The Degrees in Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering of the Universitat de València have obtained the certificate Euro-Inf, which proves the quality of these degrees taught in the Higher Technical School of Engineering.
As part of the procedures to continuously improve and achieve excellence in the UV teaching activities, the degrees in Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering have obtained the seal Euro-Inf until 2025. Then, the quality of the teaching activities will be re-assessed and the seal renewed. These procedures have been implemented by the Office of the Vice-principal for Strategy, Quality and Information Technologies.
This certificate is awarded by the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education (EQANIE). In Spain, it is assessed by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), the General Council of Computer Engineering Schools (CCII) and the General Council of Official Schools of Technical Computer Engineering (CONCITI). The certificate implies that the teaching activity has been assessed in agreement with the defined principles of quality, relevance, transparency, recognition and mobility as set out in the European Higher Education Area.
Thanks to this seal, the UV degrees in Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering gain international recognition, which makes academic and professional mobility easier. Additionally, the seal guarantees that the Universitat the València fulfils the highest European and international standards in the field of computer science.
The UV has obtained this recognition as a result of the combined efforts of the Higher Technical School of Engineering; the Office of the Vice-principal for Studies and Linguistic Policy; and the Quality Unit in order to achieve the highest standards of quality of teaching.
The management of ETSE-UV is very satisfied after the prestige that these seals give to our studies and the curricula of our students.