Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of PhysicsExperimenta Fire Logo del portal

How to participate

Go with your students at Aula Experimenta

Participation requirements

1.- Having carried out the practices of the Aula in some of the training courses developed in the last years: “Preparation for the Aula Experimenta and the Physics Suitcases” or having been enabled before 2007.

2.- It is also essential to attend each year to the Initial Meeting for information and preparation, in which the coordination of the sessions and the concretion of the calendar are organised.

3.- To carry out the application for this academic year, please, fill-in this APPLICATION FORM 

The Physics Aula Experimenta is also a free disposal lab that can be booked by the teachers that have already been trained in it to attend with their students without the presence of the Faculty professors. If you wish to choose this modality, indicate it clearly in the message.