Departments proposing the Doctorate (Philosophy, Metaphysics and Knowledge Theory, Logic and Scientific Philosophy, of the University of Valencia) gather together the integrity of the thematic areas that constitute theoretic philosophy, together with its essential logical, methodical and historical points of view: the whole History of Philosophy, Philosophical Antropology, Logic, Scientific, Language, Technique and Religion Philosophy; Theory of Knowledge, Ontology, Metaphysics, Mind Philosophy and Aesthetics.
The sistematised and methodically cross-cutting treatment of the axis of this plot is essential facing basic philosophic training. And this task has to recognise in the soliticing departments of the University of Valencia (only issuing entity of the Degree in Philosofy in the context of its 5 public or state universities) the compulsory reference of specialised philosophic training of the most strict theoretical character. From this point of view, the base of the potential student of the Doctorate that is proposed goes further beyond the generable demands under the wing of this University (Graduates of the branch of Humanities and other Licenciaturas (former Spanish undergraduate studies) of the rest of the public universities of the Valencian Region).
The code of the title of Doctor of the program of doctorate in Contemporary Philosophical Thought is the number 5600345.