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The complementary training to be acquired by students to enter the doctoral studies depends on the previous training, just as it is specified below:

a) Students holding an official master’s degree in areas of Engineering and Architecture with specializations: they shall take up to 12 ECTS, based on the studies completed, among the subjects offered in modules of the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering of the UVEG.
b) Students holding an official master’s degree in areas of Science, with specialization in Physics or Mathematics that ensure the following of the programme and allow the acquisition of the expected knowledge and competencies, shall take up to 30 ECTS among the subjects offered in modules of the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering of the UVEG.
c) Students holding an official master’s degree in areas of Engineering and Architecture with specializations: they shall take up to 24 ECTS, based on the studies completed, among the subjects offered in modules of the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering of the UVEG.
d) Students holding an official undergraduate degree or equivalent and a master’s degree or other qualification obtained according to foreign educational systems which allow to enter the doctoral studies, of specialisations different from the doctoral programme, if these degrees are attached to areas of Science, with specialisation in Physics or Mathematics or in areas of Engineering and Architecture with specializations that ensure the following of the programme and allow the acquisition of the expected knowledge and competencies, shall take up to 30 ECTS among the
subjects offered in modules of the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering of the UVEG.
e)For those students who enter the doctoral programme with an Undergraduate Degree whose duration is at least of 300 credits, unless the curriculum of the corresponding Undergraduate Degree include research training credits, equivalent to the research credits of the Master’s studies, the complementary training, up to 30 ECTS will be compulsory and will be chosen among the subjects offered in the modules of the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering of the UVEG.

The assessment of these activities will be given by the grades obtained by following the same rating systems as the rest of the students who take the proposed subjects. Therefore, only if the subjects are passed by following these criteria it will be deemed these training requirements are completed.

The complementary training will be set in each case by the Academic Committee and its length may not exceed one academic year.

The file cards of the modules of the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering constituting the possible set of Specific Complementary Training are included below:


Name of the module: Digital signal processing
Number of credits ECTS: 15
Time unit: Semester-long (1st term)
Type: Basic training
No. 1: Knowing the advance data analysis techniques.
No. 2: Ability to analyse, specify and design digital signal processing treatment
from its conception to the its implementation in real time hardware systems.
No. 3: Learning the techniques and tools of digital design. Analysis and simulation techniques.
No. 4: Learning the advanced techniques of digital signal processing and their carrying out in real time.


The content of the subject Digital signal processing include from the description of data processing to its implementation in real time hardware systems. It is proposed an initial description of general content with a subsequent impact on practical problems/cases to allow to know and master
the most usual systems and techniques used in the industry. The content of this subject related to exploratory data analysis arise with a general approach that goes beyond the field of electronics, covering advanced concepts of probability, statistics, visualization techniques, feature extraction and selection
, grouping, clustering and introduction to classification systems modelling, regression and prediction. Advanced techniques of digital signal processing are described, including spectral estimation, prediction, time-frequency techniques, design and analysis of linear and non-linear filters, linear adaptive filters
and an introduction to non-linear. The areas of image and biomedical signal processing are specially emphasized. Finally, the physical implementation of such systems arises, with a special emphasis on its real-time performance. Specific digital systems design techniques, including microelectronic design
, the high-level hardware synthesis and hardware-software co-design techniques will be described. Major DSP architectures will be described in a study of commercial development tools. Real systems and applications with a special emphasis on the fields of audio, control and biomedical signals will be pursued.


Name of the module: Digital and communication systems
Number of credits ECTS: 14
Time unit: Semester-long (2nd term)
Type: Basic training


No. 1 Knowing the advanced techniques on digital signal and electronic design modulation
of the electronic systems of communications
No. 2 Knowing the advanced techniques on data and signal propagation by hardware
and the design of microwave circuits using transmission lines
No. 3 Knowing the techniques and tools of digital design systems integrated in both commercial components and custom-built devices.
No. 4 Capacity to deal with research and development in Electronic Engineering in the field of digital systems and communications.


The contents to be developed within the module allow students to get the skills necessary to be able to design digital and communications systems and by mastering the design techniques and required tools. These competencies enable students to cope better with the design problems that may arise in a professional environment as well as for carrying out research works in the R & D departments of the companies. On the other hand, these contents make up the basic training for those students if they so wish, to continue their studies with the completion of a research work within the doctoral programme. Contents: Advanced Techniques of Digital Modulation. Propagation of signals in guided media and design of circuits based on transmission lines. Design of digital integrated systems and radiofrequency subsystems through discrete and semi-custom components. Design for integrity of the signal
in high-speed systems. Development of practical applications in data, audio and video communications.


Name of the module: Digital signal processing
Number of credits ECTS: 15
Time unit: Semester-long (1st term)
Type: Basic training


No. 1: Identifying, formulating and solving problems of industrial electronic systems.
No. 2: Carrying out and conducting projects in the field of industrial electronics.
No. 3: Joining a working group dedicated to research and development of industrial products.
No. 4: Ability to identify, analyse and design the various electronic subsystems of a measuring system based on smart sensors.


The main aim is to train electronics engineers specialised in industrial product design, able to meet the challenges of the industry of the future.
Therefore, a training that enables both to identify and solve industrial problems, as well as to propose new solutions to industrial processes is carried out. In order to reach these goals, students are trained in basic aspects, as team work contents. Contents: The contents of the module of Industrial Electronics
range from the most basic devices used in industrial electronics, to more complex electronic systems used in the industry, through the elements and subsystems, as well as the instrumentation and electronic equipment used. This module contains, in the lowest level of integration, the electronic devices
and systems based on smart sensors, on the next level of integration, the electronic systems for power conversion and systems and instrumentation systems used in the industry are taught. As an overview of industrial systems, electromagnetic compatibility and control of industrial systems are shown.