Economics and Political Science, i soc Doctor en Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials per la Universitat de València. Els meus principals camps d'investigació són l'economia mediambiental, l'economia de l'aigua i, recentment, el desenvolupament econòmic. Els meus treballs combinen teoria econòmica amb tècniques empíriques avançades per a contribuir a la formulació de polítiques en estes àrees. La principal contribució en economia mediambiental és el desenvolupament de models i mètodes basats en la teoria de la producció i programació matemàtica per a avaluar el comportament econòmic i mediambiental, amb articles molt citats en revistes d'impacte. També he estudiat el mercat del subministrament urbà d'aigua; en particular, l'impacte de la seua estructura sobre l'eficiència i l'efecte de la regulació en la dinàmica del mercat. Els meus últims treballs se centren en el mesurament del progrés social i la seua difusió, amb especial atenció al paper de les institucions. Veure més informació en la meua pàgina web |
(9638) 28339 |
(9638) 28851 |
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Dr. Francisco Requena Silvente is Full Professor in Applied Economics at the Universitat de València. He got his Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics. He was Reader in Economics at University of Sheffield (2013-2016) and Assistant Professor at University of California, Davis (2008-2009). His main research area is Applied International Economics, with special interest in international trade and international migration. His work has been published in several scientific journals including Review of World Economy, The World Economy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Small Business Economics, Regional Studies, among others.
Five selected/recent publications:
1. De Lucio, Juan, Mínguez, R., Minondo, A, Requena, F (2020) “The granular and fundamental components of export specialization”, The World Economy, forthcoming.
2. Martín-Montaner, J., Serrano, G., Requena, F. (2018) “Networks and self-employment migrants”, Small Business Economics, 51, 735-755.
3. Gil-Pareja, S., Martinez-Serrano, J., Llorca, R., Requena, F,. (2015), “Regional export promotion offices and trade margins”, Review of World Economy, 151 (1), 145-167.
4. Esteve, S., Pallardo, V., Requena, F. (2013) The duration of firm-destination export relationships: Evidence from Spain, 1997-2006, Economic Inquiry, 51(1) , 159-180.
5. Peri, G. and Requena-Silvente, Francisco (2010) The Trade Creation Effect of Immigrants: Evidence from the Remarkable Case of Spain, Canadian Journal of Economics, 43(4) 1433-1459.
28346 |
ROCHINA BARRACHINA, MARIA ENGRACIA Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial |
(9638) 28850 |
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Dr. María E. Rochina Barrachina holds a PhD and a Master’s Degree in Economics, both from University College London (The University of London). At present, she is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Valencia. She is also affiliated to the Interdisciplinary Research Network “Social and Economic Behaviour (ERI-CES)” from the University of Valencia. She teaches International Trade and Microeconometrics. Her main research interests are in the areas of applied microeconometrics, applied industrial organization, applied international economics, the analysis of firm dynamics in innovation and internationalization strategies, firm productivity, and entrepreneurship. Her work has been published in several scientific journals including Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Oxford Economic Papers, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Industry and Innovation, Industrial and Corporate Change, The Econometrics Journal, Review of World Economics, World Economy, Small Business Economics, and Empirical Economics, among others. She has been involved in many national (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology) and international projects (European Commission, BBVA foundation, and World Bank) and has attended around 150 national and international conferences and workshops. She has supervised 2 PhD Thesis and 18 Master Dissertations. Five selected/recent publications:
Departament d'estructura econòmica (Economia aplicada II) Office hours: Thursday, 13.00-14.00 |
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Nicola Rubino té un Grau en Economia per La Sapienza, Universitat de Roma (Itàlia), un Màster en Economia per la Universitat de Warwick (Regne Unit) i un Doctorat cum laude en Economia Aplicada per la Universitat de Barcelona (Espanya). Els seus interessos de recerca inclouen l'economia laboral, l'economia aplicada i la macroeconometria. |
(9616) 25174 |
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[Biografia, versió en valencià] |
SANCHIS LLOPIS, JUAN ALBERTO Coordinador/a de Mobilitat |
Facultat d'Economia, Departament de Estructura, Edifici Departamental Oriental, Despatx: 4F05 Avda. dels Tarongers s/n 46022 Valencia (9638) 28350 |
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Dr. Juan A. Sanchis Llopis is Professor in Economics in the Applied Economics Department of the University of Valencia (Spain). He is also affiliated to the Interdisciplinary Research Network “Social and Economic Behaviour (ERI-CES)” from the University of Valencia. He has an economic background, with a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Economics from University College London, the University of London. His current research area focuses on applied industrial economics, and in particular on firm strategic decisions such as the engagement in R&D activities or exporting or both. He has participated in several projects supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness and by the European Commission and the Valencian government. His publications include articles in the Journal of Industrial Economics, the Industrial and Corporate Change, the World Economics, Empirica, the Review of Industrial Organizationand the Small Business Economics, among others.
