By Biotechnology it is understood the technology based in the application of biological and living organism systems for obtaining goods or services. Humans have used it since time immemorial, but it has not been until recently that, with the incorportation of genetic engineering techniques and its capacity to modify and transfer genes, a new impulso to Biotchnology has been done, as well as to its biomedical and industrial processes application.
So, Biotechnology have transformed, by itself, in its own economic and business sector. According to the 2011 report of Genoma Spain, the scientific relevance of Spanish Biotechnology is high. Spain produced in the year 2010 3% of the world production in Biosciences, and 9.9% of the European scientific production, rating 4th in the ranking of the UE-15, only behind Germany, United Kingdom and France. The staff devoted to R&D in Biotechnology, both public and private, was in 2009 around 22,000 people. A number that has been increasing in more than 80% with respect to 2005. In the area of the Valencian Community, this was together with Madrid, Cataluña and Andalusia were among the communities that more public funds received for R&D in Biotechnology.
Therefore, it is clear that the progress of the sector is going to need professionals with proper scientific and technological training and that the Valencian Community has the capacity to carry out this work. In this context, the Doctoral Programme in Biotechnology and Biomedicine of the University of Valencia has as the goal of training competitive human resources with the capacity to perform original, basic and/or applied research and with a leadership attitude to integrate multidisciplinary groups that encourage the development, correlation, transfer and application of the knowledge in the areas of Biotechnology and Biomedicine and with this contribute to satisfy the national and local demand of experts with capacity to research and teaching in the field of Biotechnology and Biomedicine.
The Doctoral Studies Programme in Biomedicine and Biotechnology is included within the strategic lines in research of the University of Valencia and will be integrated in the future Doctoral Studies School.
Within the R&D strategy of the University of Valencia the doctoral studies programme will favour collaboration of external bodies (Universities, Research Centres and Companies) that are in close relations with the research that the teaching staff responsible of the doctoral theses develops. Therefore, the teaching staff participates in diverse research projects of international nature and keep collaborations in research projects with teachers with a wide number of Universities, which makes easier the mobility of the students enrolled in the corresponding programmes and the internationalisation of the same.
On the other hand, professors of the programe also are part of editorial committees or are associate editors in international journals, in Steering Committees of international scientific associations and that have been invited to teach in doctoral studies and master's degree programmes and to make research stays in diverse international universities.
Additionally, strategies to spread the results obtanained between companies, organisations and professionals. This is evidenced by the large number of contracts concluded between companies and other types of public and private organisations on Research, Development and Transfer that seek to strenghten competitiveness of groups, favour their visibility, increase their specific weight in the international scence and, at the same time, guarantee the proper transfer of research results to the agents and institutions involved and to society in general.