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Important people and documents of the Doctoral Programme

People in charge


  • Once they have been admitted in the Programme, the Doctoral Studies Academic Committee assigns a supervisor to each student.
  • The supervisor will be a doctor who is part of the teaching staff of the doctoral programme.
  • The work of the supervisors is to interact between the doctoral student and the Committee, and they are responsible of adapting the training and the research activity to the principles of the Programme.


  • It will be assigned to the student within six months after the enrolment.
  • The director can be any Spanish or foreign doctor that is an expert in the research topic.
  • The supervisor and the director can be or not the same person. If the director is not part of the teaching staff of the Doctoral Programme, a tutor belonging to the Programme will be assigned mandatorily.
  • The director is the head of the research tasks and will guide the students in the thesis. A doctoral thesis can be co-supervised by a maximum of three doctors, after being authorised by the Doctoral Studies Academic Committee, in the case of interdisciplinary topics or programmes developed jointly with other national or international Universities.

Doctoral Studies Academic Committee

  • It is ultimately responsible for the programme and assessing that all the activities are performed.
  • Its fundamental tasks are to plan, supervise and assess all throughout the process of the doctoral programme.

Important documents

Personalised activities document

  • It must be handed to the student once he has enrolled.
  • It is a personalised control record, which must show all the activities of interest for the development of the doctoral student.
  • It must be checked by the supervisor and the director and it has to be assessed by the Committee. 

Research plan

  • It will be developed by the doctoral students when finishing the first year.
  • It will include goals, methodology, means and planning of the thesis.
  • It must be supported by the supervisor and the director.
  • The Committee  will assess annually the Research Plan and the Activities Document.

Documentary commitment

  • This is to have a procedure for conflict and intellectual property rights solving.
  • It has to be signed by: the UV, doctoral students, their supervisors and directors.