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The Etse-Uv Success In The Liberalisation Of Telecommunications Of The Cogitt Awards

  • January 8th, 2018
The Etse-Uv Success In The Liberalisation Of Telecommunications Of The Cogitt Awards

Miguel Ángel Gambín Bustamante of the Computing and Telecommunication Engineering Degree and Fernando Carrió Argos in the Doctor 2017 category, have obtained the first national awards of the ‘Liberalisation of Telecommunications’.

This prize is awarded by the Official College of Graduates and Technical Engineers of Telecommunications to the best Final Project Degrees in the four specialities that are offered by the Telecommunication’s Degrees in Spain. This year has added a new category to the Best Student’s Dissertation that have been studying this degree or any Technical Engineering previously.

The work presented by Miguel Ángel Gambín is called ‘Construction of a 10 Kva three-phase inverter for traction / electrical generation by Mitsubishi IPM module’ and was directed by the professors José Miguel Espí Huerta and Jaime Castelló Moreno. The Dissertation by Fernando Carrió Argós, was directed by Juan Alberto Valero Biot and is called ‘Development of Readout Electronics for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter at the HL-LHC’ that was developed by the  European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland as a part of the project ‘Phase II Upgrade’ of the experiment ATLAS to the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider’.

From the ETSE-UV, we have the pleasure to congratulate to those who are been awarded and to the College of Graduates and Technical Engineers of Telecommunications’.

The ETSE-UV offered the Telematics Engineering and Electronic Engineering of Telecommunications Degrees as well as the graduates of Official Master in Telecommunications Engineering and others degrees and master of the ICT sector count on high percentage of labour insertion and have an excellent professional recognition and occupy leading positions in national calls as in the mentioned awards.

Link to the page COGITT

