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Basic competencies:

  1. Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the skills and methods of research associated with that field.
  2. Ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.
  3. Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
  4. Ability to carry out a critical and assessment analysis and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
  5. Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and society in general about their areas of knowledge in the ways and languages commonly used in the international scientific community.
  6. The ability to promote in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advances in a knowledge-based society.
  7. Ability to promote Open Science and Citizen Science, in accordance with Article 12 of Organic Law 2/2023 of 22 March, as a way of contributing to the consideration of scientific knowledge as a common good, through the evaluation of scientific knowledge as a common good. 22 March, as a way of contributing to the consideration of scientific knowledge as a common good, by means of the evaluation of transversal activities carried out by the
    of transversal activities carried out by the doctoral student related to different dimensions of Open Science and Citizen Science.
    Open Science and Citizen Science, as well as the training acquired in each discipline in the form of micro-credentials or similar.
    (From the application of R.D. 576/2023, of 4 July).


Personal abilities and skills:

  1. Knowing how to handle certain tasks in contexts where there is little specific information.
  2. Finding the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem.
  3. Designing, creating, developing and launching new and innovative projects in their field of knowledge.
  4. Working both in team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary context.
  5. Integrating knowledge, handling complexity, and making judgments with limited information.
  6. The criticism and intellectual defence of solutions.