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The discipline of bioinformatics comes as a response to the need of analysing biological data of such volume and complexity that they requiere the use of computer tools. The application of genomics in several knowledge areas such as medicine, biology, agro-food, pharmacy, etc. produces the need of training new experts able to face the new challenges that the future of these disciplines produce. The reduction of the price of these metholodogies sets up, in a near future, its inclusion not only in research, where it is already in use, but also in the same clinical or professional practice. This means that not only researchers in life sciences are going to need training in bioinformatics, but that the same clinical practice or the technological or biomedical-based companies will demand in a few years a good number of specialists in genomic data analysis. Additionally, from the point of view of computer science a new area where the development of bioinformatics software development will turn into an aspect of greatest importance. As bioinformatics applications on the one hand demand a greater efficiency dude to the increasing volume of data and, on the other hand, their use goes beyond the sphere of research and becomes professionalised in clinics or pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies, their development needs to be carried out by professionals. Therefore, people with a proper computer science preparation, and not "amateur" programmers, are who have to responde to these demands of bioinformatics software efficient and with proper quality standards.