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  • 18552: Develop environmental solutions under the principles of circular economy and the sustainable development goals.
  • 18160: Carry out tasks in the field of environmental engineering that synthesise and integrate the knowledge and skills gained in the master's degree course.
  • 18159: Prepare and draft technical reports and/or environmental engineering projects considering technical, economic, social, energy and/or environmental aspects.
  • 18158: Apply data mining techniques to extract the relevant information contained in huge databases (Big Data) to facilitate its analysis and visual interpretation.
  • 18157: Apply tools for environmental assessment and management including environmental impact assessment and environmental risk assessment.
  • 18156: Interpret and apply national and international environmental legislation and adapt environmental solutions to these regulations.
  • 18155: Manage and operate treatment and/or purification systems in the field of environmental engineering
  • 18154: Design, calculate and select engineering solutions to environmental problems, comparing alternatives that include emerging technologies under criteria of technical, social, economic and environmental viability.
  • 11506: Develop and apply mathematical models for the simulation, optimisation or control of processes in the field of environmental engineering.
  • 11505: Implement measures for preventing pollution and recovering, protecting and improving environmental quality.
  • 11504: Characterise emissions to land.
  • 11503: Characterise emissions to water.
  • 11502: Characterise emissions to air.
  • 11501: Carry out a comprehensive assessment of environmental soil quality.
  • 11500: Carry out a comprehensive assessment of environmental water quality.
  • 11499: Carry out a comprehensive assessment of environmental air quality.
  • 11498: Learn and apply new knowledge, using appropriate learning strategies.
  • 7285: Conduct appropriate experimentation, analyse and interpret data and use environmental engineering knowledge to draw conclusions.
  • 7284: Work in a team effectively and with leadership, in a collaborative and inclusive environment, setting goals, planning tasks and meeting objectives.
  • 11497: Recognise the ethical and professional responsibilities of environmental engineering and make informed judgements considering the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and social contexts.
  • 10423: Apply environmental engineering designs to produce solutions that meet specific needs addressing public health, safety and welfare taking account of global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.
  • 10422: Identify, formulate and solve complex environmental engineering problems by applying engineering, scientific and mathematical principles.
  • 9762: Students should demonstrate self-directed learning skills for continued academic growth.
  • 9759: Students should apply acquired knowledge to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts within their field of study, including multidisciplinary scenarios.
  • 9760: Students should be able to integrate knowledge and address the complexity of making informed judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgments.