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Those students admitted in the programme who do not certify research experience must take 15 credits of Training Complements offered by the Doctoral School. These courses are dedicated to train on the theoretical foundations on research in business management and strategy as well as the main quantitative and qualitative methodologies that students should know. The specific aim of this module is to provide students with a theoretical and methodological basis strong enough for undertaking the research work and the future completion of a doctoral thesis.

These training complements are distributed in the following five subjects to be studied throughout the first 6 months after the enrolment in the programme (both for full-time students and part-time students):

52503 - Qualitative research techniques (3 Credits)

52504 - Quantitative research techniques I: Multivariate analysis (3 Credits)

52505 - Quantitative research techniques II: Structural equations (3 Credits)

52506 - Research theories in Business Management (3 Credits)

52507 - Researcher abilities (3 Credits)