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ATTENTION! Before finalizing your registration check that you have actually selected a group with teaching. The “WAITING LIST” group should only be used in case there are no places left in the other groups.

 What are transversal training activities?

Although the essential activity of the doctorate is research, doctoral programs include other training activities that include both cross-cutting training and training specific to the field of each program.

To find out the obligatory and optional activities recognized by each doctoral program, their duration or equivalent load in hours and the minimum number of hours that must be completed, the doctoral student should consult the program web page (section “Structure”, subsections “Cross-cutting activities” and “Specific activities”) and the indications of his/her Academic Committee and tutor.
In the case of transversal training activities, each academic year the Doctoral School approves the general offer and publishes it on its website.

The approved transversal activities are offered in one or more editions, depending on the expected number of students, with different dates and languages. All editions are taken in distance mode (online), have a duration equivalent to 15 hours and are taught through the UV Virtual Classroom ( lasting approximately three weeks.


Enrollment in the transversal training activities is free of charge and is done during the period established for this purpose by the Doctoral School and announced each academic year on its website (usually in December-January).
Prior to enrollment, it is important to consult the approved offer for the academic year and to plan the activities and specific editions of the same that you wish to take, taking into account the following aspects:


  • Each student may enroll in only one edition of each course (for example, course code 50000 “Writing scientific articles” has 13 editions; students may enroll in only one of these). If the student does not pass the activity with a PASS, he/she will not be able to take it again until the following academic year.. 
  • The description of each of the editions specifies the dates, the working language and, if applicable, the student profile targeted by academic areas.


The link for the registration: 
You can also access from the portal:

possible doubts

Waiting list:

In the event that there are no places available in any of the editions of a transversal activity in which the student wishes to enroll, he/she may enroll in the edition called “Waiting List”, offered in each of these activities. The waiting list will be used in the event of vacancies or low enrollment.
Once the registration period is over, the Doctoral School will evaluate the waiting list applications, giving priority to doctoral students who are in the final years of their doctorate, and will try to place them in the requested cross-cutting activities, provided that these are required by their doctoral program and necessary to complete their training.


Period of registration of the academic year 2024/2025

The registration period for the transversal training activities for the 2024/2025 academic year will be open from 10:00 a.m. on December 16 until 2:00 p.m. on January 9, 2025.


Registration Guide


Pass and accreditation

The passing of the transversal activities will be determined by the faculty of the activity, after verifying the attendance and participation of the doctoral student in the training activity and the achievement of the learning outcomes foreseen in the training activity.

If you have any questions during the academic year, please contact the Doctoral School (Student Support).