The Electoral Commission of the University of Valencia exercises functions of electoral administration in the procedures for the election of principal and that of representatives in the Senate. It elaborates the draft regulation of elections to the Senate and the census of each polling station, determinates the number of members that have to be chosen and solves the complaints and resources that are interposed in the electoral procedure.
The functions of the Electoral Commission
- To elaborate the electoral regulations corresponding to the elections at the Senate and Principal.
- To elaborate the census of each polling station.
- To determine the number of members that must be chosen by each station, specifying, if the opportunity arises, the number and the condition of the representatives to be chosen.
- The provisional and final proclamation of the candidates to Principal.
- To distribute to the members of the Senate the programmes and, if the opportunity arises, the names of the members of their respective teams, presented by the candidates to Principal.
- To allocate the businesses and distribute the temporary spaces for the development of the electoral campaign.
- To call elections in order to clear the vacancies of members of the Senate.
- To supervise and solve the ordinary resources imposed in the relative issues to all the electoral processes of the University of Valencia.