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The IFIC, in collaboration with the ETSE-UV, hosts CERN's Data AcQuisition School for the first time in Spain

  • January 14th, 2020
The IFIC, in collaboration with the ETSE-UV, hosts CERN's Data AcQuisition School for the first time in Spain

The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC) is organizing, along with ETSE-UV, CERN's ISOTDAQ 2020 International School of Trigger and Data AcQuisition, an event that is reaching its eleventh edition and is being held for the very first time in Spain. From Monday 13th January until 22nd January, experts from the European Particle Physics Laboratory explain the developments in techniques to collect the huge amount of data expected at the High-Luminosity LHC.

From 13th to 22nd January, CERN experts will give theoretical and practical lectures in the classrooms and laboratories of the Engineering Technical School (ETSE) of the Universitat de València to 56 selected students. Changes for data acquisition systems of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments in preparation for the expected data flood at the High Luminosity LHC in 2027, which is expected to increase tenfold the data obtained at the world's largest particle accelerator.

The director of the ETSE-UV, Professor Paula Marzal, welcomed the participants in the presentation ceremony.

The School’s deputy director, Professor José Torres, takes part of the local organisation committee.

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