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The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme (CAPD) will decide on admission in view of:

  • The grade of the student's academic record in the original Bachelor's degree and in the Master's degree (70 %).
  • The suitability of the student's training to the recommended profile (20 %). The Committee will value very positively that the student is a beneficiary of a research personnel training grant and therefore has a pre-doctoral contract.
  • Other merits not included in the above criteria, with documentary justification of the same (10 %): English language accreditation: maximum 3 points (level C2: 3 points, level C1: 2 points, level B2: 1 point).

In the event that any clarification of the merits claimed is considered necessary, the CAPD may conduct a personal interview in order to carry out an appropriate assessment of the merits provided.

Documentation to be provided by the student for the assessment of his/her application:

  •  Copy of the academic transcript of the Bachelor's and Master's degree where the qualification of each one of them in base 10 is stated.
  •  Resolution of the award of the pre-doctoral grant and/or copy of the pre-doctoral contract.
  • Any other merits that you consider appropriate.