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The ETSE-UV holds the Ada Lovelace Day

  • October 8th, 2018
The ETSE-UV holds the Ada Lovelace Day

The ETSE-UV joins the Ada Lovelace Day international celebration with activities in order to make women visible in STEM areas.

Ada Lovelace Day (ADL) is an international event celebrated annually whose objective is to highlight women’s achievements in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Ada Lovelace was born in 1815 and she is considering the first computer programmer. She was a mathematician known for his work on the machine mechanical calculator, publishing which is now recognized as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine in 1843.

From 2009 the research centres and universities that dedicate a day on the second Tuesday of October to this celebration are numerous. The Ada Lovelace Day activities are registered on the official website, where you can follow up, and participate in the initiative to make women STEM visible:


In 2017, the ETSE-UV and IEEE WIE Student Branch Affinity Group – University of Valenciae València propose to participate in this international event by carrying out the following activities:

1. Video. During the week prior to the celebration, we will take pictures in the classrooms of the classmates, giving emphasis to the female students. The objective is to make clear the celebration of Ada Lovelace Day and to call for reflection on the presence of women in engineering. We will prepare a video with these images, adding also pictures of the female staff of the School.

2. Photographic panel. We will create an exhibition of students and personal photographs from ETSE-UV.These photos will be taken during the morning of 10th October in the entrance area to the ETSE-UV.


In 2018, the School of Engineering of the University of Valencia has been awarded with the prize “equit@T” by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). This is a recognition to the efforts in promoting gender equity in ICT.