The competent body to inform and propose students’ admission, as well as to coordinate and make a following of the Programme is the Academic Committee.
José Enrique Pérez Ortín, (Coordinator) Full Professor of the Universitat in the Department of Biochemestry and Molecular Biology
Josefa Castillo Aliaga, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and INCLIVA Researcher
Baltasar Escriche Soler (Secretary), Full Professor of the Universitat. Department of Genetics
Isabel Pardo Cubillos, Full Professor of the Universitat. Department of Microbiology and Ecology
Susana Rodríguez Navarro; IBV Researcher
Juan Sandoval del Amor; IIS La Fe
José Vicente Sancho Marín, Administrative Staff and Services
Felipe Javier Chaves Martínez; INCLIVA
José García Martínez; Full Professor, Department of Genetics
Nicolás Garrido Puchalt; Researcher. Valencian Institute of Infertility
Sergi Maicas Prieto; Full Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Ecology
Pascual Sanz Bigorra; Research Professor. CSIC
Amparo Querol; Research Professor. Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (CSIC).