Call for Extraordinary Doctorate Awards for the 2024-2025 academic year Call for Extraordinary Doctorate Awards for the 2024-2025 academic year 20/12/24 Published the Resolution of the Rector for which the Extraordinary Doctorate Awards for the 2024-2025 academic year are convened.[Read more]
Registration period for transversal training activities 2024-25 Registration period for transversal training activities 2024-25 09/12/24 The Doctoral School opens the registration period for the transversal training activities of the academic year 2024-2025 [Read more]
Provisional results for admission to doctoral studies 2024-2025. Extraordinary phase. Provisional results for admission to doctoral studies 2024-2025. Extraordinary phase. 25/11/24 Publication of the provisional list of people admitted to doctoral programs for the 2024-2025 academic year in the extraordinary phase.[Read more]
PREMIS MAVI DOLÇ I GASTALDO A L’ÚS DEL VALENCIÀ EN TESIS DOCTORALS PREMIS MAVI DOLÇ I GASTALDO A L’ÚS DEL VALENCIÀ EN TESIS DOCTORALS 20/06/24 Els Premis Mavi Dolç i Gastaldo a l’ús del valencià i la qualitat lingüística en tesis doctorals tenen la finalitat d'incentivar-ne l’ús i millorar-ne la qualitat de la llengua.[Read more]
Information sessions on doctoral studies at the Universitat de València Information sessions on doctoral studies at the Universitat de València 31/05/24 The Doctoral School organises three information sessions for students about doctoral studies at the University of Valencia. [Read more]
Programa de doctorat en Pensament Filosòfic Contemporani Programa de doctorat en Pensament Filosòfic Contemporani 13/05/24 [Read more]
The pre-registration period for the 2024-2025 doctoral programmes is now open The pre-registration period for the 2024-2025 doctoral programmes is now open 25/04/24 The Universitat de València has one of the widest ranges of doctoral programmes of all Spanish universities, with 60 programmes covering all fields of knowledge. Choose your doctorate and...[Read more]
El 10 d’abril es celebrarà la Jornada “DoctoratLAB: Investiga, transfereix i emprén” organitzada per UVemprén i l’Escola de Doctorat de la Universitat de València. El 10 d’abril es celebrarà la Jornada “DoctoratLAB: Investiga, transfereix i emprén” organitzada per UVemprén i l’Escola de Doctorat de la Universitat de València. 13/03/24 [Read more]
The deadline for registration in transversal doctoral activities opens on 5 December 02/12/22 Once the technical incidents have been resolved, the registration period for the transversal training activities of the 2022-2023 academic year will remain open from 10:00 a.m. on 5 December until...
Convocatòria de beques de mobilitat internacional de doctorat 2023 Convocatòria de beques de mobilitat internacional de doctorat 2023 15/11/22 S'ha obert el termini per a sol·licitar les ajudes de mobilitat internacional de doctorat, per a 2023. Les ajudes financian tres mesos en una institució estrangera a fi d'afavorir l'obtenció de...[Read more]
Call for admission to Doctoral Programmes 2022-2023 04/05/22 Call for admission to Doctoral Programmes for academic year 2022-2023 will be opened from 16th May at 10:00 a.m. to 19th July 2021 at 23:59 p.m. Application form is available via Online Office
Registration period for transvesal training activities 2020/2021 Registration period for transvesal training activities 2020/2021 30/11/21 The registration period for the transversal training activities for the academic year 2020/2021 will be open from 10:00 a. m. on 2nd December to 2:00 p. m. on 17th December 2021. Before enrolling,...[Read more]