Five selected/recent publications:
(9638) 28348 |
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Dra. Amparo Sanchis Llopis is Professor of Economics in the Department of Applied Economics of the University of Valencia (Spain). She is also affiliated to the Interdisciplinary Research Network “Social and Economic Behaviour (ERI-CES)” from the University of Valencia. She has an economic background, with a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of London, UK. She teaches International Economics and Industrial Organization in the Degree of Economics of the University of Valencia. Her current research area focuses on applied industrial economics, and in particular on the process of innovation and the engagement in R&D activities by firms. Especial interests include the determinants of firms’ persistence in R&D activities, and the relationship between competition and innovation incentives. She has participated in many research projects supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, the European Commission, and the Valencian Government. She has also attended many national and international conferences and workshops. Her publications include articles in the Journal of Industrial Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Review of Industrial Organization and Small Business Economics, among others.
Web page:
Selected publications:
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My field of research is Environmental and Reosurce Economics and particularly non-market valuation of environmental and public goods. Recently, I have been also involved in the economic valuation of the above-mentioned goods using Life Satisfaction Functions or Happines Functions (Subjective Well-Being). |
(9638) 28352 |
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[B Llicenciat en Ciències Econòmiques (Universitat de València, 1988), Doctor en Economia (UNED, 1998), Llicenciat en Història (Universitat de València, 2013) i Màster en Ètica i Democràcia (Universitat de València, 2020 - Premi extraordinari). Professor Associat en el Departament d'Economia Aplicada II de la Universitat de València des de 1994. Investigador de l'Institut d'Economia Social, Cooperativisme i Emprenedoria IUDESCOOP de la Universitat de València. Tècnic del Banc d'Espanya des de 1991.
Coautor del llibre, al costat de Rafael Chaves (2004): El govern de les Cooperatives de Crèdit a Espanya. Ha publicat articles en revistes com CIRIEC-España Revista d'Economia Pública, Social i Cooperativa, Revesco Revista d'Estudis Cooperatius, GEZKI Revista Vasca de Economía Social o Journal of Co-operative Studies. Ha participat en els apartats de crèdit cooperatiu i banca social en les obres col·lectives: dirigida per S. Karafolas (2016) Credit cooperative institutions in European Countries, el Llibre Blanc de l'Economia Social de la Comunitat Valenciana (2019) i en el Manual d'Economia Social (2020). iografia, versió en valencià] |
TAMARIT ESCALONA, CECILIO RICARDO Director/a Centre Documentacio Europea |
Professor, Department of Applied Economics II, Office E07 INTECO Research Group University of Valencia. VLC/CAMPUS PO Box 22006 E-46071 Valencia (Spain) Voice: 34963828349 Fax: 34963828354 Visit my publications at (9638) 28361 |
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Dr. Cecilio Tamarit Escalona is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Valencia. He holds an endowed "ad personam" Jean Monnet Chair in European Economic Integration and is a member of the INTECO joint research unit ( He was previously Senior Fellow at the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), Senior Advisor at the Spanish Prime Minister's Office, Visiting Fellow (and invited professor) at the University of Nottingham, University of Goettingen, Harvard University and Robert Schuman Scholar at the Research Department of the European Parliament. His main lines of research are Monetary and Fiscal Integration and International Trade and Macroeconometrics. He has published extensively in academic journals as Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Comparative Economics, Economics Letters, Journal of Macroeconomics or Economic Modelling. Five selected/recent publications: 1. Camarero, M., J. Sapena and C. Tamarit (2019): “Modelling Time-Varying parameters in panel data state-space frameworks: An application to the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle", Computational Economics, forthcoming. Impacto JCR Economía (2017): 1.038. Q2. |