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As general entry requirement they should be contemplated in some of the presumptions of the article 6 of the RD 99/2011 or of the second additional provision of such Royal Decree.

As specific requirement:

  1. Ideal entry profile.
    University training in History of Art through official postgraduate studies (official Master’s degree according to the RD 1393/2007, Diploma de Estudios Avanzados [a tertiary education degree] - DEA according to the provisions of the RD 778/98, or Research Proficiency according to what is regulated in the RD 185/85); secondly, ability for understanding and reasoning in Spanish, that for the candidates from non-Spanish-speaking places has to be accredited and equivalent or higher than a B2.
  2. Other entry profiles that, in their case, may require to take bridging courses.
    University graduates with university training in History of Art through undergraduate degree studies or licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree), and official postgraduate studies (official Master’s degree according to the RD 1393/2007, Diploma de Estudios Avanzados [a tertiary education degree] - DEA according to the provisions of the RD 778/98, or Research Proficiency according to what is regulated in the RD 185/85) related to History of Art, such as Fine Arts, Architecture, Aesthetics...
    University graduates with professional experience in the field of History of Art of at least three years and with university training through official postgraduate studies (official Master’s degree according to the RD 1393/2007, Diploma de Estudios Avanzados [a tertiary education degree] - DEA according to the provisions of the RD 778/98, or Research Proficiency according to what is regulated in the RD 185/85).
    The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme (CAPD) will assess whether the training or professional experience accredited have provided them the mastery of the research methodology that authorises them to undertake research tasks in the field of the artistic activity, qualifying them to conceive and develop an original research, focused on the elaboration and defense of a doctoral thesis about this field.
    Otherwise, the CAPD will establish the appropriate bridging courses through the Master’s Degree in History of Art and Visual Culture (UV-UJI), fundamentally through the module of “Research Training”.